Xiao Bai looked at a group of people in the distance walking towards him. Xiao Bai, the pink-blond haired woman at the head, recognized who they were at a glance!

Nakiri Managi, my future mother-in-law, but now Nakiri Managi is walking towards Xiao Bai, and the look on her face gives people the feeling that I am very unhappy now!

Xiao Bai looked at Nakiri Managi's appearance and didn't know where to start complaining. Nakiri Managi's look directly made Xiao Bai feel that the other party was coming for him.

【Speaking of it, my future mother-in-law, Nakiri Managi, is really miserable. The God's Tongue is rampant. Unless it is prepared by the chef, there is no way to eat the rest of the food. But even with the wealth and power of the Nakiri family, He also doesn’t have the ability to arrange heart-warming dishes for Nakiri Shinagi. Not even the Ming Emperor has this qualification, let alone the Nakiri family.~】

【It's just that the other party is looking for trouble now. I don't remember how I have offended the other party. So what does this mother-in-law want to do? -]

Just when Xiao Bai was thinking about it, Nakiri Managi had already arrived in front of Xiao Bai, looking at Xiao Bai in front of him with evil eyes. Nakiri Managi smiled at Xiao Bai and asked:" You are Xiao Bai, right!"

Xiao Bai looked at Nakiri Shinagi. Although he knew that the other party was here to cause trouble, Xiao Bai still nodded:"Yes, it's me. I don't know if Executive Officer Nakiri has any Any advice?"

Looking at Xiao Bai, Nakiri Managi took a deep breath to calm down, and then said:"Leave Erina, or break off the relationship with other women around you!"

【I asked why my future mother-in-law looked like this. Emotionally, it was because of my relationship with other girls. As a result, my mother-in-law was not only close to Erina, but also had relationships with other girls. Angry, well, that’s right. Although polygamy is not prohibited, most people are monogamous. It’s understandable that Nakiri Shina doesn’t want me to have other girls.】

【After all, no mother wants her daughter to share a husband with another man, so the attitude of my future mother-in-law is understandable, but understanding is understanding, Erina and other girls cannot be missing, otherwise, wait for me What's the point after revenge is over?】

"I can understand your mood, but understanding is understanding. Erina and other girls cannot be missing. Even you can't stop me!"

Nakiri Shinagi looked at Xiao Bai with cold eyes:"What if I must stop it? I think Erina will still be willing to listen to me as a mother. If I ask Erina to leave you, what do you think Erina will do?"

Looking at Nakiri Managi's appearance, Xiao Bai simply smiled, with a hint of sarcasm in his smile:"Erina will listen to you, but what if you don't have her anymore?"

Nakiri Shinagi's pupils shrank, looking at Xiao Bai with a look of disbelief in his eyes. Xiao Bai's implication was that if Nakiri Shinagi really stopped Xiao Bai and Erina, then Xiao Bai would let him Nakiri Managi disappears

【So my future mother-in-law is really a headache. If she really wants to stop Erina and me, then I can only make her disappear. After all, I like Erina, not her. As long as Erina doesn't know about this, it's fine. I, Xiao Bai, have never been a good person. Anyone can die except the girl I like! ]

After seeing this entry in the diary, Nakiri Erina's face suddenly turned pale, with an unbelievable look in her eyes. She did not expect that Xiao Bai actually wanted to kill her mother.

Not only Nakiri Erina, but also other women who saw the diary also changed their expressions. They had always subconsciously regarded Xiao Bai as a kind person, but Xiao Bai also treated An Yilun with their methods.

Just like Xiao Bai himself said, he is not a good person, but they did not expect that Xiao Bai would do such a thing. If Nakiri Shina opposes Xiao Bai and Nakiri Erina, she will let Nakiri Shina Nagi disappears?

【However, this is the last resort. I will try my best to obtain the consent of my cheap mother-in-law, but if the other party is determined, then I'm sorry! ]

0request flowers0

"If you kill me, Erina will be even less likely to be with you!"

"Haha, Executive Officer Nakiri, you are joking, how could I kill you? You are Erina’s mother!"

Xiao Bai smiled, but Nakiri Shinagi couldn't feel the authenticity of what Xiao Bai said at all. Nakiri Shinagi could feel it. If he really blocked it between Xiao Bai and Erina. time, then Xiao Bai will definitely find a way to make himself disappear.

This man is very dangerous!

Xiao Bai looked at Nakiri Managi in front of him and said:"I got a piece of meat recently. I don't know if Executive Officer Nakiri is interested in helping me. Want to taste it?"

【I'll try to use gem meat first to see if I can bribe this future mother-in-law. If it doesn't work, I'm thinking of other ways. I just hope that this future mother-in-law won't be the kind who is determined to stop Erina and me even if she dies.】

【I really don’t want to do this kind of thing. Even if I can hide it from Erina, what happened is what happened. There is no guarantee that Erina will know about it one day, so】

Everyone looked at Xiao Bai's diary and didn't know what they should say!

"Hey, do you want to poison me now? It's just that you may be thinking too much. If it were ordinary food, I wouldn't even be interested in eating it!"

"Stay tuned!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiao Bai ignored Nakiri Managi and walked directly towards the kitchen. On the way, Xiao Bai had already taken out the Gem Meat Generator and Century Concentrate. Soup generator.

Xiao Bai plans to try to use these two things to impress his future mother-in-law. If he can impress her, that would be the best. If not, then he will think of other ways.

Taking Xiao Bai, he divided the gem meat into two parts. , one part was not cooked, and the other was prepared by frying the steak.

As for the century soup, there is no need to cook it at all, just drink it directly.

When Nakiri Shinagi saw the gem meat and century soup in front of him, While eating the soup, I couldn’t help but exclaimed:"The soup of the century!!!"

Xiao Bai: ?? Ten?.

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