Looking at Xiao Bai's wild eyes that looked like wild beasts under his hair, Nangong Nayue felt a little heartbroken. She looked at Xiao Bai and said,"You shouldn't give up on yourself like this. You will only make those who care about you angry." Heartache, and what you did has attracted the attention of some people. The killings caused by those deep divers will eventually be traced to you."

Xiao Bai ignored Nangong Nayue, and it took a long time for Xiao Bai to speak:" There is no need for those big principles. Now I just want to vent. After venting, I will kill them and end all this!"

"So have you thought about Rem and Ram?"

"If they love me, they will support me unconditionally. If they don't support me, then why should I care about them?""620"

A dark color flashed across Xiao Bai's eyes. It's not that Xiao Bai has done nothing these days. He needs power, the power to take revenge, and the fastest way to obtain power is Assimilation, or transformation into an evil god!

Nayako is right, Xiao Bai will choose to become an evil god sooner or later. Nayako must have known these things for a long time, so he said such things.

Nangong Na Yuejian Seeing Xiao Bai's appearance, he finally said to Xiao Bai:"I will stop you, even if I take you back by force!"

"Hehehe, hahahaha!!!!"

Laughing, Xiao Bai looked at Nangong Nayue. This was the first time since Nangong Nayue appeared. Xiao Bai looked at Nangong Nayue for the first time. At this moment, Xiao Bai's body floated, and the next moment The world turned black and white!

Xiao Bai stepped on the ground and approached Nangong Nayue step by step, but Nangong Nayue remained motionless until Xiao Bai stretched out his hand and pinched Nangong Nayue's neck. The world did not recover. color

"As long as I exert a little force, your neck will be broken by me. I really want to know what you can do to stop me. I don't want to kill you, but you don't appear in front of me anymore. Don't force me to kill you. Understand. If so, get out!"

Xiao Bai casually threw Nangong Nayue out. From the beginning to the end, Nangong Nayue couldn't even resist. Nangong Nayue was thrown out and lay in the mud. However, Nangong Nayue looked at Xiao Bai. His eyes were full of disbelief.

How could he not even notice Xiao Bai's actions?

When did Xiao Bai's strength become so powerful?

Or was Xiao Bai hiding his strength from the beginning?

Nangong couldn't understand that month, but she realized one thing. She couldn't stop Xiao Bai now, and Xiao Bai would fall deeper and deeper into this mistake until the end.

Suddenly, Xiao Bai raised his head and looked in a direction, which was exactly where the Deep Diver was:"Interesting, is it the extraordinary person of the Ming Dynasty? I would like to know what details he left for the Ming Dynasty, hahahaha!!!"

The crazy laughter made Nangong Nayue want to say something, but Yakumo Zi took Nangong Nayue away in a gap. Xiao Bai just glanced at it and stopped paying attention and turned to take Yiyi away. A ray of consciousness fell on the deep diver.

Hundreds of deep divers are being surrounded by thousands of people, and these people each use their own methods to beat the deep divers.

The deep diver that Xiao Bai came to was also being beaten by a dozen people. With a wave of his hand, all these people were shot away in an instant.


Following Xiao Bai's order, all the deep divers gathered around Xiao Bai. Even at the risk of being beaten by those people, they still did not hesitate and came directly to Xiao Bai's side.

"Are you the one behind these monsters?"

Tall and straight, with white skin and silver hair, waist-length hair, a dot of cinnabar between his eyebrows, handsome appearance, fluttering white clothes, a serious-looking man looking at Xiao Bai with a hint of questioning in his eyes.

But Xiao Bai was He looked at the other party and said calmly:"Yes, I asked these deep divers to kill people when they see them. So I have answered your question. What about you, who are you?""

"Zhang Lingyu, the tenth disciple of Longhushan Laotian Master, these are employees of Nadoutong Company!"

Zhang Lingyu?

He knows everything?

I see, is he a stranger?

So the old master of Longhu Mountain is Zhang Zhiwei. He is said to be inferior to one person, but actually inferior to one person?

"I see, I understand. In ten days, no one will be left alive in the Liu family in Chengdu. I will give you ten days to make preparations. As for these deep divers, if you can kill them all, kill them all. Anyway, The more damned people are....."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiao Bai sneered, and then his consciousness left this body, and these deep divers were going crazy thinking about Zhang Lingyu, who had access to the company everywhere. The employees went through the killing spree.

After regaining consciousness, Xiao Bai looked up at the sky, and then sneered:"Everywhere is accessible, Longhu Mountain, ha!"

The land under Xiao Bai's feet began to gradually die, and the flowers, plants and trees in the mountain forest also gradually withered. , and finally turned into a bare mountain with no green at all.

"If she's gone, what's the use of keeping her?"

In the gap, Nangong Nayue looked at Yakumo Purple, and Yakumo Purple said lightly:"If you continue, you will die. His eyes have told me that he will really kill you."

"So should we just do nothing and watch him sink deeper and deeper?"

"Of course not, but the premise is that you survive, and you now know what happened to Xiao Bai, do you know why Xiao Bai can easily defeat or even kill you 3.7?"

Suddenly Nangong Nayue was speechless. Why did Xiao Bai's strength improve so rapidly? Even if Xiao Bai wanted to kill her, her neck would be broken before.

"When we go back, we still have someone we can ask and find out from the other person's mouth what happened to Xiao Bai."

Hearing this sentence, Nangong Nayue was no longer refuting, Yakumo Zi opened the gap, and the next moment the two of them appeared at Xiao Bai Nihong's home

"Something happened."

When they saw Yakumo Murasaki and Nangong Nazuki coming back, Rem, Ram, and Tifa, who had been worried for a long time, were even more anxious about Yakumo Murasaki and Nangong Nazuki asking questions.

"Xiao Bai, he"

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