After rushing into Xiao Bai's room, they saw that Xiao Bai was fine and the others were relieved. The Daxia Dragon Bird in Xiao Bai's hand was received by Xiao Bai into the storage ring.

"We thought there was a fight here just now, so we came in, but what is going on with you?"

Tifa looked at Xiao Bai. The momentum that just erupted in Xiao Bai's room made everyone present feel a little chilly, especially the sharp feeling, which was like a ray on the back.

"Well, I just got a knife. I couldn't help but want to try this knife. It's nothing serious. Let's go out to eat first."

They didn't ask how Xiao Bai got the knife. Everyone felt relieved when they saw that Xiao Bai was fine. When Xiao Bai came out to have breakfast, Kato Megumi hesitated for a moment, and then said to Xiao Bai. :"Well, I discovered the whereabouts of Satan"

"kindness? Where?"

How Kato Megumi found out about Satan's whereabouts doesn't matter to Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai just wants to know where Satan is. After killing Satan, Kato Megumicrisis - even if it is resolved

"Vatican! Xiao

Bai was stunned, and then said with some surprise:"Satan actually went to the Vatican. This is interesting. The Vatican is known as the Kingdom of God on earth, but now Satan, who is known as the Lord of Hell, actually went to the Vatican?"

But then Xiao Bai said to Megumi Kato:"Don't worry, leave the matter of Satan to me. I guarantee that this guy won't live long. I'm going to kill Satan even to the ends of the world, let alone the Vatican!""

"Are you going to the Vatican again?"

"Well, I'm going to go. After the assessment of my candidates for the God of Cooking is over, I will go to the Vatican and then deal with Satan."

Today is the examination for candidates for the God of Cooking. Otherwise, Xiao Bai would have gone to the Vatican by now. What kind of dog-like thing dares to attack one of his own people? That is to say, the current Xiao Bai cannot leave, otherwise the current Xiao Bai He had already gone to the Vatican to raise Satan's ashes.

Xiao Bai then changed his clothes and went to the examination place for the candidates for the God of Cooking.

When he arrived at the examination room, not to mention, Xiao Bai met a lot of people, and Many acquaintances and many graduates from Yuanyue came to take part in the assessment of candidates for the God of Cooking.

"You also come to take part in the Master of Cooking candidate assessment!"

Xiao Bai stepped forward and looked at these people and asked.

"There is an age limit to participate, and you must be under 20 years old. This time we came here to be spectators and cheer for some of the participating students."

Dojima Gin said to Xiao Bai, and Shinomiya Kojiro next to him greeted respectfully:"Teacher"

"Okay, I'm not used to these red tapes, but there were really a lot of people participating this time."

"With the teacher here, the winner this time will definitely be the teacher."

Shinomiya Kojiro now blindly believes in Xiao Bai, thinking that if Xiao Bai participates in the Master of Cooking candidate assessment, the winner will definitely be Xiao Bai. Faced with this situation, Xiao Bai just smiled and said nothing.

As the time for the start of the competition began, three people as examiners appeared, namely Nangong Nayue, Yae Shenzi and Bai Yuekui. Xiao Bai was slightly surprised when he saw these three people appearing.

【Nazuki-chan has actually turned into an adult again. I personally feel that Nazuki-chan is cuter when she is smaller. She is a legal loli!】

【But Yue Jiang is also very good at growing taller. Those long black stockings and her curvy figure are awesome! 】

Nangong on the stage glanced at Xiao Bai that month, and then explained to himself:"The purpose of the assessment of the candidates for the God of Cooking this time is only one, and that is to select the best chefs for training and competition. The requirement is that all special chefs under the age of 20 can participate, but I have to make it clear that if you don't have confidence in yourself, it is better not to participate. The reason why there is no preliminary competition is because there is no need for it."

"This competition will be broadcast live on special TV. Once it is judged as unqualified, it goes without saying what the result will be and what fate you will have. Nangong

Nayue looked around and then said:"Then you can show off your cooking skills to your heart's content. The topic is one fish and four meals. The cooking time is one hour. Let's start now.""

Ask for flowers, eat four fish with one fish?

" Xiao Bai looked at Nangong Nayue, why did he feel that Nangong Nayue asked this question on purpose? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【That Yue-chan's"Four Eats Fish" question was probably not intentional. The original topic of Liu Pleiades and Ren's competition for the Everlasting Knife was a swordsman showdown in front of the gods, and the topic at that time was to make"Four Eats Fish" based on sea bream, tsk , I’m too lazy to think of recipes, so I just copy Ren’s recipes directly, these people have no rivals with me anyway! 】

After thinking about it, Xiao Bai started to choose the food. Soon Xiao Bai found the ingredient he wanted, a thirty or forty pound real sea bream.

【How about making a map of the Sea Bream Continent? You can also make a map of the Sea Bream Continent, and it’s quite fulfilling, but I feel like there are too many people doing it, so forget it and just make Ren’s cuisine. After all, there’s no Seven-Star Sword. I’ve used it once, so it’s a good idea to take it out and turn it on this time! ]

Thinking of this, Xiao Bai came to his kitchen counter carrying thirty or forty kilograms of real sea bream in one hand, but when Xiao Bai took out the seven-star knife, the live broadcast of Xiao Bai's seven-star knife immediately attracted some attention. people's attention

"Seven Stars Instant Breaking Sword Dance!!!"

Xiao Bai didn't know about this. He was currently using the seven-star sword skill to deal with the real sea bream. Ren's idea of ​​eating four fish and eating four fish was already deduced in Xiao Bai's mind.

Bai Yuekui frowned slightly at the judges' table. :"Xiao Bai is afraid that taking out the Seven-Star Sword will bring some trouble to himself. Nowadays, the Lei family, the Liu family, and the Jie family have become cancer-like existences. The other party will definitely try to find ways to kill Xiao Bai. Take back the seven-star sword in your hand"

"Then let them come. It is a good thing to detonate the hatred in Xiao Bai's heart early. The more the hatred brews in his heart, the more serious the consequences will be if it explodes. So I would rather detonate the hatred in Xiao Bai's heart in advance."

"Moreover, this Ming Dynasty is not the Ming Dynasty of their families, but his. This country only exists for him!"

Nangong Nayue said calmly, but his tone was filled with murderous intent!.

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