Xiao Bai came back and walked in the door, and saw Kato Megumi sitting in the living room looking at him. Xiao Bai touched his nose awkwardly:"Satan was not found. He seems to have run away!"

Then Xiao Bai looked at Kato Megumi again:"Xiao Hui, please stay at my house temporarily for a while. You also call your parents and ask them to continue traveling and not go home. Satan will come back when the problem is solved."

Kato Megumi hesitated and then clicked. Nodding:"Then I will trouble you Mr. Bai these days."

"It's a small thing, but although I expelled the demon possessing you before, there is no guarantee that there will be no problem, so just in case, I will take you to see a witch in the future and let the other party take a look at you. If there are no problems with the body, of course it is just insurance. If there are no problems, it is naturally the best."

Hearing Xiao Bai's words, Kato Megumi nodded slightly. She was also a little worried. It would be very troublesome if she still had any problems. She didn't want to hurt Xiao Bai anymore.

"Okay, so that's how it goes. Let's go to bed early today. It's already getting late. Xiao

Bai looked at the already dark sky outside and said, and then looked at Rem:"Rem, prepare a room for Xiao Hui. Nayako, you and I come into the room!""

Nayako, who was lying on the sofa playing a handheld device, heard Xiao Bai's words 613. The dull hair on her head stood straight up instantly:"Master, are you finally going to attack me?"

"Shut up and come in with me. I have something to ask you!"

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he walked into the room. Nayako put away the mobile phone and followed Xiao Bai. Then after Nayako entered Xiao Bai's room, Xiao Bai's room door was closed.

"Nayako, you knowPut some fucking clothes on me!"

Xiao Bai turned around and wanted to ask something, but he didn't expect that when he turned around, he saw Nayako actually taking off her clothes. Immediately, a condescending force hit Nayako on the lower abdomen!

"Have you heard of that Satan!"

Nayako lay on the ground and said to Xiao Bai:"I have never heard of this kind of little Karami-like character. Nayako, I don't care. After all, there are so many bugs, who would care? A slightly stronger insect, right? Master, you are different from other humans, you are an alien."

Xiao Bai's face was indifferent. He ignored Nayako's words and was thinking to himself. Then Xiao Bai asked Nayako:"Is there any way to find that Satan? I have a bad premonition. I'm afraid that Satan didn't come for Xiao Hui, but instead came for me!"

"There is nothing we can do about this. After all, we never do this kind of thing. If we have this kind of skill, wouldn't it be better for us to directly obliterate the planet world?"

After hearing what Nayakko said, Xiao Bai was speechless. It was exactly as Nayako said. With that time and effort, it would be better to solve this problem directly from the root cause, but Xiao Bai obviously cannot do this.

"Master, have you ever wanted to transform into an inhuman? Now you are still a human being according to your race, but your heart is completely alien and non-human, so do you want to transform into an evil god?"

"ha? Transform into an evil god and become your dependent?"

Xiao Bai sneered and looked at Nayako, but Nayako shook his head and looked at Xiao Bai and said:"It's not a family, but an evil god, on the same level as me, Sabu, and Yog-Sothoth. Evil God, you can even try to become the Lord of Evil God!"

Xiao Bai looked at (bcdf) Nayako with a strange expression, and then couldn't help complaining to Nayako:"Do you feel that you are free and uncomfortable, and want to find yourself a master?"

"It's mainly because of you, Master. If it's you, Master, there's no problem at all. Shabu and I are very supportive. As long as the glowing guy is taken care of in due time, Master, you have a chance to become the Lord of Evil Gods."

Xiao Bai didn't believe that pie would fall from the sky, let alone Nayako's nonsense:"Shut up, I'm not the kind of idiot who will be coaxed by you, get out now!"

"No, I did not deceive you, Master. If it were you, both I and Shabu would agree with it, and the more foreign gods and old rulers you contract with, Master, then even if you have nothing, As a Master, you will slowly undergo changes, changes in your personality!"

Xiao Bai frowned, but still said to Nayako:"Okay, you can go out now that it doesn't have anything to do with you! Nayako shrugged, and then said:"Master, you are welcome to come to me at any time. I believe that sooner or later, Master, you will want to become the evil god!""

Looking at Nayako leaving, Xiao Bai was in a bad mood. Nayako's words were like a curse, giving Xiao Bai an ominous premonition! He was speechless all night.

Xiao Bai the next day Received the reward in vain

【Yesterday the diary was completed and rewards started to be distributed. You got the Great Xia Dragon Bird.】

【The person who recorded yesterday's diary received a reward, and the person who held the diary copy began to draw the same reward. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【The draw is complete, congratulations to XXXXX (Alice Nakiri) for winning the Seven-Star Sword】

【Rewards for diary copy holders have begun to be distributed. The person whose name was mentioned most by diary recorders yesterday was Kato Megumi. Rewards are now being distributed.】

【Congratulations to Megumi Kato for getting the Satan coordinates. 】

Xiao Bai looked at the Daxia Dragon Bird in his hand. When he held the Daxia Dragon Bird, he suddenly felt as if he was connected by blood, which made Xiao Bai feel that the knife was his own hand.

I have a feeling that if I use Daxia Longque to use the Ba Tang, it can increase the power by at least 30%. The

Daxia Longque sword is three feet and nine inches long, and the ancient weapon Wu Chu Zhanlu, Da Xia Longque is engraved on its back. Xia Longque, famous as the capital of the gods, can be far-reaching and gentle, like wind-swept grass, commanding the nine districts.

Holding the knife in his hand, bursts of knife sounds suddenly sounded, as if the Great Xia Longque was glad that he had met a master!

Suddenly, Xiao Bai's door was suddenly pushed open, and Tifa, Rem, and Ram rushed in. They were relieved to see that Xiao Bai was fine..

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