Nakiri Erina's heart was suddenly pulled. Xiao Bai glanced at Zaiha Chaoyang and said to Nakiri Erina:"Don't worry, he's not dead, it's just that the chef's heart is broken!"

"I survived, let my subordinates go!"

Caibo Chaoyang stood up and said to Xiao Bai. Nakiri Erina stepped forward to see Caibo Chaoyang, but Xiao Bai pulled her back:"As for your subordinates, I will let them go. Damn it, Erina, don’t look at it either. Zaiha Chaoyang got up on his own. What’s the difference between an emotionless brother and a stranger?"

Xiao Bai sneered. Xiao Bai really didn't attach much importance to blood. Xiao Bai only knew that he only had his mother since he was a child, and with the death of his mother, he had no relatives. The other half of his body was from Xiao Bai. Bai Lai said that"two-nine-seven" was dispensable, and even Xiao Bai was now willing to completely replace the blood in his body!

Nakiri Erina looked at Xiao Bai, with a little bit in her eyes Strangeness, a trace of anger, even if there is not much emotion, but the connection in the blood makes Nakiri Erina unable to sit back and watch the possibility of Saiba Chaoyang being killed by Xiao Bai.

Just in Nakiri When Erina was about to question Xiao Bai and refute Xiao Bai, Nakiri Alice on the side suddenly pulled Nakiri Erina's hand:"Shiro-kun, then Erina and I can leave with Saiba Chaoyang."!"

Glancing at Caibo Chaoyang who stood up, Xiao Bai gave a weird smile. Hastauruk's virus entered Caibo Chaoyang's body silently. Ordinary Caibo Chaoyang wanted to harm Xiao Bai. In this situation, Caibo Chaoyang will die suddenly in an instant.

"Okay, you can leave now with Saiha Chaoyang, but Erina, if Saiba Chaoyang threatens me or the people around me again, then there will be no room for recovery!"

Nakiri Erina ignored Xiao Bai and left angrily with Chaoyang Chaoyang. Nakiri Alice glanced at Xiao Bai, and then said to Xiao Bai:"I will talk to Erina over there. I've explained it, Mr. Bai, so you can rest assured. But next time, Mr. Bai, it would be better for you to be more tactful, so I'll leave first."

Nakiri Alice ran up to Xiao Bai, kissed her, and then said goodbye to Xiao Bai.

【Tsk tsk, Alice is much more sensible than Erina. She obviously spared Zaiha Chaoyang because of her face, but only ruined Zaiha Chaoyang's cooking heart. Erina even gave herself a slap in the face, tsk, if it weren't for me , even if Saiha Chaoyang is not killed by me this time, sooner or later he will die under his own Shura heart. Now I have shattered Saiba Chaoyang's Shura heart, and Erina is still angry with me without thanking me.】

【However, I left Hastauruk's virus in Caibo Chaoyang's body. If Caibo Chaoyang had a bad thought in his heart, Caibo Chaoyang would die suddenly!】

【This can be regarded as saving face for Erina. I have reminded her that if there is even a little bit of malice, there will be no room for redemption. Moreover, Zaiha Chaoyang will die silently. Erina always If you can't do it, come and cause trouble for me.】

【So the best thing for you, Saiba Asahi, is not to be ignorant of flattery, and even if it is exposed, at worst, this part of Erina's memory will be deleted when the time comes. As long as Erina is by my side, it will be fine. ]

Nakiri Erina, who took Saiba Chaoyang out, was so angry that she trembled with anger. After seeing this diary entry by Xiao Bai, Nakiri Erina said angrily:"Xiao Bai is so heartless!"

Nakiri Alice Looking at Nakiri Erina, she said:"You can't blame Haku-kun for this matter. Don't forget Haku-kun's life experience. With a father like that, it's natural that Haku-kun doesn't pay attention to blood relations. A person you have never paid attention to before." Is it possible that my brother, whom I have met before, wants Bai Jun to let go and threatens the person Bai Jun likes just because of his blood relationship?"

"Erina, don't think that Shiro-kun is too much. If it weren't for you, Zaiha Chaoyang would have died this time, and Shiro-kun would not have left any threat to himself. Saiba

Zhaoyang looked at Nakiri Alice and Nakiri Erina and was silent for a long time and asked:"Who is Xiao Bai?""

Nakiri Erina didn't know how to speak, but Nakiri Alice said:"It's the person Erina and I like. Don't blame Shiro-kun for what happened this time. It's because I didn't kill you. The reason for Erina is that you threatened the person Shiro-kun liked first, so Shiro-kun attacked you. Don't think about revenge against Shiro-kun, it will only make you die faster! Saiba

Chaoyang glanced at Nakiri Erina and then said:"Don't worry, I won't make it difficult for you!""

Nakiri Erina looked at Saiba Chaoyang and said:"I hope you really won't seek revenge on Xiao Bai, he is not something you can fight against! Caibo Chaoyang smiled and said:"

I have to thank him. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have completed the transformation. With his strength, he would definitely participate in the examination for candidates for the God of Cooking, right? When the time comes, I will defeat him openly. It’s like bringing an end to today’s events.."

"How can you defeat him when your cooking skills are ruined?"

"Thanks to his blessing, the original heart of Shura was broken, but because of the cooking heart of that dish, I mastered a new cooking heart!"

Looking at Nakiri Erina, she said:"Don't be angry with him because of me. Through his cooking, I can feel his love for you. Maybe it's because I really threaten him. That's why he planned to destroy me. In short, this matter has passed, and I will retaliate against him in my own way."

Then 4.8 looked at Erina again, Saiha Chaoyang said:"Although I still don't know whether we are blood brothers and sisters, but I recognize you as my sister!"

Saiba Chaoyang left after speaking to Nakiri Erina, and Nakiri Erina did not try to keep her.

Nakiri Alice looked at the leaving Saiba Chaoyang and nodded:"This guy is still very self-aware. Yes, it seems that you did not save the wrong person, Erina."

Nakiri Erina rolled her eyes and no longer wanted to pay attention to Nakiri Alice.

"Erina, you really shouldn’t be angry with Shiro-kun because of this matter. Shiro-kun didn’t do anything wrong. If you really want to talk about it, it’s actually you who is at fault."

"My fault? Is it my fault that I stopped Xiao Bai from killing my blood brother?".

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