Xiao Bai continued to ask Katsura Kojitaro about the Restoration Meeting. Unfortunately, Katsura Kojitaro, like Takagi Souichiro, was just a clerk and not one of the twelve cabinet members, so Katsura Kojitaro only knew about this mission. In addition, Katsura Kojitaro only knew the members of the Restoration Society that he developed.

The person who always gave orders was a single-line contact with Katsura Kojitaro. Xiao Bai discovered that although the people of the Restoration Association were all beasts, the people of the Restoration Association were not brainless people. Think about it, if the other party had no brains, then How could the Liberation Society still exist for so long?

Xiao Bai looked at Katsura Kojitaro and asked Katsura Kojitaro to summon all the action personnel. Then Xiao Bai reincarnated all of these people into deep divers. There was no need for these cannon fodder to be transformed into faceless men. On the contrary, these cannon fodder are just pure combatants. It is best to transform into deep divers. The combat effectiveness of deep divers is stronger than that of faceless men.

But what Xiao Bai didn't expect was that when transforming the deep divers, a cannon fodder that Xiao Bai thought of actually carried him for a long time before he was finally transformed into a deep diver.

The other party is definitely not cannon fodder, Xiao Bai asked the other party:"Who are you!"

"Reporting to the master, I am Kento Asama, a member of the covert mobile unit, codenamed Yin 21. My mission is to monitor Taro Katsurakoji, and kill him immediately if Taro Katsurakoji is suspected of betrayal."

Xiao Bai couldn't help but narrowed his eyes when he heard this. This Liberation Society is really complicated. Not only is it extremely secretive, it even hides such a person next to its own organization members. Once the members of the Liberation Society have something to do with it, Those who betray will be stabbed in the back immediately, and then they will not be able to speak again.

There is such a person around Katsura Kojitaro, so is there such a person around Takagi Souichiro?

Such an idea came to Xiao Bai's mind , and then his face instantly darkened. Fortunately, he didn't ask Takagi Souichiro to do anything. Wait, will the arrival of Takagi Yuriko and Takagi Saya cause any problems?

A trace of shock and anger flashed in Xiao Bai's eyes, and then he immediately called Takagi Souichiro, and then asked Yakumo Purple to take him to Takagi's home where Takagi Souichiro was.

Takagi Souichiro followed Xiao Bai's instructions and summoned all his subordinates. Then Xiao Bai appeared and transformed all of them into deep divers. As expected, Xiao Bai captured the members of the secret mobile unit and brought them with him. A person numbered eighteen.

The other party was obviously already suspicious of Takagi Souichiro, but he had not yet taken action or passed on the information, so this time Xiao Bai saved the chess piece of Takagi Souichiro by chance.

But this gave Xiao Bai an in-depth understanding of the Liberation Society, and the secret work of the Liberation Society was done very well.

It’s really hard to catch the Liberation Association’s tail.

After solving the secret mobile unit around Takagi Souichiro, Xiao Bai returned to Totsuki and looked at Katsura Kojitaro in front of him and fell into thinking.

【The tail of the Restoration Society is too difficult to catch, so I might make an attempt. Katsura Kojitaro was ordered to kill chefs like Totsuki and take their blood. So if I let Katsura Kojitaro do this So, can Katsura Kojitaro follow this thread and find the Restoration Society?】

【Even if we can't find the Guangfuhui, as long as we can find the legendary kitchen utensils, as long as we can find the legendary kitchen utensils and avoid being contaminated, it will be considered in vain.】

【You can try, but it only costs a hundred or so lives. Whether it is finding the Liberation Society or finding legendary kitchen utensils, it is a huge profit for me!】

【But I have to find an excuse in advance to send Yuan Guo, Alice and Erina away. Once I have it, I will pretend that I am injured, then Yuan Guo and Erina will definitely come to see me. It is logical to dispel Erina and the others' suspicion, and then let Katsura Kojitaro lead the people to attack Totsuki Resort.】

【Although the plan is rough, it only works. Why bother with the rest? So now, immediately arrange a scene, then trick Erina and the others out, and then let Katsura Kojitaro launch an attack. ]

Nakiri Erina couldn't help but grit her teeth while looking at Xiaobai's diary. It's not your family's property, so you don't feel bad, right? Totsuki Resort is one of Totsuki's most important assets. If something happens to Totsuki Resort, Totsuki Resort will Not to mention going bankrupt, at least he has to cut off his flesh.

And once an attack does occur, Yuanyue's reputation will plummet. Who will dare to believe Yuanyue at that time!

Xiao Bai, this guy, knew clearly that the Liberation Association was coming to attack Yuanyue Resort, but he didn't help or tell anyone, and he actually planned to let the other party succeed, you bastard!

Nakiri Erina and Nakiri Alice both gnashed their teeth!

【Although I feel sorry for Erina and Alice to do this, I believe Erina and Alice will understand! 】

Nakiri Erina: I don’t understand!

Nakiri Alice: I can’t understand this!

Ryoko Sakaki: Is it okay if I don’t want to understand?

【But it doesn't matter if you don't understand. Anyway, Alice and Erina won't know that this matter has anything to do with me. They will only think that it is a good thing done by the bastards of the Restoration Society, so I don't need to care about these things at all. The best thing to do is to compensate Alice and Erina properly when the time comes. It won’t be a big problem! (Money is good)]

Nakiri Erina: The problem is huge!

Nakiri Alice: I am not that easy to coax, you bastard! (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ryoko Sakaki: I'm afraid I'll be cold by then. Should I go and have a relationship with Xiao Bai now? After all, I am.. mix.

Just when Xiao Bai was about to decide to let Katsura Kojitaro lead the men to attack Totsuki Rikyu, Xiao Bai suddenly found that the backhand he had left in Shinomiya Yanan's body was activated.

"`Yakumo Purple, come out and help me.!"

Yakumo Murasaki: What do you mean? What do you mean? Is my majestic monster sage your mount?

Yakumo Purple wanted to grab Xiao Bai's collar and question him, but considering that Xiao Bai was a shady guy and might be held for revenge, Yakumo Purple darkened her face, and then took Xiao Bai with her. Went to Shinomiya's house..

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