In the Forbidden City of the Ming Dynasty, a group of high-level officials of the Ming Dynasty were gathering together. In fact, there were very few things in the Ming Dynasty that could bring these people together, but the current situation is so urgent that these people need to gather together.

"The person behind the scenes has been investigated clearly. You should take a look at this information!"

A piece of information was placed in front of everyone. They picked up the information and read it, and then gradually the expressions of these people became gloomy.

"How dare they, how dare they, even the eldest princess, this is a royal family, how dare they do this!!!"

An old man with shaggy beard and hair suddenly slapped the table, the anger on his face was beyond words, while the others had calm expressions, including the current emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Xianhe.

"Okay, okay, Lao Zhangtou, stop acting, you are just a cat crying like a mouse. We are all foxes of thousands of years, what are you pretending to do!"

An old man with a gloomy face said calmly. He looked at the materials in his hands and didn't know what he was thinking in his eyes.

"Tens of thousands of people were killed and injured in the land of Shu, and this number is still expanding. According to the guesses given by the think tank, the enemy will arrive at the Liu family in ten days, and millions of people may die along the way."

"How about letting someone who knows everything to stop it?"

"At the beginning, I asked everyone to stop them, but thousands of strangers who knew everything went to fight with hundreds of monsters, including Zhang Lingyu, the tenth disciple of the Heavenly Master. Although those monsters were eliminated, As a result, Zhang Lingyu was seriously injured, and the number of casualties in Nadutong was as high as 80%."

Everyone in the silent conference room fell silent. Finally, Emperor Zhu Xianhe said:"Now everyone come up with a charter. If this matter is not stopped in time, there will be millions of damages.!"

"Go to Longhu Mountain to ask the Heavenly Master, and at the same time send strangers to see if the source can be eliminated. If the source can be eliminated, the monsters at the source may disappear on their own."



Amidst the voices of agreement, the plan to deal with Xiao Bai was finalized, and at this time, in the mountain city of Zhongshu.

Liu Mansion!

"Dad, you have to help me, help me get revenge!"

Liu Lili looked at the head of the Liu family sitting on the Taishi chair. At this time, she was like a helpless girl. She looked at the head of the Liu family sitting on the Taishi chair with a pleading look on his face.

"help? How to help? Since you want me to help you, then tell me how I can help you. Liu

San, the head of the Liu family, asked calmly, playing with two iron eggs in his hand. Then with a sudden force of his palm, the two iron eggs were pinched with fingerprints.

"When I asked you to find the legendary kitchen utensils, you didn't find them, but now it's caused such a big fuss!"

Liu San stared at his daughter with his sinister eyes, and Liu Lili kowtowed:"Dad, I tried my best, but no one knows where that woman hid the legendary kitchen utensils. That good-for-nothing searched all that woman's belongings but couldn't find them."

Looking at his daughter, Liu San retracted his sinister eyes, sat back on the Taishi chair, then closed his eyes and said as if talking to himself:"Do you think Ming Dynasty should intervene in this matter? ? If you intervene, there will definitely be huge casualties, but if you don't intervene, the boiling public opinion will be enough to make those big bosses fall off their horses one by one."

Listening to Liu San's soliloquy, Liu Lili's eyes suddenly lit up:"Yes, I understand, Dad, I will make arrangements right away and make this matter known to the whole world. At that time, those adults will no longer be able to watch the fire from the other side even if they want to."

Liu San didn't speak and closed his eyes to rest. Liu Lili ran out quickly. After Liu Lili left, Liu San's eyes flashed with strange eyes.

"A little bastard wants to keep my Liu family's chickens and dogs? Just use this little bastard to test out those old guys!"

In Longhu Mountain, Zhang Zhiwei listened to the reports from his disciples without even raising his eyes.

"Huanjin, you said someone is avenging his mother, why should we interfere? Why don't we just practice Taoism on the mountain?"

Listening to the words of the old Tianshi, Zhao Huanjin, the fourth disciple of the old Tianshi, said respectfully:"Master, what is happening now is not as simple as taking revenge on the other side. The other side has set off a monstrous killing, which has accumulated to this day, because The number of people who died due to him has exceeded 50,000 people. These 50,000 people either became monsters or were killed by those monsters."

".That’s why Daming wants to ask Master to take action for this reason. As long as Master takes action, any monster can be easily captured."

"Haha, you think too highly of me, an old Taoist priest. I don't have that kind of ability as an old Taoist priest. There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in this world. You never know what kind of strong person will emerge at the next moment." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Is the master going to refuse Daming's request?"

"Whatever you refuse to do, after all, you can't let that little guy continue to mess around. Revenge is revenge, just find a target for revenge, and it doesn't matter if you anger other innocent people.

Then he looked at Zhao Huanjin who was still standing there and frowned:"What are you waiting for? Why don't you leave quickly? Do you want me, an old man, to go alone?" In case I get lost on the road, or I die on the way, there won't even be a body collector."

Zhao (Li Dezhao) Huanjin reacted at this time:"Oh, okay, master, I will lead the way."

Zhao Huanjin immediately stepped forward to lead the way for Master Tian. As long as Master Tian is willing to go with him, he has completed his mission for the Ming Dynasty. The next step is to wait for Master Tian to defeat Xiao Bai.

Tu Shan

"Sister, are we going?"

Tushan Yaya was a little excited, but Tushan Honghong looked at Tushan Rongrong.

"Nangong Nayue said that if Xiao Bai turns into a god, he may not be able to come back, so we must stop Xiao Bai no matter what."

Tushan Rongrong sighed softly:"If I had considered this, then there would be no current situation."

"Rong Rong, this is none of your business. After all, no one knows that someone can be so heartbroken and capable of doing such a thing."

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