When Sakurajima woke up and saw Xiao Bai, she was startled. Then she subconsciously pulled up the quilt in front of her, looking at Xiao Bai with vigilance in her eyes.

【Good intentions are not rewarded. This woman, Mai Sakurajima, really repays kindness with hatred. Can there be more trust between people? If I wanted to do something to you, you would have been eaten up by me when you were unconscious.】

【Fortunately, I went to Gensokyo to rescue you. Tsk, forget it, just regard it as an apology for misunderstanding you before, and write it off from now on! ]

Sakurajima Mai was stunned for a moment, then looked at Xiao Bai's diary in confusion, and then looked through the previous diary. Only then did Sakurajima Mai realize that she had been kidnapped by the realm demon, and then Xiao Bai took her After being rescued, he even planned to become an enemy of the entire fantasy system because of"One Four Three".

Sakurajima Mai finally understood why Xiao Bai said that she was repaying a favor with a grudge. Xiao Bai had almost tried his best before, but she was still on guard against Xiao Bai.

"Sorry, that's a bit extreme. Xiao

Bai waved his hand:"It's okay, it's not a big deal. Just be happy. By the way, your problem is solved, and you can leave now!""

Mai Sakurajima was stunned for a moment, then stood up and looked at Xiao Bai:"Really? Xiao

Bai rolled his eyes:"What's the point of lying to you? Okay, if you say your problem is solved, it's solved. Then that's it, I'll leave first.""

Mai Sakurajima looked at Xiao Bai, thinking of Xiao Bai saying that she would repay kindness with revenge, she pursed her lips, and then by accident, she reached out and took Xiao Bai's hand, then pulled Xiao Bai to stagger and hugged Xiao Bai's face. They kissed each other, mouth to mouth, and Xiao Bai was stunned for a moment. This Sakurajima Mai actually didn't follow martial ethics and came to cheat and sneak attack on me, a teenage boy.

Can this be tolerated?

Xiao Bai's immediate reaction He directly hugged Mai Sakurajima and began to nibble on her. However, when Xiao Bai subconsciously touched her hand towards Mai Sakurajima's conscience, she was pushed away by Mai Sakurajima.

"I just want to thank you for your help. I am not allowed to tell anyone about what happened today, let alone think about it. Do you understand? Xiao

Bai looked at Sakurajima Mai:"I understand, if there is nothing else, it will be like this.""

Mai Sakurajima looked at Xiao Bai in astonishment. This guy actually didn't react at all. His fists were hard. A beautiful girl like herself took the initiative to kiss you, but you didn't react at all. Watching

Xiao Bai leave, Sakura Shima Mai couldn't help but stomped her feet angrily:"Asshole!"

Xiao Bai, who walked out of the room, had no time to care about what Sakurajima Mai thought. Now Xiao Bai wanted to quickly study the upgrade fragment of his character card!

【Use character cards to upgrade fragments! 】

With a call from Xiao Bai's heart, the character card upgrade fragments at the next moment turned into a beam of light and fell into Xiao Bai's mind. Countless memories about cooking appeared in Xiao Bai's memory. At the same time, Xiao Bai could also feel that his body seemed to have become more harmonious. At the same time, Xiao Bai also found that he seemed to have crossed the threshold of a special chef.

【Is it that simple to be a super chef? Just one character card upgrade fragment can directly upgrade the character card to become a special chef. Hey, the character card has been completely integrated into my body. There is no limit on using it once a day, and it can be used unlimitedly?】

【Does this mean that I am now a special chef? Hiss, it’s so terrifying, I, Xiao Bai, am indeed the son of destiny! 】


Looking at the diary that Xiao Bai sent, a huge question mark appeared above the heads of a group of people.

Is this a special chef?

Even if you have a heart for cooking, it can only be said that you have obtained the qualification of a special chef. There is still a long way to go to become a special chef. As a result, Xiao Bai actually reached the sky in one step.

【But something feels wrong. Why does this character card of Liu Pleiades seem to me likeThe misunderstanding must be because I used Liu Pleiades' character card. Liu Pleiades' own cooking heart is exactly the same as mine. This must be a coincidence. I can't be the reincarnation of Liu Pleiades. How could I, a time traveler, have a previous life!】

【But I don’t think about it anymore. With the strength of a special chef, it won’t be a big problem to cope with the Dragon God’s assessment in half a month. But speaking of that what Yue-chan said, when will the examination for the God of Cooking candidates start? I still want to do it as soon as possible. I'm getting a fragment 0.】

【One shard will make me a super chef, but another shard will make me go to heaven?】

【By the way, there are also legendary kitchen utensils. I don’t know how the investigation of the whereabouts of the Liberation Society is going. The Guangfu Society has opinions on the legendary kitchen utensils. If you get this legendary kitchen utensil,】

At Narukami Taisha Shrine, Yae Kamiko looked at Yakumo Purple with a smile, and Yakumo Purple was also holding a diary and looking at it.

Yakumo Purple's face looked a little unpleasant. She actually didn't recognize him, which Yakumo Purple couldn't accept. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Oops, the bond between you and him is not as deep as I thought, Yakumo Murasaki-sama!"

Yakumo Purple's eyes brought a trace of anger:"Yae Shenzi, do you really want to make you so happy just by making me angry?"

Looking at Yakumo Murasaki's appearance, Yae Kamiko said with a smile:"I'm just a pitiful and weak little fox. If the big deal comes, I'll cry to him. Do you think he believes in me more now? Well, I still believe you more. Will he do something to you for me?"

The folding fan held in Yakumo Purple's hand was directly crushed to pieces. Then Yakumo Purple looked at Yae Shenzi with gloomy eyes.

"Let's stop this 0.5 incident, Yae Shenzi. If it continues, I may not be able to control my anger."

Seeing Yakumo Purple's appearance, Yae Shenzi naturally did not dare to continue to anger Yakumo Purple.

"So, what are you going to do? With Xiao Bai's current strength, he may not be able to pass the test of the Dragon God, but if you attack Sakurajima Mai, Xiao Bai will not watch helplessly. For you, it seems to be a dead end!"

Yae Shenzi's gloating look made Yakumo Purple's expression sink slightly!

But then Yakumo Purple looked at Yae Shenzi:"Then let's make a bet. I bet that Xiao Bai can pass the test of the Dragon God. You bet Xiao Bai can't pass!"

"I'm not stupid, Yakumo Murasaki-sama!".

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