"You are making a dish. If you can satisfy me, I will accept you as my disciple!

Shinomiya Kojiro stood up:"Yes, master, I'll go right away!""

Shinomiya Kojiro left immediately, while Dojima Gin looked at Xiao Bai and said:"Shinomiya's talent is not inferior to mine, and he will definitely be able to cook something that satisfies you this time!"

"Mr. Dojima, to be honest, we are not very familiar with each other. Is it appropriate for you to leave this matter to me like this?"

Dojima Gin retorted:"Miss Erina and Miss Alice are no strangers to you. If this matter is handled well, it will also be good for Totsuki."

Xiao Bai is speechless. Dojima Gin's relationship is obviously a deadlock. The relationship between Xiao Bai, Nakiri Erina, and Nakiri Alice is their relationship. They have a woolly relationship with Totsuki. At this time, the previous one was The round-faced woman with a married woman's hairstyle, who was covering her mouth, said:"I didn't expect that Shinomiya-senpai, with his paralyzed face, would find a master who was younger than himself!"

Mizuhara Fuyumi's eyes looked at Miki Hinata as if she was asking, where did this retarded person come from? He is obviously stronger than Shinomiya Kojiro. You don't have to worry about memorizing more than a small book for you. ?

Xiao Bai smiled and didn't care about what happened this time. He glanced at Miki Hyugako in front of him and said in a playful tone:"You seem to be particularly concerned about Shinomiya Kojiro's affairs. Isn't that right?"

Hearing Xiao Bai's words, everyone immediately looked at each other, and then Mizuhara Fuyumi also said:"I see, Hinata, you like Shinomiya!" Gan Hinata looked confused, looked at Xiao Bai in front of her, and then He suddenly exclaimed:"That's not what it is like. It's just that the gloomy look on Senior Shinomiya's face is really worrying!"

Xiao Bai looked at Gan Hinata with an expression that said,"I believe it." The others also looked at him. Seeing Miki Hinata's aunt's smiling expression, but only Miki Hinata's expression of mourning, she really doesn't like Shinomiya Kojiro!

Mian Hinatako was about to cry. Looking at everyone, she knew that it would be difficult for her to explain clearly what she wanted to do later. She immediately looked at Xiao Bai with resentment in her eyes.

Xiao Bai simply ignored this. Who asked Gan Hyugako to find trouble? If he hadn't been looking for trouble, Xiao Bai would not have targeted Gan Hyugako.

Not long after, Shinomiya Kojiro came out with his own dishes. This time, Xiao Bai tasted some things from Shinomiya Kojiro's dishes, and was sure that Shinomiya Kojiro's cooking will not be negative. After cooking, Xiao Bai nodded, and then accepted Shinomiya Kojiro as his apprentice.

Afterwards, Shi Xiaobai asked Shinomiya Kojiro to serve tea casually and treat it as an initiation ceremony. He did not pursue those insignificant etiquette and the like, and kept it as simple as possible.

Then Xiao Bai asked Shinomiya Kojiro to do whatever he wanted, and then Xiao Bai also left directly.

【Unexpectedly, after a trip to Totsuki Resort, Shinomiya Kojiro actually accepted an apprentice. Shinomiya Kojiro’s cooking mentality is not a negative type, so it’s okay to accept him. But after all, as a master, you have to teach something. Well, I have it. Just write down a few recipes and throw them to him and let him figure it out on his own!】

【But this time when I came to Totsuki, I always felt that there was a trap. First it was Shinomiya Kojiro, and then there were some WGO reviewers, let alone my mother-in-law, Nakiri Managi.】

【Well, forget it, the soldiers will come to cover up the water and the earth. Although it may cause some trouble, it shouldn't be a problem. With my strength, it is not difficult to solve these things.】

【By the way, I almost forgot one thing. It seems that my father-in-law, whom I have never met, is also in America. Hey, by the way, will my father-in-law, whom I have never met, be cool?】

【Hiss, it's a sin (abah), but if you die, just die. Anyway, Erina doesn't have a good impression of my father-in-law, and Erina doesn't know about it. Well, if my father-in-law is really cool, I can only let it go. Unlucky for him! 】

Seeing this diary, everyone who saw the diary twitched their mouths, Nakiri Erina even had black lines on her forehead, Xiao Bai, this guy

Nakiri Alice looked at Nakiri Erina with some worry:"Erina, something will really happen to Uncle Ji."

Hearing this, Nakiri Erina fell into silence, and then said helplessly:" I don't know either!"

【If my cheap father-in-law is really in trouble, then it probably won’t happen that Totsuki Juji will follow my cheap father-in-law and remove the old man Nakiri Senzaemon from the position of principal. Tsk, Totsuki Ju Jie all has a bone in the back of his head. I don’t know who has a serious brain disease and actually came up with a rule for students to remove the principal. Tsk tsk! ]

Nakiri Erina: I feel insulted!

The others couldn't help but be curious. Can the students remove the principal?

In Neon, a society with strict respect and order, there is such a thing. It is simply a wonder in the world, isn't it?

【Si Eishi, Kobayashi Ritsou, Akanekubo Momo, Saito Soumei, Ning Ning, and Eizan Ezu also joined forces to overthrow Nakiri Senzaemon, but the old man may have known about it a long time ago, and what happened next time It solved the childhood shadow that my cheap father-in-law had given Erina. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Should I say that ginger is really spicy? The old man’s method, tsk tsk, my cheap father-in-law was sold and he still helped count the money】

【By the way, I almost forgot. I haven’t collected the rewards from yesterday and the day before yesterday yet. I’ll collect them first. 】

Three seconds later

【What kind of luck is this today, blocking the second company of elves? What do I want from this thing? I never use it! 】

Not only Xiao Bai was scolding, but also the other people who got the rewards. If Xiao Bai didn't have good things, they would not get good things. Even the people who were mentioned the most were unlucky!

【Forget it, forget it, now I am not invincible in the world, at least I am invincible within my eyes. I, Xiao Bai, have only relied on my own efforts to get to where I am today.write diary! 】

Everyone: Good guy, I have seen many shameless people. This is the first time I have seen someone as shameless as Xiao Bai.

【Hey, there's trouble. Sure enough, it's my cheap mother-in-law who's here, and it seems like she's here to find me. Tsk, I knew it! 】.

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