In Shinomiya's house, Shinomiya Huangguang looked at Shinomiya Yanan who fell on the ground with a look of joy and excitement on his face.

"I am the eldest son of the Shinomiya family, but you are planning to hand over the Shinomiya family to a woman named Kaguya. Originally, I wanted a kind father and a filial son to take over the Shinomiya family after your death, but you asked me to Having made such a choice, tell me now, your choice, whether you plan to be buried with the old man or to be loyal to me and support me as the new head of the Shinomiya family!"

Looking at the retainers of the Sigong family present, Sigong Huangguang asked the people present. There was more or less a meaning in his eyes that those who obey me will prosper and those who go against me will perish!

But the people present are No one paid attention to Sigong Huangguang, who roared with meaning on his face, looked at the people present and said sullenly:"Are you going to be buried with the old man and not willing to surrender to me?"

The door was pushed open, and then a man wearing a suit, a scarf hanging around his neck, and a gentleman's hat walked in.

"Head of the house!"

Looking at the people who came in, a group of people shouted respectfully to the people who came in, while Sigong Huangguang looked at the people who came in with a trace of astonishment in his eyes.

"Qinglong, you"

Si Gong Qinglong looked at Si Gong Huang Guang in front of him with a smile on his face and said: 780"Brother, I don't think everyone will recognize a person who killed his father!"

Si Gong Huang Guang looked at Si Gong Qing Long in front of him, His face suddenly turned ugly. Although Sigong Huangguang said he was evil and stupid, the facts are now in front of his eyes. It is impossible for Sigong Huangguang not to see the current situation. Sigong Qinglong is plotting against him. Today, he Everything I did was made into a wedding dress for Sigong Qinglong

"Since when did you bribe these people?"

These people present can basically be sure that they have been bribed by Sigong Qinglong. However, Sigong Huangguang does not understand when exactly these people were bribed by Sigong Qinglong.

"Why do you think that, brother, these people can't be my people from the beginning?"

Sigong Qinglong looked at Sigong Huangguang in front of him with a smile on his face and said. The expression on Sigong Huangguang's face became ugly. Sigong Huangguang still doesn't understand why he always thought he was the only one. He is the dominant one, but in fact he was just pushed out by the Fourth Palace Qinglong to attract (afcb) attention. In this way, almost no one would notice the Fourth Palace Qinglong. The

Yellow Light of the Fourth Palace looked at the Fourth Palace Qinglong, and then His eyes gradually became colder:"Qinglong, you are indeed very smart, but you have forgotten one thing. I am no longer an ordinary person!"

A black shadow suddenly appeared at the feet of Sigong Huangguang, and then the black shadow was ordered by Sigong Huangguang.

"I can kill you at any time. As long as you die, everything will be over."

Si Gong Qinglong looked at Si Gong's yellow light with a gentle smile on his face, but under this smile, Si Gong Qinglong was filled with infinite confidence.

"kill him!"

Sigong Huangguang ordered the black shadow to kill Sigong Qinglong, but in the end the shadow ignored Sigong Huangguang's order at all. Looking at Sigong Huangguang's brother, Sigong Qinglong said lightly:"All of you Everyone, please go out, I want to say a final farewell to my brother."

Sigong Qinglong said to the retainers of the Sigong family, and everyone left obediently. After everyone left, Sigong Qinglong said to Sigong Huangguang:"Brother, you seem to have forgotten, Shadow Demon I found it for you. What made you mistakenly think that the shadow demon would listen to you?"

Looking at Si Gong Qing Long, Si Huang Guang's eyes were full of disbelief.

"Don't worry, brother, after you die, I will make the Sigong family prosperous, and even make the Sigong family stand on the neon fixed point!"

"Qinglong, you"

"I, Si She, one of the twelve members of the Restoration Association, will personally send you on your way. Brother, you can go with peace of mind!"

Xiao Bai didn't expect that he would have such luck. He couldn't find the senior leaders of the Restoration Association everywhere, but he met them like this. However,

Xiao Bai didn't take action immediately. Xiao Bai had to wait for the death of Huang Guang, the fourth palace. Shinomiya Huangguang will take action. Although Shinomiya Huangguang is a fool who is being used, Shinomiya Huangguang is also stupid and evil. If Shinomiya Kaguya wants to take power, Shinomiya Huangguang and Shinomiya Qingryu must die! Shadow

Demon It turned into a dark shadow and instantly wrapped around Sigong Huangguang's neck. Sigong Huangguang's face gradually turned red, and finally his eyes became bald, and then he suffocated. After strangling

Sigong Huangguang to death , the shadow demon turned into a shadow and returned to the shadow of Shinomiya Kiyotaka.

The door was suddenly pushed open, and Shinomiya Kaguya walked in, looking at the only living Shinomiya Seiryuu in the whole room.

"Is it late?"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Shinomiya Kaguya pursed her lips and looked at Shinomiya Yanan and Shinomiya Huangguang who were lying on the ground as if they had lost their lives, and a trace of excitement flashed in her eyes. sad!

"Kaguya, my eldest brother assassinated my father and committed suicide in shame after I found out. From now on, I will manage the Shinomiya family. You have no objection. I know that my father has handed over the shares he owns in the Shinomiya Group to you. So I hope you can hand over these shares to me!"

After hearing this, Shinomiya Kaguya looked at Shinomiya Seiryu and said:"You know what you have done, and I know it too! Shinomiya

Seiryu still had a smile like a gentleman:"Kaguya, as long as you hand over the shares, I can let you go.""

"If you just want the shares, forget it, but you shouldn't use your eldest brother to kill your father!"

Shinomiya Kaguya lowered his head and said. Shinomiya Qinglong's smile did not disappear, but his eyes gradually became colder:"In that case, then Kaguya, don't say that the second brother doesn't care about family ties."

The dark shadow squirmed under the feet of Shinomiya Qingryu and then quickly swam towards Shinomiya Kaguya, but when it was about to touch Shinomiya Kaguya, the shadow was directly bounced away.

"I will not allow such dirty things to touch my body, even if I am just my contractor!"

Shinomiya Qinglong watched the smile on Shinomiya Kaguya's face gradually disappear, and then looked at Shinomiya Kaguya:"So you also have a contractor? No wonder you dare to come back alone!".

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