Looking at Gan Hinata who walked in the door, Xiao Bai was a little speechless, and then said to Gan Hinata:"Don't listen to that woman Bai Yuekui's nonsense."

Xiao Bai was speechless. Gan Hinata clearly had a delicate heart, but the result was Why did he just believe Bai Yuekui's lies? Xiao Bai wanted to calm down, but there was absolutely no need to use this method.

"Now I wonder if you have any evil intentions against me. I just went to the bathroom to wash my face. If you have nothing to do, go out first!"

Qian Hinatako patted her chest and said to Xiao Bai:"Don't worry, it's my first time!"

Where did this idiot come from? He can't understand people's words. He asked her to leave but he insisted on following her, right? Moreover, Xiao Bai now strongly doubts whether doing Hinatazi really does anything to him.""413" is his plan wrong? Otherwise, why would he still give him for nothing after Xiao Bai clearly refused?

Xiao Bai pointed directly at the bathroom door:"Get out!""

Mian Hinata murmured and walked out. Xiao Bai then entered the bathroom and washed his face. Then he looked at himself in the mirror, but suddenly he felt a little dazed. He seemed to see what he saw in the mirror. The self in the book has changed, no longer a reflection, but more like a living person, a man who can be seen as domineering just by looking at it.

"What are you worried about? What are you afraid of? If anything is in front of you, just cut it with one knife. If one knife is not enough, just two. Why are you now afraid of the decision you just made?"

"Or have you lost those spirits, and you don’t have the courage to face Yog-Sothoth?"

The questions were like slaps on Xiao Bai's face, which made Xiao Bai, who was originally a little irritable, gradually calm down.

"Remember, there is no opponent ahead of us. As long as your belief is firm enough, there is nothing you can't cut!"

With such words, Xiao Bai looked at the mirror again in a daze, only to find that there was nothing in the mirror. His reflection was still his own reflection.


Muttering to himself, Xiao Bai gradually calmed down. What he said in the mirror was right. Since he has decided to rely on himself, then he has nothing to worry about. He believes in his own strength and believes that he can Becoming stronger, I believe that nothing can stand in front of me.

Even if I know that it is the nameless fog, even if I know that it is Yog-Sothoth, this is not the reason for Xiao Bai to panic. If there is any problem, he will cut it first. If one knife can't solve it, then let's do it again!

After drying his face, Meng Yixin appeared in Xiao Bai's hand. The invisible momentum wrapped around Meng Yixin. Meng Yixin glowed slightly with purple light. Xiao Bai held Meng Yixin in his hand. Isshin slowly walked out of the bathroom. Purple light gathered on Meng Yishin, and Meng Yishin seemed to be as dazzling as a laser sword.

Seeing Xiao Bai walking out, Bai Yuekui and Gan Hinatako subconsciously watched Looking at the handful of dreams in Xiao Bai's hand, Bai Yuekui was slightly shocked. Has Xiao Bai's Ba Tang improved again?

Ba Tang was created by Emperor Sheng Zong. Emperor Sheng Zong combined his imperial power with murderous intent, etc. All the invisible momentum wrapped around the blade, and it can even be said that he placed all his spiritual beliefs on the blade.

Emperor Shengzong taught Ba Tang to many people, and Bai Yuekui was undoubtedly one of them. One, even Bai Yuekui's domination was second only to Emperor Shengzong. It was natural to see that Xiao Bai's domination had improved again!

Xiao Bai's previous use of domination required preparation, and this form of domination was the least powerful. , simply wrapping the sword with momentum and killing intent, without spiritual will, is like a piece of loose sand!

But now Xiao Bai has already attached his spiritual will to this sword!

"There is no opponent ahead of me!"

Xiao Bai swung the sword in his hand, and the purple sword pressure instantly destroyed the door, and then swept away the gray mist. The mist gradually faded and finally disappeared. After Xiao Bai swung this, Xiao Bai rolled his eyes and fainted.

Bai Yuekui caught the fallen Xiao Bai instantly, and then looked at Xiao Bai who fainted due to excessive energy consumption and couldn't help complaining:"It can be solved by using Ba Tang. It would have been solved long ago." Tell me, I'll just come directly0......."

But Bai Yuokui said that he knew that the nameless fog was aimed at Xiao Bai. Even if he used Ba Tang, it would be useless. It was Xiao Bai who was undergoing the test, not Bai Yuokui.

"But anyway, this time the matter is solved, but the problem is"

Looking at Xiao Bai who was unconscious, Bai Yuekui was speechless. This guy was so dead.

Looking at Gan Hinata on the side, Bai Yuekui said:"Where is this guy's room? Send this guy back first.""

"Oh oh, over here!"

Gan Hinatako quickly took Bai Yuekui to Xiao Bai's room. Bai Yuekui put one of Xiao Bai's hands on his shoulder and took Xiao Bai back to his room. Wait until Xiao Bai wakes up again It was already three days later.

What I found when I opened my eyes was Rem and Ram beside me.

"I'm back!"

Xiao Bai started to do it, and Rem replied:"Yes, the master was sent back that day. The diagnosis was just due to excessive mental consumption and he fell into a deep sleep. Master, are you hungry now? If you're hungry, Rem has prepared food!"

"Well, please, Rem!"

Rem bowed slightly and went out to get food for Xiao Bai, while Ram looked at Xiao Bai with a look of resentment on his face.

"Master Pervert, you really know how to let Ram worry about you, but you just went out and were carried back directly!"

Looking at Ram's look, Xiao Bai laughed, and then decisively gave in. It's not okay for him not to give in. Ram clicked his tongue like that, so scary!

Xiao Bai actually smiled when he saw him. , Ram’s forehead was instantly covered with veins!

"Pervert master, go to hell!"

Ram punched Xiao Bai directly on one eye, but he didn't use any force!

Xiao Bai grabbed it easily, and then hugged Ram into his arms.

"Sorry, sorry, I will try to avoid it in the future."

Lamu looked at Xiao Bai angrily without saying anything. At this moment, the door was pushed open and Bai Yuekui walked in from outside.

"Yo, wake up!". (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

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