Early in the morning, Xiao Bai received a call, saying that he was invited to Yuanyue Resort to participate in the accommodation assessment. Xiao Bai hung up in a daze, and then within half an hour, Xiao Bai received the call again..

But this time the caller was Erina Nakiri.

"You promised to come to Yuanyue Resort to be a tutor before, but you still keep your word!"

"Well, there is indeed such a thing. I will go if I promise. The phone call just now was from Yuanyue. It was early in the morning. Isn't this disturbing people's dreams?"

Nakiri Erina almost crushed the phone in her hand while holding the phone. Early in the morning?

Looking at the sun shining in the sky outside, Nakiri Erina guessed that Xiao Bai was definitely with the two maids yesterday. Damn it, those two shameless twin maids!

Nakiri Erina, who almost crushed her silver teeth, hung up the phone angrily. Then Xiao Bai called Shinomiya Kaguya at 01 to ask for leave. Gong Huiye agreed readily.

Xiao Bai looked at the two maids, and after receiving the answer that they were not going, Xiao Bai went to Yuanyue Resort alone, but on the way there, Xiao Bai was unexpectedly I met Mujiuzhienguo.

It turned out that this time Mujiuzhienguo was also invited to participate in the accommodation training assessment at Yuanyue Resort. Xiao Bai thought that Mujiuzhienguo, who had already understood the heart of cooking, participated in a However, there was nothing wrong with the accommodation training assessment, not to mention that Mokuchi Sonoko was one of the top ten graduates of the previous class, so she had a proper celebrity effect!

Xiao Bai and Kikichi Sonoko came to Totsuki Resort , and then met the other mentors under the leadership of Dojima Gin

"Dojima-senpai, are these two also the instructors for this residential training assessment?"

A woman with a distant face asked Dojima Gin

"Yes, these two are also the tutors for this residential training assessment. One is Mujiuzhi Yuanguo, the graduate who graduated with the second place among the top ten in the previous session. As for Xiao Bai, despite his young age, he is Those of you who have mastered the secret of cooking, don’t underestimate each other!"

The secret of the kitchen!

After hearing what Dojima Gin said, the chefs who were invited looked at Xiao Bai in disbelief. Xiao Bai, who was almost a round younger, had actually mastered the secret of the kitchen?

Suddenly A group of people felt that they had the idea of ​​living like a dog for a long time.

Xiao Bai had a harmless smile on his face:"Mr. Dojima is polite, it's just accidental. Compared with Erina and Alice, I But it's much worse. After all, I am a non-professional chef. Erina and Alice have mastered the cooking skills. It is estimated that they will be able to become special chefs in a short time."

Xiao Bai decisively transferred his hatred. These people were all jealous in their hearts. Xiao Bai didn't want to encounter any bloody things, so he immediately dumped the blame on Nakiri Erina and Nakiri Eri. Silk.

With the endorsement of the Nakiri family, these people obviously don't have the courage to offend Erina or Alice, but Xiao Bai can just be a salted fish behind his back.

Dojima Gin coughed dryly, Then he said:"This time I brought everyone here in a hurry because there are some reasons I want to tell you, that is, there is one thing that will trouble you this time. A reviewer came from the WGO, so this time I hope you can help me!"

Dojima Gin's words aroused everyone's curiosity.

"Mr. Dojima, with your strength, it should be no problem to deal with WGO. Why do you need us?"

Dojima Gin smiled bitterly and said:"I have a reason for taking action that is inappropriate, so I can only ask everyone for help!"

The others did not think much about it. After hearing Dojima Gin's words, they said there was no problem, but Xiao Bai But he felt that this incident was probably directed at him.

There was no such thing as WGO in the original plot, and Dojima Gin was still looking at Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai ignored it, and whether he would take action or not depended on Xiao Bai's mood. The others naturally didn't mind selling face to Dojima Gin, and expressed that there was no problem.

Dojima Gin's mouth twitched slightly when he saw Xiao Bai's appearance. This guy didn't look like a young man at all. Where is the young man's tendency to show off and show off?

There is absolutely no trace of the youthful spirit that young people should have in Xiao Bai.

However, Dojima Gin thought of something and smiled. It would be okay if Xiao Bai refused. After all, this time the WGO came not only a reviewer, but also Erina's mother. According to Xiao Bai and Erina Regarding the relationship between the two, Dojima Gin didn't believe that Xiao Bai could really not take action!

And even if Xiao Bai could bear it, wouldn't Nakiri Erina still go to Xiao Bai?

Dojima Gin did not mention this matter, but distributed the prepared curriculum. Xiao Bai took one look at it and his face darkened. Xiao Bai looked at Dojima Gin with a look that was more or less like this. It was a trick on my own mind, because the first class was actually 730 taken by Alice Nakiri and Erina Nakiri together.

When the time came, these two people couldn't wait to ask Xiao Bai who was the first?

"The accommodation training will officially start tomorrow. Please enjoy the services of Totsuki Resort today. All consumption during this period will be borne by Totsuki Resort."

Xiao Bai left the conference room, followed by a little tail. Looking at Mu Jiuzhi Yuan Guo, Xiao Bai asked:"Yuan Guo, is there something wrong?

Mujiuzhi Yuanguo said to Xiao Bai:"My cooking skills should have improved a bit, so I want you to help me taste it.""

Mujiu Zhiyuanguo's voice is soft and waxy, and it matches Mujiu Zhiyuanguo's figure. Tsk tsk, who can withstand it!

"Of course there is no problem"

"I'll borrow the kitchen, please wait a moment!"

"Don't be in a hurry, take your time!"

After Mujiuzhienguo left, Xiao Bai saw the face of Shinomiya Kojiro who owed him five hundred million.

"Your name is Xiao Bai, right?"

Shinomiya Kojiro looked at Xiao Bai and asked, and Xiao Bai nodded slightly, thinking secretly that this guy was here to cause trouble.

Shinomiya Kojiro showed hesitation on his face and finally turned into determination:"Can I ask for advice? How do you master cooking?".

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