【What's not yours is not yours after all. Even if the spirit on your body is strong, it doesn't matter. This time, Bai Yuekui almost chopped it up with a knife, and the spirit on your body didn't move at all. As expected, the only one in this world that can rely on you is yourself.】

【Haha, I was still too weak before, thinking that I could run wild by relying on the spirits in my body, but now reality has given me a big mouth, telling me to stop dreaming and wake up!】

【But it’s okay. After this incident, I realized that only my own strength is my own. It’s better than suddenly losing strength in any future battles.】

【Bai Yuekui, I really want to thank you. Your sword made me understand this truth. In return, I will repay you with my strongest sword in the future. 】

Bai Yuekui: This bastard, I told you it was not intentional. If you are so petty, be careful. I will beat you up -!

Xiao Bai took out the gem meat and century soup and ate it. Under the powerful energy of the century soup and gem meat, the broken bones in Xiao Bai's chest began to heal themselves. In less than a minute, Xiao Bai The wound on Bai's chest will be healed.

After rubbing his chest where there was still some pain, Xiao Bai asked Bai Yuekui:"Then do you have any solution to this problem?"

Bai Yuekui glanced at Xiao Bai. He was pretending to be pretty cool. He really thought that Mom, can't I see what you are thinking?

He knew clearly that Xiao Bai wanted to kill him with a knife, but on the surface, he acted magnanimously and pretended not to care. This look made Bai Yuekui complain in his heart that Xiao Bai, the smiling tiger, was not as good as him.

"I don’t know, but it doesn’t look like this is a conspiracy of the Restoration Society."

【Naturally, it is not a conspiracy of the Restoration Society. This nameless mist is an outer god at the same level as the Black Goat Mother Goddess. Compared with those old rulers, it is like the great, the King in Yellow or the God of Plague. A higher level existence】

【I just don’t know why the spiritual powers in my body have disappeared and cannot be used. But if I want to kill Bai Yuekui now, then as long as I trick Bai Yuekui out of the fog, I’m afraid Bai Yuekui will die in the fog, but let Bai Yuekui I want to kill Bai Yuokui with my own hands just to take advantage of her. I won't be willing to let this revenge go unpaid! ]

Looking at Xiao Bai's diary, Bai Yuekui's eyelids twitched slightly. Bai Yuekui now had the urge to slash Xiao Bai with a knife and let this bastard go to hell!

However, reason made Bai Yuekui hold back and not take action. Bai Yuekui had a dark face and said nothing, but in his heart he was thinking about how to give Xiao Bai something good-looking. He really thought that her boss, Bai Yuokui, was a fool!

【These were put aside for the time being. The fog outside still persisted. Yuan Guo, Erina and Alice didn't know what was going on, and they had a headache. 】

As for the few people mentioned by Xiao Bai, they are all staying in their rooms very calmly and rationally at this moment. They believe that Xiao Bai will definitely be able to rescue them.

And what they have to do is to wait honestly and not cause trouble to Xiao Bai. If Xiao Bai comes to their room to look for him but can't find him, that's the real problem.

Xiao Bai, who was anxious, suddenly received the news from Shabu. Xiao Bai needed to pass the test of Yog-Sothoth. If Xiao Bai passed the test of Yog-Sothoth, then the fog would dissipate. If Xiao Bai If Bai fails to pass the test, then the people in the hotel will gradually lose their lives.

Xiao Bai's heart was lifted up all of a sudden. Xiao Bai, the other people, didn't care much, but Xiao Bai, the three of them, Mujiu Zhiyuanguo, was worried.

However, Shabu hadn't told Xiao Bai what the test was, and the mist surrounded Yuanyue Palace like this!

Feeling the uneasiness emanating from Xiao Bai, Bai Yuekui looked at Xiao Bai and asked slightly hesitantly:"What happened!"

"This is an existential test that cannot be mentioned by name. If the test cannot be passed as soon as possible, then everyone in this hotel except me will lose their lives! Bai

Yuekui raised his brows and looked at Xiao Bai in front of him with some confusion, but then Bai Yuekui still asked Xiao Bai:"Then what is the test?""

"have no idea!"

Bai Yuekui:"???"

Dry Hyugako:"???"

Xiao Bai didn't know what the test was, so how could he pass it?

Bai Yuekui wanted to curse now. Why did Xiao Bai look like he was slandering himself?

"I only know that it is a test, but I don’t know what this test is! Bai

Yuekui pondered slightly after hearing this:"Calm down first. The more anxious you are now, the more useless you will be. Only when you calm down can you figure out how to solve this problem.""

Xiao Bai also understands this truth, but the problem is that Xiao Bai obviously cannot calm down.

Bai Yuekui looked at Xiao Bai and said,"Do you need me to help you calm down?"

"Help me calm down? How can you help me calm down?"

Xiao Bai looked at Bai Yuekui with a look of astonishment in his eyes.

"There is a woman over there, ask her to calm you down."

Bai Yuekui looked at Gan Hinata and said, Xiao Bai looked at Gan Hinata next to him and twitched the corner of his mouth, then looked at Bai Yuokui and said:"This woman is too ugly, I can't keep her mouth shut! Hearing what Xiao

Bai said, Bai Yuekui's lips curled up:"So, you are attracted to me?""

Xiao Bai looked at Bai Yuekui and chuckled and said,"Haha, I'm going to the bathroom!"

Bai Yuekui reminded Xiao Bai that this method can indeed calm people down.

Bai Yuekui: ???

No, you would rather practice traditional skills than speak. Although I will definitely not agree, but you What does this mean?

Bai Yuekui looked at Xiao Bai and felt like he couldn't help it.

Qian Hinatazi hesitated for a moment, and then quietly followed Xiao Bai.

The mist was just outside the door, this restaurant and the restaurant The bathroom at the back was quite complete. Xiao Bai had just come in when he saw Mian Hinatazi coming in too.

"Why did you follow me in?"

"thatActually, I don't mind. If I can solve this problem as soon as possible and save other people, then I can.. earth"

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