After hearing Shinomiya Kojiro's words, Xiao Bai clearly showed a look of astonishment. When Shinomiya Kojiro saw Xiao Bai's look, he immediately said:"I have about 300 million floating funds on hand, plus the shares of my restaurant. The total amount is about one billion, and I am willing to hand it all to you!"

Xiao Bai shook his head:"Don't get me wrong, I was just a little surprised. After all, you came up with a cold face and I thought you were I was looking for trouble, so I was a little dazed!"

Shinomiya Kojiro's face was extremely embarrassed, and he apologized quickly:"I'm very sorry, please tell me how to master the kitchen."

Xiao Bai scratched his head and looked at Shinomiya Kojiro:"Give me your cooking, use all your strength, and don't hide the best!"

Shinomiya Kojiro immediately understood what Xiao Bai was going to do, and immediately followed Xiao Bai's words. , and Kukuchiengo walked up with the dishes not long after.

"Please enjoy!"

Mujiuzhiyuanguo took out a piece of beef roll and handed it to Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai took a bite. Xiao Bai, who was not surprised, took out the heart from Mujiuzhiyuanguo's cooking and looked at it. Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo, Xiao Bai smiled bitterly and said:"I regret it, really, I shouldn't have told you that!

A smile appeared on Mujiuzhi Yuanguo's face:"Don't worry, this is all of my own free will, and you understand that my cooking heart is not a negative type!""

Xiao Bai touched his nose and said nothing.

Not long after, Shinomiya Kojiro came in with the food and placed a portion of vegetable jelly in front of Xiao Bai.

"Please taste it!"

Xiao Bai picked up the knife and fork, cut off a small piece, put it in his mouth, and then said to Shinomiya Kojiro:"The technique is good, but the taste is not bad!"

Shinomiya Kojiro didn't have the slightest expression of joy, because what Xiao Bai said

"But if you want to master the heart of the cook, you must have strong enough emotions in your cooking. I tasted confusion and indifference from your cooking. You have completely lost your enthusiasm for cooking now.."

Shinomiya Kojiro's body trembled slightly, and then he bowed to Xiao Bai:"I beg you to tell me how I should understand my heart!"

Xiao Bai looked at Shinomiya Kojiro and asked:"Do you still remember that you learned cooking? What is the purpose of it? If you can answer me, then I can tell you the secret of the kitchen heart!"

"Nani, the secret of the chef!"

A sudden voice sounded, and then Xiao Bai looked towards the source of the sound. Then the corners of Xiao Bai's mouth twitched, and a group of people were actually eavesdropping.

Shinomiya Kojiro's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he looked at Shout out people!

"Fuck Hinatako!!!"

The look of gnashing teeth directly shocked Hinatako.

Xiao Bai put a hand on Shinomiya Kojiro's shoulder, and Shinomiya Kojiro turned his head and looked at Xiao Bai

"It is not a good thing for a cook to be irritable and irritable. You must learn to exercise restraint. I personally recommend that you learn more about the culture of the Ming Dynasty if you have time. The Taoist culture is very good. Drinking more tea will help If you want to cultivate your moral character and pursue a career in cooking, you must guard against arrogance and impetuosity."

When Gan Hinata heard Xiao Bai's words, she immediately complained:"You are obviously young, but why do you sound like an old man when you say this!"

Mizuhara Fuyumi on the side directly covered Miki Hinata's mouth:"I'm sorry, you can just pretend she doesn't exist! Xiao

Bai looked at these cooks and the corners of their mouths twitched. Then he looked at Shinomiya Kojiro and said,"Why did you first fall in love with cooking?""

"Because of"

Following Xiao Bai's words, Shinomiya Kojiro remembered the reason why he loves cooking. Xiao Bai smiled and then said:"Wait here for a while!"

Xiao Bai looked at Dojima Gin:"Let me borrow the kitchen!"

After that, he said directly After leaving, about ten minutes later, Xiao Bai directly took a bowl of egg fried rice and placed it in front of Shinomiya Kojiro.

"I'm too lazy to cook something that's too troublesome, so I just made egg fried rice, let's eat it!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Shinomiya Kojiro picked up the egg fried rice and took a bite. His whole body seemed to be petrified. A tear fell from the corner of his eye for a long time, and then he quickly shed a tear. The whole bowl of egg fried rice went into his mouth!

After placing the bowl on the table, Shinomiya Kojiro knelt directly in front of Xiao Bai

"Please accept me as your disciple!"

Xiao Bai:???

The eavesdropping cooks were waiting in disbelief. Could it be that the egg fried rice was drugged? Shinomiya Kojiro must have been drugged.

"`.Please accept me as your disciple, Master!"

Shinomiya Kojiro spoke again

"No, I can’t be a master, and I don’t have anything to teach you. Dojima Gin looked on and said,"Actually , you have taught me a lot. This bowl of egg fried rice is enough!""

Xiao Bai looked at Dojima Gin:"I suspect you asked Shinomiya to come to me, and the upcoming WGO reviewer, you deliberately tricked me?"

"Well, I have no way to take action. The chef's heart is still in the incubation stage, and Miss Erina and Miss Alice are not suitable, so I can only leave it to you!"

Dojima Gin told his situation. Even if he wanted to help, Dojima Gin couldn't do it even if he wanted to help. So Dojima Gin asked Shinomiya Kojiro to come to Xiao Bai.

But Dojima Gin didn't even think of Si Gin. Miyakojiro would actually become a disciple directly, and in front of so many people

"If you refuse (Nuo Zhao), Si Gong will be completely embarrassed, so you can just accept Si Gong as your disciple. You don’t need to teach him anything. The current Si Gong is already strong enough, and With your help today, I believe it won’t take long for you to understand the heart of a cook. You don’t need to be taught anything. Isn’t it good to give you a super chef apprentice for free?"

Xiao Bai looked at Dojima Gin with a look of disgust, and Kikuchichi Sonoko said beside Xiao Bai:"Senomiya-senpai, kneeling down in front of so many people is enough to show your sincerity, and you indeed have guidance for Shinomiya-senpai. Yes, so you might as well agree to it, Senior Shinomiya!"

Looking at Shinomiya Kojiro, Xiao Bai groaned:"Are you sure you want to worship me as your teacher? I declare in advance that I have nothing to teach you, and you will get nothing except the status of a master and disciple!"

"No, this bowl of egg fried rice is enough. Please accept me as your disciple, master!".

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