Xiao Bai was thinking about how to find Gensokyo, but he never expected that Shinomiya Kaguya would actually take the initiative to find him, and the other party would still go to Gensokyo with him!

"Wait, let me go over it first. Kaguya, you said you found a contract. As long as you go to Gensokyo and find the person you want to contract with, you can make a contract with the other party. And there is also a map to Gensokyo?"

Xiao Bai felt that everything seemed too coincidental, and the coincidence made Xiao Bai wonder if there was a mastermind behind all this!

After hearing Xiao Bai's words, Shinomiya Kaguya naturally guessed what Xiao Bai was thinking. What, but Shinomiya Kaguya understands that this is the reward given by the diary, which means that the diary is guiding Xiao Bai to go to Gensokyo!

Although Shinomiya Kaguya does not know the purpose of the diary, the diary will harm Xiao Bai. Bai -?

The answer is no. If the diary is going to harm Xiao Bai, then there is no need to give Xiao Bai so many benefits. So after discussing with the people in the chat group, Shinomiya Kaguya went to Xiao Bai, and then talked to Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai will go to Gensokyo together!

Xiao Bai will naturally not doubt Shinomiya Kaguya, but this is too much of a coincidence, but will Xiao Bai refuse?

No, Xiao Bai still decides to go, go to Gensokyo, and then find the girl Xiao Bai couldn't help but watch Mai Sakurajima die when Yakumo Purple took her away. Not to mention that Mai Sakurajima was lost in his hands, let's just say that Xiao Bai felt guilty for Mai Sakurajima. , Xiao Bai will never see anything happen to Mai Sakurajima.

Xiao Bai misunderstood Mai Sakurajima earlier, so Xiao Bai today naturally does not want to see Mai Sakurajima get into trouble, so Xiao Bai decided to rescue Sakurajima Mai

"Kaguya, how about I go to Gensokyo first and take you to Gensokyo if there is no danger?"

"Without me, you can't find Gensokyo!"

Shinomiya Kaguya expressed great indignation at Xiao Bai's intention to leave her alone to go to Gensokyo!

Seeing Xiao Bai's appearance, Shinomiya Kaguya said to Xiao Bai:"The map only belongs to me. In my mind, if you don’t take me with you, then I won’t tell you the map!"

"Okay, I'll take you with me. We still don't know whether the spirits in Gensokyo are good or bad, so just in case Kaguya, follow me closely and don't act without permission. It's okay. Bar!"

"Don't worry, I'm not a fool, so I won't do anything dangerous. You can rest assured on this!"

"Then it’s a deal!"

【Just when I wanted to find Gensokyo, Kaguya came to my door with a map of Gensokyo. If I didn't absolutely believe that Kaguya would not harm me, I would have suspected that there was someone behind the scenes.】

【But Gensokyo, although it seems very beautiful, is actually quite poor for human beings. The humans in Gensokyo that I know are at the bottom of society. The humans in Gensokyo are just for the sake of Gensokyo. Monsters exist to provide fear, and there are too many powerful monsters in Gensokyo.】

【The monster sage Yakumo Murasaki, the flower field tyrant Kazami Yuka, the moon sage Haichi Eirin from Eutei, the moon princess Horaizan Kaguya, the four ghost kings with the strange power of Oeyama, Yasaka Kanako and Xue from Moriya Shrine. Yasuwako, Remilia from the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and Flandre!】

【Those beautiful girls who are watching Gensokyo through the screen can just call their wives to read books, but if they really face them, even if they don’t die without burial, like Yakumo Purple, Kazami Yuka, Eight Yi Yonglin, Yasaka Kanako is definitely a god-level spirit, maybe even above the gods? 】

After seeing the diary recorded by Xiao Bai, Shinomiya Kaguya finally understood what was going on, and also understood why Xiao Bai did not want to step into Gensokyo. Gensokyo was actually such a terrible and terrifying place!

However, Shinomiya Kaguya decided to go to Gensokyo with Xiaobai!

Xiaobai and Shinomiya Kaguya spent several hours arriving in the easternmost mountains of Shikoku. Here, Xiaobai and Shinomiya Kaguya followed the map and found the Hakurei Shrine!

But the problem is that after finding Hakurei Shrine, Xiao Bai and Shinomiya Kaguya did not find a way to enter Gensokyo!

0 flowers requested

"Kaguya, doesn't the map say how to enter Gensokyo?"

Shinomiya Kaguya shook his head

"The map only shows this point and no other information. Could it be that we have found the wrong place?"

"No, I'm afraid we didn't find the wrong place, it's just that we didn't find a way to enter. I'll think of a way to ask the spirit that lives in me to take a look!"

Xiao Bai began to communicate with the spirit in his body, and then Xiao Bai got an answer. Unless Xiao Bai can find Yog-Sothoth or the incarnation of Yog-Sothoth, Avgomon, otherwise they will There was no way.

But then Shabu told Xiao Bai that she could summon Yog-Sothoth, but with Xiao Bai's current ability, it would be difficult for him to pass the test of Yog-Sothoth and gain the approval of Yog

-Sothoth! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, Shabu said that if Xiao Bai is willing to pay a certain price, Shabu can borrow the power of Yog-Sothoth. After all, as a spouse, Shabu can use it Spouse strength is not the issue

"At what cost?"

Xiao Bai immediately asked, but the result was that Xiao Bai could not help but twitch the corner of his mouth,"Man-Han Banquet?

Good guys, have these guys been thinking about Man-Han Banquet for a long time?

But can Xiao Bai refuse? Of course not. He agreed decisively.

Then a black spot suddenly appeared in the space in front of Xiao Bai. The black spot expanded rapidly, and then the black spot formed a door.

"Get in!

Xiao Bai immediately took Sigong Hui with himWhen I entered, my vision went dark, and then Xiao Bai and Shinomiya Kaguya appeared in another Hakurei Shrine. Why was it said to be another one? It was because there were people in each Rei shrine!

"Who are you and why do you suddenly appear here!"

Looking at the sudden appearance of Xiao Bai and Shinomiya Kaguya, the girl wearing a red and white armpit-baring miko uniform asked Xiao Bai and Shinomiya Kaguya

"It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is that your name is Reimu Hakurei, right?

Hakurei Reimu asked in surprise:"How do you know Xi?"".

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