【Impossible, how could I, Xiao Bai, have a work-force physique? It’s not like I’m like Kudo Shinichi, the god of death, who goes wherever he goes and dies. This is just a coincidence! 】

Yukinoshita Yukino: I didn’t realize this was a coincidence at all, because you have a troublesome physique.

Shinomiya Kaguya: Although I don’t want to admit it, I have to say that this is probably the protagonist’s aura. The protagonist in the light novel is troublesome to follow wherever he goes. You, the time traveler, is not the protagonist.

Nakiri Erina: The Restoration Meeting, your mother, why did you choose Totsuki? Why did Totsuki offend you?

Nakiri Alice: Restoration Society, right? If you offend Miss Alice, you won’t be able to reap the consequences.

【There is also a legendary kitchen utensil in the hands of the Guangfuhui. Tsk, although I don’t know what the legendary kitchen utensils are used for, I have a"seven-seven-three" feeling that I must collect all the legendary kitchen utensils. There is a sense of urgency in my heart. Let me collect legendary kitchen utensils, and the Restoration Society wants to make Neon independent, which I absolutely do not agree with.】

【That is to say, this is the world of comprehensive comics. Otherwise, Neon would definitely be a hundred times, a thousand times worse than America now. Without the world before the time when Xiaori invaded China, as many as 35 million people died directly at the hands of Xiaori, and indirectly Hundreds of millions of people died, and the massacre included beheading innocent people to see who could kill more people, and ruthlessly ripping out the hearts and lungs of children. No one with the same blood in their body can forget this hatred.. 】

Countless diary copy holders are in disbelief when they see this diary. How could someone be so cruel? Are the little days in that other world really human? Why can you do such a cruel thing?

They can understand war, but killing people for fun is something humans do?

No beast would do this!

One of the few stains on Emperor Shengzong was the killing of a large number of neon people. It seems that the neon people who died in the hands of Emperor Shengzong happened to be 3500W?

The case has been solved. The reason why Emperor Shengzong killed so many Neon people was because of the beastly things done by Xiaoli in another world, so Emperor Shengzong was taking revenge.

【And the senior traveler in this world did a very good job. Tens of millions of neon people died in his hands, and he crushed all the systems of this country, including the shitty locusts and all the royal members. He was directly pushed into the cesspit and drowned. It's a pity that everyone in this country was not completely wiped out!】

【Tsk, if it weren’t for the fact that this is a comic book world and there are girls I like, this country would have been killed by me using various methods. If there weren’t those girls, I would undoubtedly transform them on a large scale. The Deep Ones, the Faceless Ones, kill people and use their corpses to transform black goats. If it weren’t for those girls, I would definitely be an ancestor! ]

It was creepy. All holders of the diary copy felt creepy. They couldn't imagine what Neon would become if Xiao Bai did that.

No, it should be said that it is what the world will become. I am afraid that this world will become a ruin. With Xiao Bai's character, except for the Ming Dynasty, I am afraid that all the people in the rest of the world may die. Even if there is someone in the Ming Dynasty, To prevent Xiao Bai from taking revenge, Xiao Bai would probably take action without hesitation.

After all, although Daming said he had some incense, if someone prevented Xiao Bai from taking revenge, Xiao Bai would not care about that little incense.

【Tsk, why are you thinking about this? The people of the Guangfuhui must die. No one can save them. If they really can’t be found, then use the most direct method. By then, all the people in Neon will be killed except for me. After killing all the people, I believe that Hastoruk, the god of plague, will be very happy. Well, we can't let those girls know about it. Then they can just find a reason and say that the people of the Restoration Society are crazy and crazy.. 】

Women: I'm sorry, we already know, so we will definitely stop you

【Well, let’s call Nayue Jiang first and ask how to handle this matter! 】

Xiao Bai dialed Nangong Nayue's number, but the message was still not in the service area. Helpless Xiao Bai called to ask about the Eighth God Son, who also gave Xiao Bai an answer. Now Nangong Nayue is doing something. This is a very important matter. He will come back after it is over. Before that, Xiao Bai can do whatever he wants. If something goes wrong, they will know everything. 0

【Yae Shenzi, a scumbag, actually said that no matter what happens, they will take care of it. Can they handle it? If I kill everyone in Neon, what will she do? 】

Yae Shenzi: Damn you, I’m going to tell you the truth, and you’re going to let me tell you the truth like this?

Yakumo Purple: Tsk tsk, this time the murderous intention has become even greater, but it is none of my business anyway, and the death of the Neon Man has nothing to do with me.

Hagoromo Fox: Hmm, does Aiko want to kill all the Neon People? Is it time for me to carefully consider the feasibility of the plan?

Yukinoshita Yukino: No, we must find a way to dispel the murderous intention in Xiao Bai's heart. The little days in that other world are not people, they are the little days in another world. The little days in this world have been part of the Ming Dynasty since Emperor Shengzong. The elements did not invade the Ming Dynasty. They are innocent, and those who restored the society do not count!

Shinomiya Kaguya: Well, it’s really fascinating!

There was a knock on Xiao Bai's door.

"Please come in!"

Following Xiao Bai's words, the door was pushed open, and then Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo walked in. He looked at Xiao Bai and felt the cold feeling coming from Xiao Bai's body, as if it was a knife holder. It's the same on the neck.

Mu Jiuzhi 2.1 The hairs on Yuan Guo's body stood up involuntarily. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiao Bai saw Mu Jiuzhi Yuan Guo, and the cold feeling on his body The feeling disappeared instantly, and a smile appeared on his face:"Why, you missed me after just a few hours without seeing me?

Mu Jiuzhiyuanguo looked at Xiao Bai and said,"Well, I miss you!""

Step forward and hug Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai's body stiffened slightly, then relaxed and reached out to hug Mu Jiuzhiyuan Guo.

"Fool, don't worry, I will never abandon you, no matter how many people I like, but each of you is unique to me!"

Mujiu Zhiyuanguo hugged Xiao Bai and put his head on Xiao Bai's chest.

"Well, I believe it!"

Of course Mujiuzhiyuanguo believed in Xiao Bai, because Xiao Bai put on sheep's clothing for them!.

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