Xiao Bai finally appeased Ram, and then asked about something

"Is the game YGGDRASIL already in service?"

"Yes, this game is already on the server, but pervert master, do you still want to play the game now? Ram glared at Xiao Bai, but Xiao Bai shook his head:"I always feel that there is something wrong with the game YGGDRASIL, so I need to go in and see what is going on!""

"The game equipment has been placed in the living room. Master Pervert, you can play the game after eating. The school has also asked for leave for you."

After eating, Xiao Bai said to Rem and Ram and entered the game warehouse.

After entering the game warehouse, after experiencing the character creation interface, Xiao Bai entered the game

"This game doesn't feel like a fantasy, but like a real world!"

Reaching out and pinching his palm, Xiao Bai clearly felt that this was no different from his own body.

After leaving the town, Xiao Bai killed a monster, but suddenly discovered that after killing the monster, the monster 08 Something in the body entered his body, and his body was strengthened a little.

But soon Xiao Bai found that his body had undergone some changes, or it was Cthulhuization, but this trace of The change disappeared in just an instant, and a message came out of Xiao Bai's consciousness. This game was created by Chaos Nyarlathotep. When killing monsters, the killed monsters in this world will be integrated into In the body, the body will be transformed into Cthulhu at that time.

And once this Cthulhu transformation is completely Cthulhuised, it will be irreversible. Xiao Bai's face instantly darkened.


Xiao Xiao Bai immediately came up with the idea that this was a conspiracy. People who played this game without knowing it would definitely try their best to speed up the killing of monsters. Once a certain level was reached, After reaching a certain level, the body will find that it has become Cthulhu, but those people thought that they were normal because of Cthulhu's cognitive modification.

Xiao Bai quit the game, his expression a little gloomy, and then Xiao Bai immediately sent a message to everyone he knew, asking everyone to quit the game.

【Damn it, I knew this game was not simple. Damn it, I didn’t expect that this broken game was created by the lurking Chaos. What’s more important is that playing this broken game will subtly turn you into a non-human being. By then, everyone will be... Once you become a monster, you can no longer play this crappy game. Although you can gain strength, you will become a monster fish when the time comes. No, no, you will become a dependent when the time comes. 】

Cold sweat broke out on Xiao Bai's forehead, and then he made another phone call worriedly. Soon the calls were answered one by one, and after ensuring that the other party had exited the game, Xiao Bai breathed a sigh of relief.

【What a fool. He is always keen to deceive and seduce human beings, and his highest joy is to make human beings fall into terror and despair and eventually become insane. I am afraid that this game was also created by the other party, but the problem is that this game has now been Most of the people are playing it, tsk tsk, it’s really a big game, humans are probably going to play GG with joy and laughter in this game! 】

All the holders of copies of the diary were shivering all over. Fear was eroding these people. They looked at the contents of the diary in horror. If Xiao Bai's diary is true, then human beings What to do?

Is it possible that he really will become the monster recorded in Xiao Bai's diary? Their first thing is to spread the news anonymously, but they are afraid.

They were afraid that the sneaking Chaos would come to their door. Although they didn't know what kind of existence the other party was, they didn't know who else could escape except Xiao Bai.

Looking at the diary, these people were so eager for Xiao Bai to continue updating the diary, and Xiao Bai did not disappoint these people, and the diary continued to be updated.

【The stealthy actions of chaos, the nameless fog, and the Supreme Mother Goddess are the three pillar gods in mythology second only to the foolish and blind god. If the other party comes up with such a game, most or even all of humanity will have trouble. What benefit does it have to Him?】

【Even if I expose the conspiracy now, will it be useful? I'm afraid there won't be any difference in the final result. No one will want to believe what I say. This game can give ordinary people power beyond ordinary people. No one will give up. Stopping it at this time is tantamount to killing your parents!】

【So it is useless to talk about this now. How about I just find a place to run away, buy an island and take other people to the island to spend my life? The world is hopeless anyway!】

【Of course, blocking is also an option, but I really have no idea of ​​taking risks. Even if I can use the power of the Supreme Mother Goddess, not to mention that I am an existence of the same personality as the Supreme Mother Goddess. Even if I can Even if I use all the power of the Supreme Mother Goddess

, I may not be able to defeat it, not to mention that I can’t exert the true power of the Supreme Mother Goddess now.】

【There is no hope, just wait to die! 】

All diary copy holders suddenly felt their hands and feet were cold, how could it be like this, how could it be like this!

The world is going well and suddenly you tell me that the world is over?

【Damn it, why did you suddenly appear in front of me, and actually appeared in front of me in the form of human Nayako? 】

All the diary copy holders who were already in despair suddenly felt a glimmer of hope in their hearts. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But Xiao Bai looked at the human form of Nyarlathotep in front of him, Nayakko, his eyes full of caution and vigilance.

"Finally I found you!"

As soon as Nyarlathotep opened his mouth, Xiao Bai was stunned, but Xiao Bai still looked at Nyarlathotep and asked cautiously:"Excuse me, what is going on!"

"Update me, bastard, why don’t you update it, bastard!"

Naiyako rushed in front of Xiao Bai, grabbed Xiao Bai's collar and shook him crazily!.

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