Nangong Nayue told Ram and the others about Xiao Bai, and then Nangong Nayue looked at Nayako, the only evil god who might know what was wrong with Xiao Bai.

"Nayako, we want to know what changes have happened to Xiao Bai, why Xiao Bai's strength has become so much stronger, actually, actually"

Nangong Nayue thought about what happened to him. Xiao Bai almost crushed Nangong Nayue to death with one hand. When did Xiao Bai become so powerful that Nangong Nayue couldn't even resist?

"Transformed into an evil god, the Master has decided to give up his identity as a human being and become one of us. I have already said that the Master is an alien in human skin. Sooner or later, the Master will become one of us. Of course, all of this must Thank you humans, if it weren't for you sters, you wouldn't have made up your mind so quickly. Nangong

Nayue frowned:"What will happen if Xiao Bai becomes the evil god?""

"What would happen if the Master turned into an evil god? How do I know this? After all, let alone me, even the Master himself may not know what he will become after becoming an evil god."

14 Yazi looked at Nangong Nayue in a funny way:"Thanks to you, Master was able to make up his mind so quickly. Thanks to you humans, I just don't know if humanity will be destroyed because of this incident?"

Yakumo Purple did not speak, but Tifa on the side said:"Humanity will never be destroyed because of this. I believe Xiao Bai, he will not do such a thing."

"Then you are wrong. After completing his revenge, the Master will destroy all humans except you. The destruction of humanity will be the Master's gift after becoming the evil god!"

Naiko snapped her fingers, and a picture appeared in front of everyone. Xiao Bai was moving in one direction step by step, and every step Xiao Bai took, the land would inevitably die, and all human beings would inevitably die. Become a deep diver and plunge into endless killing.

"Thirty-seven thousand six hundred and eighty-two people, this is the number of people who have been transformed into deep divers and killed, and this number will continue to increase. Now every time the Master takes a step forward, the number of people who die will increase. The more there are, the deeper the evil deity will be. Tu

Jianmi asked with some fear:"Um, is the transformation in me the same as the evil transformation in Xiao Bai?""

Looking at Tsuchima as if he was mentally retarded, Nayako said to Tsuchima:"Do you think you are worthy? If this world is black and white, then the Master is the only color. The Master can become an evil god like me, and at most you are only worthy of becoming a dependent, like those deep divers who are casually transformed by the Master."

Tsuchian Mi felt a knife piercing her heart directly. It hurt all the time.

Nangong Nayue didn't want to know so much now. She just wanted to know what Xiao Bai's strength was.

"So why did Xiao Bai's strength increase so much? Is it because of Xiao Bai's evil transformation?"

"That shouldn't be the case. The Master's level of evil god transformation is not yet deep, and his strength cannot be improved much. Even if he becomes an evil god, his strength will not increase much. However, he can borrow the strength of other evil gods, such as the Master. The strength of the contract spirit, but the Master should have mastered the time."

Naiko said with a hint of excitement in her eyes:"Master should have mastered time, and when dealing with you, he paused time."

"If Xiao Bai really masters this ability, how can we stop Xiao Bai?"

"Prevent? Why stop it? If the pervert master wants to kill the rest of the humans, just kill them. Just like the pervert master said, if he can't support him, then why should he care!"

Ram suddenly started taunting. For Ram, the only important things are his sister Rem and his master Xiao Bai. What does the rest of the people have to do with Ram?

So why does Ram want to do this ? Are other people going to go against Xiao Bai?

"As the master's maid, I will stand firmly on the master's side, even if I am the enemy of the whole world. This time, Rem and her sister will be with the master."

It's a headache. Nangong wanted to ask these girls to persuade Xiao Bai that month, but in the end, these girls immediately surrendered.

Tifa was silent, and then said for a long time:"I don't think Xiao Bai wants revenge. Wrong, but Xiao Bai should not express his anger, ordinary people are innocent"

"So isn’t the pervert master’s mother innocent? Forget it, since the paths are different, we have nothing to say, Rem, let’s go find the pervert master!"

"Okay, sister! Nayako looked at Nangong Nayue:"Oh, it seems that your calculations are wrong. What are you going to do now?"

Kato Megumi looked at Rem and Ram who were leaving and said,"I'll go with you!""

Tifa looked at Kato Megumi with a look of surprise and disbelief in her eyes, but she didn't say anything more. Rem said to Kato Megumi,"Then let's go with us."

As Ram and Rem left, Nayako smiled and said:"Then I will leave too, and you can discuss how to stop the Master, butHahahaha!!!!"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Nayako's figure gradually faded and disappeared, and the weird smile before leaving made the rest of the people present shiver.

"What should we do now?"

Nangong Nayue is really confused now, what should she do?

"First find other diary copy holders to see their attitudes. If possible, ask them to stop Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai might do it for their sake."

"If it doesn't work, it will make Xiao Bai sink deeper and deeper."

Nangong Nayue didn't say anything, but Yakumo Zi naturally knew what Nangong Nayue meant.

"If it really comes to that point, then we have no other choice but to continue to wait for the next life, and we must not let him turn into an evil god. I have a hunch that once he turns into an evil god, he will never come back."

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