After Xiao Bai asked Sayuri Sawamura to leave, he planned to meet Mikushiengo. However, what Xiao Bai didn't expect was that he met Kirishima Shoko before he saw Mikuchiengo.

Kirishima Shoko seemed to be deliberately waiting for her arrival, which Xiao Bai felt a little strange.

Before Xiao Bai could reach the front of Kirishima Shoko, Kirishima Shoko had already jogged two steps and then jumped directly into Xiao Bai's arms and hugged Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai was stunned for a moment and then hugged him with his backhand. Kirishima Shoko.

A girl is already so proactive. Xiao Bai can't help but push her away. Feeling the clothes on her chest gradually getting wet, Xiao Bai patted Kirishima Shoko on the back and said:" Don't worry, I won't leave again."

"But by the way, I feel like you are waiting for me here. Is it my imagination?"

"It's Sakayanagi. She told me that I can see you as long as I'm here."

Sakayanagi Yuqi?

In Xiao Bai's mind, there was Sakayanagi Yuqi who had a strong queen character hidden in her petite body. Countless thoughts suddenly appeared in his heart, but then he took his thoughts back. There is only one thing Xiao Bai has to do now, and that is to focus on Kirishima Shoko.


Before Xiao Bai could finish speaking, Kirishima Shoko had already kissed Xiao Bai on the lips, without any concern for the many passers-by here. Xiao Bai was only slightly surprised and then took the initiative.

Pedestrians passing by cast their blessings or eyes of envy and jealousy on Xiao Bai and Kirishima Shoko. It took a while for Xiao Bai to separate from Kirishima Shoko.


This time Xiao Bai did not call Kirishima Shoko by her surname, but directly called Kirishima Shoko by her name. Since the relationship has been established, Xiao Bai will naturally not be irresponsible, and Kirishima Shoko is waiting. He hasn't changed his mind in two years, so why should he be pretentious?

Sakamoto Yuji himself rejected Kirishima Shoko and pushed Kirishima Shoko into his arms, so why did Xiao Bai refuse? Shiro has no need to refuse.


Kirishima Shoko had a smile on her face, and she was a little grateful to Sakayanagi Arisu. If it weren't for Sakayanagi Arisu, she wouldn't be able to wait here for Xiao Bai, let alone establish a formal relationship with Xiao Bai, so to say There is no need to say much about my gratitude to Sakayanagi Arisu.

"Let's go to a love hotel."

Xiao Bai, who was thinking about going to Sakayanagi Arisu next, suddenly heard what Kirishima Shoko said. Looking at Kirishima Shoko, his eyes were slightly stunned, and then he immediately realized that Kirishima Shoko's words were What do you mean? However, Xiao Bai was a little hesitant. Was this too fast? Would he be a little impatient if he agreed?

But Kirishima Shoko grabbed Xiao Bai's hand and directly took Xiao Bai to the couple. Hotel, obviously Kirishima Shoko didn’t give Xiao Bai a chance to refuse.

【I didn't expect that I would meet Shoko on the way back. She was waiting for me here under the guidance of Sakayanagi Arisu. So how did Sakayanagi Arisu know that I would be here?】

【This world is becoming more and more confusing, but the more it looks like this, the more interesting the world is. If you know everything, then it will be a bit boring. This look is good.】

【However, just after we established a relationship with Shoko, Shoko dragged me to a love hotel. Should I refuse? But if I refuse, it’s not good. It will hurt Shoko’s self-esteem. But if I agree, will it appear that I am too eager? ?】

【Forget it, just be anxious if you are anxious. Anyway, I am not an Asasi hero. After all, Xiangzi is also a beautiful girl. How could I refuse?】

【But after the Shoko incident is over, I need to have a good talk with Sakayanagi Arisu. How did the other party predict my course of action in advance? I don't believe that this was a coincidence, so there must be something wrong with Sakayanagi Yusu, but for now I still focus on Shoko, and we will talk about Sakayanagi Yusu later. ]

She was dragged to the love hotel by Kirishima Shoko. Kirishima Shoko, who originally took the initiative to drag Xiao Bai to the love hotel, had a shy look on her face. Xiao Bai would naturally not let Kirishima Shoko continue. After being shy, he took the initiative to take on male responsibilities and guide Kirishima Shoko.

As a plum blossom blooms, Kirishima Shoko transforms from a girl into a woman.

In the diary chat room

【Nangong Nazuki: Sakayanagi Arisu, you should have been the one who obtained the Apocalypse ability before, right?】

【Honami Ichinose: Apocalypse? what is that?】

【Kikyo: In short, it is the ability to see the future. I think Sakayanagi Yusu used this ability to see where Xiaobai would pass by, and then asked Kirishima Shoko to wait for Xiaobai's arrival. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Sakayanagi Yusu: No, it’s not that I saw where Xiao Bai would pass by and let Kirishima Shoko wait there, but I saw where Xiao Bai and Kirishima Shoko would establish a relationship, and I just helped a little bit. , I just let Kirishima Shoko go there.】

【Tushan Rongrong: I want to know how long it will take to see the limit of this Apocalypse, or what you can see.】

【Sakayanagi Yusu: This ability cannot be controlled. To be precise, I can’t use it whenever I want. Moreover, I cannot control or determine when this ability is activated. Everything I see depends on luck.】

【Yukinoshita Yukino: That's a pity. If you can use this ability actively, it might be able to help Xiao Bai find the legendary kitchen utensils as soon as possible to solve the hidden danger of evil transformation in Xiao Bai.】

【Suzuki Sonoko: After Xiao Bai came back this time, he has already established relationships with several girls, so what about the rest of them, or who will be next among us?】

【Kobayashi Gentian:? ? ? ?】

【Ning Ning of the Kingdom of Ji: Ringtong-senpai, please stop asking questions. I think there is a high probability that a girl who has a copy of the diary will not be able to escape. You should know it yourself, otherwise you would not reject Senior Si’s confession. Come on. 】.

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