Nayako pulled his head out from the floor, and then looked at Xiao Bai covering his head with tears in his eyes and said to Xiao Bai:"Master, you are going too far, I am helping you. , you ended up treating me like this, twice, you smashed me into the floor twice!"

Looking at Nayako's appearance, Xiao Bai said to Nayako:"You If you are talking nonsense, then it is not just a strong hand to crack the skull and awe-inspiring, but a deliberate punch!"

Nayako calmed down in an instant, and then Nayako looked at Xiao Bai with a bitter expression on his face. Looking at Xiao Bai, he said:"There is really no way to do this. I have told you the only possible way, Master!"

Xiao Bai sneered:"Then I swear in the name of the contract, if you lie, then from now on You are not allowed to engage in any entertainment activities, including but not limited to games, novels, animations, etc.!"

The hair on Nayako's head stood straight instantly, and her eyes looking at Xiao Bai were full of fear. :"Master, are you a devil? Now I don't have these things, and I have no motivation to live."

"Do you think I believe it? Stop talking nonsense and tell me quickly!"

Rubbing her head, Nayako said helplessly:"I swear, what I just said is true. The existence of this girl has completely moved from human to inhuman!"

Xiao Bai was silent, then turned his head and looked at Tujian Mi:"You also heard what happened, and I can't help you!"

"Master, you can do it. Just one injection may solve this girl’s problem. Really, you believe me, you believe me!"

Tsuchima's face turned pale all of a sudden, and Yukinoshita Yukino also looked a little bad. How could such a thing be possible?

【Looking at Yukino and Xiaomi, I knew that they thought I was going to inject Xiaomi, but unfortunately, I had no such idea at all. Although Xiaomi is cute, I have no desire for Xiaomi, and the most I can do is hug him. I have an appreciative attitude, it doesn’t look like I like Yukino and the others, nor does it look like I have a pure desire to vent my desire for Momoki Luori and the others, so I have no plans to have anything happen with Xiaomi.】

【As for Xiao Mi's problem, it's actually not a big problem. As long as the absent person continues to transform, then as long as Xiao Mi doesn't get along too much with others, it will basically have no impact. As for people who get along too much, they will go crazy sooner or later. But it’s just crazy and not dead, so what does it matter! 】

The eyelids of the person who had the diary twitched slightly, and then looked at Xiao Bai and complained in his heart, what does it mean to be crazy but not dead? Do you understand what kind of harm your words can bring to people? ?

They could all imagine what would happen if Dojian Mi stayed like this. Sooner or later, the family members around him would go crazy. Unless they stayed away from their family members, they would not be able to prevent their family members from going crazy.

It can be said that Tsuchima will spend his whole life unless he has no contact with people. Otherwise, if he comes into contact with people, he will make people go crazy.

There was despair in Tsuchima's eyes. Yukinoshita Yukino looked at Tsuchima's appearance and asked Xiao Bai:"Is there really no other way?" Xiao Bai looked at Yukinoshita Yukino and then looked at Tsuchima shook his head:"If there is a way to help me, I will definitely help, but, there is really no way to do this. Once this transformation starts, there is no way to reverse it!" He looked pitifully. After taking a look at Tu Jian Mi, Xiao Bai was really willing to help Tu Jian Mi, but the problem was that Xiao Bai wanted to help but was helpless.

Tifa on the side said to Xiao Bai:"Try the other one, you won't suffer anyway!"

Tifa's voice did not avoid Yukinoshita Yukino and Toma Mi, Xiao Bai turned over after hearing it Rolling eyes:"I don't believe a word Nayako said about this matter. If she says it can happen 100%, I still believe it, but what she said is only possible. Possible means uncertain and the consequences may be I just paid but got nothing."

"Moreover, this guy has a bad personality. What he likes to do most is to deceive human beings with lies, and then see what human beings look like after despair!"

"Slander, Master, you are slandering me. You are slandering me. I want to find a lawyer. I want to send you a lawyer's letter!"

Listening to Nayako's words, Xiao Bai sneered and grabbed Nayako's hair with his hand.

"It hurts, it hurts, Master let go, let go, it’s going to fall, it’s going to fall."

Holding her head, Nayako screamed.

Xiao Bai looked at Yukinoshita Yukino and said:"'Yukino, I can't help with this matter, and you shouldn't have too much contact, lest you become crazy. Turn into a lunatic!

A slightly ugly smile appeared on Tsuchima Mi's face, and then he said to Xiao Bai:"If I want to try it, is it okay?" Tu

Jianmi looked at Xiao Bai. She wanted to give it a try. If she really failed, Tujian Mi would probably choose to commit suicide.

In this case, living is to harm others and yourself!

Xiao Bai looked at Tujian Mi. , hesitated for a moment and said:"Here is this for you, try it and see if it works!"

Xiao Bai took off the pendant from his neck and handed it to Tsuchima Mi! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This is Cthulhu's contract, and he didn't even know if it was given to Tsuchima Mi. Is it useful, but maybe you can try it

"Hey, hey, Master, aren't you worried about him getting angry? It's useless to hand over the contract object (Nonuo Zhao) so casually. After all, it's you who made the contract and no one else.

Xiao Bai suddenly asked:"Then if she signs a contract with them, can it be done?" Nayako looked at Xiao Bai and showed a strange smile:"Master, do you think you will make a contract with the maggots in the toilet?" For us, you are the only one who is different in this world, so we are willing to make a contract with you, but don't think too much about other people in this world, there is no such possibility."

Nayako's words were very hurtful, but they also told Xiao Bai that the rest of the world was not qualified to enter into a contract with beings like Nayako and the others.

"So what if it is other spirits?"

"Unless it's that dragon!"

Naiyako's words made Xiao Bai silent. Xiao Bai knew what kind of dragon that dragon was!.

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