"Bai Jun doesn't value blood relationships because of his own life experience, so do you expect Bai Jun to let go of a brother you have no feelings for because of blood ties?"

"What about my mother? He still wants the ones from before"

"No action, right? And to be honest, it's not because of you Erina, he did it for you, Erina, just like this time he did it for Senpai Engo and that Tifa!"

Nakiri Alice looked at Nakiri Erina:"Don't lose your temper, Erina, I don't want you to get into trouble with Shiro-kun, and Shiro-kun will really delete your memory, I Feel it."

Hearing this, Nakiri Erina gritted her teeth, but there was nowhere to vent her anger. Nakiri Alice glanced at Nakiri Erina and then said:"And Erina, don't you think this is also a sign of Bai Jun's love for you? ?"

"Is that love? That's obviously due to possessiveness. If he really liked me, he wouldn't do such a thing!"

Looking at the furious Nakiri Erina, Nakiri Alice rolled her eyes at Nakiri Erina:"When one day Shiro-kun's possessiveness towards you disappears, then Erina, can you be happy?"

After saying that, no matter what Nakiri Erina's expression was, Nakiri Alice said to herself:"Haku-kun, he doesn't know how to love others, so all he can do is to make the people he loves not be loved by others. Any threats or harm."

Looking at her cousin, Nakiri Erina's expression became a little strange:"You said it as if you know Xiao Bai very well?"

"If Bai Jun can understand me, then I can naturally understand Bai Jun, and I know how to make Bai Jun happy better than you, Erina!"

Nakiri Erina was a little doubtful for a moment. Is this really her childish cousin?

When Nakiri Erina was doubting life, Xiao Bai was extremely anxious at this time. Nakiri Erina and the others could not leave. After that, Xiao Bai received a call from Megumi Kato, but Xiao Bai never thought that Megumi Kato was calling for help.

Megumi Kato was in danger, and Xiao Bai could only let Yamada drive. Choji speeds up

"Drive faster. I will reach my destination in ten minutes. If anyone is there, run me over. If there is a car, just run over me!"

Yamada Choji, who was driving, didn't dare to refute at all. Now he could feel that Xiao Bai was like a volcano about to erupt. He directly stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, relying on his reflexes after transforming into a deep diver. As well as physical fitness, Yamada Choji was able to ensure that he would not get into a car accident.

Finally, hurriedly and slowly, Yamada Choji finally arrived at the place designated by Kato Megumi within ten minutes, and Xiao Bai kicked him away He opened the car door and rushed into the church.

After kicking the church members away, Xiao Bai saw Kato Megumi hiding in the corner and hugging his legs. Xiao Bai came directly to Kato Megumi's side.

"Xiaohui, here I come!"

When Kato Megumi saw Xiao Bai, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, but he still looked at Xiao Bai warily. Xiao Bai did not step forward.


【Strange, why does Xiaohui look at me with vigilance? 】

Although he was confused in his heart, Xiao Bai did not step forward rashly, but said softly to Kato Megumi:"I'm here, don't worry, no one can hurt you!"

Xiao Bai's diary made Kato Megumi After finally confirming that Xiao Bai was Xiao Bai, Kato Megumi immediately threw herself into Xiao Bai's arms. Xiao Bai held Kato Megumi in his arms, feeling the other person's body trembling slightly and feeling distressed.

Although Xiao Bai was very angry in his heart, he was still comforting Kato Megumi:"Okay, okay, I'm here, I'm safe, everything is safe."

Feeling the warmth of Xiao Bai's embrace, Kato Megumi's trembling body gradually After about ten minutes, Kato Kei finally calmed down and pushed Xiao's body away slightly.

Xiao Bai let go of Kato Megumi, and then asked Kato Megumi:"What happened?"

Xiao Bai glanced at the church, and then the pupils in Xiao Bai's eyes shrank slightly, The cross of the Son of Jesus has been hung upside down, and the statue of the Virgin Mary has also transformed into a ferocious and ugly devil!

Jesus was hung upside down and the Virgin was demonized?

Xiao Bai looked at the church for a moment, with a solemn look in his eyes. Suddenly, Xiao Bai felt a slight pain in his body. Then Xiao Bai saw that Kato Megumi's pupils had turned into Black, the delicate pretty face is covered with black cracks, and the eye sockets have turned black, along with the whites and pupils of the eyes in the eye sockets have turned into pitch black!

At this time, Kato Megumi was holding a piece of glass shard in Xiao Bai's body. Seeing Xiao Bai look over, an evil smile appeared on his face.

"Get out of Xiaohui's body!!!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiao Bai's anger was suddenly ignited. He poked Kato Megumi's forehead with his finger, and instantly separated a hacked person from Kato Megumi's body. The figure 013 surrounded by fog seemed to be knocked away.

Countless black fog instantly emerged from Xiao Bai's body and controlled the figure.

Only at this time did Xiao Bai see clearly what the figure was. What was it?

It was a female devil. The face of the other party was the same as what Xiao Bai saw just now. The dark eye sockets and eyeballs, as well as the face full of cracks, looked so terrifying, but at this time Xiao Bai looked at her There was only anger and murderous intent in his eyes!

"You deserve to die!"

Xiao Bai's palm just squeezed out of thin air, and the female devil's body began to be filled with water.

"Well, Lord Satan will avenge me!

Xiao Bai sneered when he heard this:"Satan?" Let him come!"

Squeeze it hard with your palm, and the next moment the female demon's body was crushed and exploded. The scattered blood mist and limbs were absorbed by the black mist, and then everything returned to calm.

Xiao Bai watched as he was hugged Kato Megumi was in his arms.

He pulled out the shard of glass stuck in his lower abdomen, then threw it aside directly, and left the church with Kato Megumi in his arms.

But Xiao Bai didn't know that after he left, there was someone Appeared and took away the piece of glass with his blood!.

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