After knowing that he could not solve Tujianmi's problems now, Xiao Bai looked at Tujianmi and said:"Otherwise, you can live here first. You can't affect other people here, so you can rest assured. Communicate, and at the same time, if there is any way, I can inform you as soon as possible."

That's what he said, but in fact, Xiao Bai had no idea that there was any way to solve the problem buried in Tujian.

【There is no other way, but it is possible to let Tsuchima live here temporarily. The only way now is to try the method Nayako said, but I really have no interest in Xiaomian, so I will do it for the time being. Leave Xiaomi here. If there is any way to help Xiaomi solve the problem in the future, if there is no way, then see if you can have some ideas about Xiaomi, and then try what Nayako said.】

【So does this count as letting myself and Xiao Mi get familiar with each other before taking action? I always feel like I'm being a bit pretentious, but forget it, maybe there will be a way to solve the problem this time. 】

After understanding what Xiao Bai was thinking, Tu Jianmi nodded decisively and decided to stay!

"Then I'll bother you for a while. Tu

Jianmi bowed slightly to Xiao Bai, looking like a lady. If Xiao Bai hadn't known what kind of girl Tujian Mi was, he would have been deceived by Tujian Mi if she wasn't real!

Then Xiao Bai looked at Yukinoshita Yukino and Tifa and said:"How about going out to eat together!"

"Master Pervert, just go there by yourself, Rem and Ram have to look after the house!"

Ram and Rem did not intend to disturb the world of Xiao Bai and Tifa. Yukinoshita Yukino also rejected Xiao Bai's proposal. She naturally knew that Xiao Bai actually planned to be with Tifa. Going out

"I'm not going either. My sister has something to do with me, so I have to go find my sister, so I'll leave first. It's Xiaomi's business.If Xiaomi is willing, then you can try it!"

Yukinoshita Yukino saw the decisive look of Tsuchima before. She was a little worried that if the solution really couldn't be solved, Tsuchima might do something stupid.

"Don’t worry, I take this matter to heart!"

Yukinoshita Yukino then said goodbye. Xiao Bai glanced at Tifa, and then he and Tifa went out. Xiao Bai was going to find Mujiuzhiengo. Although they had talked on the phone before, Xiao Bai Bai still planned to meet Mujiuzhiyuan Guo in person, and at the same time, he also brought Tifa and Mujiuzhiyuan Guo to get to know each other.

However, when Xiao Bai came to Mujiuzhiyuan Guo restaurant, something happened in the restaurant. Some things happened. In Mujiuzhiyuanguo's restaurant, a middle-aged man wearing a suit seemed to say something to Mujiuzhiyuanguo, and then left with an arrogant expression.

Xiao Bai narrowed his eyes. Eyes, left a photo of the other party, and sent the photo of the other party to the Yamada group before taking Tifa into the restaurant. Tifa also saw what Xiao Bai did and roughly guessed it. Xiao Bai's thoughts, but he didn't say anything and followed Xiao Bai into the restaurant.

"Garden fruit."

Mujiu Zhiyuanguo, who was asking the waiter to continue business, suddenly became happy when he heard the voice, and then turned his head to look at Xiao Bai:"Mr. Bai, uh, this is"

Mujiuzhienguo hesitated when he saw that Xiao Bai was not only alone, but also accompanied by a beautiful black-haired girl.

"Tifa, Tifa Lockhart, nice to meet you, Miss Sonogo Kukuchi!"

It turns out that the girl in front of me is Xiao Bai's confidante in America, Tifa Lockhart?

Mujiuzhiyuanguo immediately reported his name (ajfj):"I am Mujiuzhiyuanguo, please. Thank you for your advice, Miss Tifa!"

"You two should stop being so polite, you are both our own people!"

Xiao Bai interrupted the politeness between the two, and then looked at Mu Jiuzhi Yuanguo and asked:"Who is the middle-aged man who just appeared?"

Mujiu Zhiyuanguo shook his head and said:"It's okay, I can solve it myself!"

"If you solve it yourself, then what's the use of me? Forget it, I won't ask you. I've already had someone check it out."

Xiao Bai directly interrupted Mu Jiuzhi Yuan Guo's words. No matter who the other party is, since the other party is causing trouble for Mu Ji Zhi Yuan Guo, then Xiao Bai has to talk to the other party properly.

Mu Ji Zhi Yuan Guo She seemed to be saying something, but Tifa on the other side spoke before her:"Stop talking, no one can change what Xiao Bai decided, and this matter is still about you, let alone him." If you compromise, you don't need to take this matter to heart. Solving everything by yourself will make him feel useless!"

After hearing what Tifa said, Mujiuzhiyuanguo stopped talking.

Xiao Bai said to Mujiuzhiyuanguo:"Tifa came from America. Originally, he wanted to take you two with him. Let’s get to know each other. I just happened to see this scene unexpectedly. I will ask someone to come to your place to help you later. You just need to arrange a waiter’s identity for the other person. You can do whatever a waiter should do on weekdays. Mu

Jiuzhiyuanguo, who understood what Xiao Bai was going to do, was a little moved but also a little hesitant:"Isn't it a little bad to look like this?""

"Don't worry, the other party is just an ordinary waiter in normal times. Only when someone is looking for trouble will the other party take action to solve these matters."

Seeing that Xiao Bai had said this, Mujiuzhiyuanguo naturally had no other objections.

Then Mujiuzhiyuanguo looked at the time and said,"Then do you want to stay here for dinner?"

"What about you, Tifa?"

"I don't have a problem, so I'll trouble you, Miss Yuan Guo."

Mujiu Zhiyuanguo nodded, and after talking to the two of them, he went to cook for them. Tifa said to Xiao Bai:"We look like you are bringing the mistress to see you. Just like your wife, if she has no emotions at all, either she doesn't love you, or she loves you to the extreme!"

"Of course it's the second one."

Xiao Bai said confidently, and Tifa also smiled. She naturally knew that it was the second answer.

"If it's the second one, wouldn't it be cruel to her if you brought me to see her?"

Xiao Bai knocked on Tifa. How could Tifa be so able to argue today?

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