Xiao Bai seemed to be tireless and moved towards Liu's Mansion step by step. However, the place Xiao Bai passed by had already been deserted. It was obvious that the residents here had been evacuated.

Countless people who knew everything appeared and stood in front of Xiao Bai. What Xiao Bai did was publicized, so now Ming Dynasty had to send people to deal with Xiao Bai.

Facing these people standing in front of him, Xiao Bai stopped and then sneered:"Obviously you can live a little longer, but it's a pity that you gave up your life!"

Daxia Longque appeared. In Xiao Bai's hands, Xiao Bai did not use Ba Tang, but walked out step by step. Those who attacked Xiao Bai and blocked Xiao Bai's path all fell at Xiao Bai's feet. Some of them were Their necks were chopped off, some were split in half diagonally, and some were split in the middle. Internal organs and stumps were scattered all over the ground.

However, the attacks of those people were always unable to break through Xiao Bai's defense. Xiao Bai's contract spirit would actively resist all attacks for Xiao Bai, so Xiao Bai only had to think about how to kill himself with the simplest action. The person in front of you is enough.

These people failed to stop Xiao Bai's footsteps. Xiao Bai still killed one step at a time, and all the people in front of him turned into corpses at Xiao Bai's feet. 140

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, how could you believe that there are still such people? These people are not ordinary people, but official organizations that deal with aliens.

Naturally, those who can be selected to stop Xiao Bai are not simple things. Therefore, the strength of these people is quite good. At least they are tiger-level members and a small number of ghost-level members.

"Damn it, this guy is definitely god-level, we people are simply going to die!"

People who are well connected don't know who said this. In an instant, countless people moved away from Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai turned a blind eye to this. As long as they didn't block the way, Xiao Bai didn't mind letting them live a little longer.

"You don't have much time left to live. While you're still alive, go squander your remaining time wantonly. I will ring the final bell!"

Xiao Bai's voice came floatingly, and then Xiao Bai left step by step. The expressions of those strangers who knew everything were gloomy, and then someone who didn't know who it was shouted:"This kind of monster can't be killed at all. Maybe someone can beat (bgde), we are finished, what we can do now is to enjoy the remaining time."

Xiao Bai ignored these strangers and continued to move forward step by step towards where he wanted to go with firm steps. However, little did he know that everything he did was broadcast live, and he stayed in front of the TV. Countless people of the Ming Dynasty originally wanted to see how Xiao Bai, the evil demon, was killed, but who knew the result was the other way around.

Those girls were also watching the live broadcast, Nakiri Eri Si asked anxiously:"Why did Mr. Bai become like this? What did you do to Mr. Bai!

Nangong turned off the TV that month:"We didn't do anything to Xiao Bai!""

"Stop talking nonsense. If there was nothing to stimulate Xiao Bai, then Xiao Bai would not do such a thing. Now tell me clearly what is going on!"

Shinomiya Kaguya directly interrupted Nangong Nayue who wanted to explain. Nangong Nayue just smiled bitterly and then answered the question.

"It was Xiao Bai's mother. Her mother's grave was dug up and her ashes were scattered, so Xiao Bai became what he is today!"

Shocked, Shinomiya Kaguya couldn't believe it. Then Shinomiya Kaguya turned cold and said:"So you came to us because you want us to stop Xiao Bai?"

"Yes, I think the only one who can stop Xiao Bai now is you. You cannot let Xiao Bai complete his transformation into an evil god. Otherwise, Xiao Bai will not be alone anymore."

Nangong Nayue looked at Shinomiya Kaguya, and then said to Shinomiya Kaguya:"If Xiao Bai is no longer a human being, will he still have humanity? Will he still love you?"

"You are trying to deceive us with this lie, let us help you make Xiao Bai change his mind!"

"Yes, but this is also good for you. At least Xiao Bai like this will not become an evil god, he can still retain his humanity, and he will still love you!"

"You are the ones who are worried, you are worried that Xiao Bai will turn into an evil god, and the Emperor Shengzong will not come back, so now Xiao Bai is like this, you have a share of the credit!"

Kaguya Shinomiya's eyes were like daggers. Looking at Nangong Nayue and the others in front of him, Kaguya Shinomiya's eyes were full of hatred. If it weren't for these people, Xiao Bai wouldn't be what he is today.

"We did not control Xiao Bai's fate from beginning to end. It was not until I knew Xiao Bai for a long time that I was sure that Xiao Bai was the reincarnation of Emperor Shengzong!"

Nangong Nayue explained sincerely, but what's the use of saying this at this time?

"What's the use of saying this now? Will Xiao Bai believe it?"

"I decided that I was going to stop Xiao Bai!"

Suddenly Yukinoshita Yukino said, she looked at the rest of the people:"I don't know what you think, but I can't help but watch those innocent people die because of Xiao Bai, more than 50,000 people, More than 50,000 people died because of Xiao Bai, and this was done by Xiao Bai himself."

No one had anything to say about Yukinoshita Yukino's thoughts. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Everyone, how about you listen to my opinion?"

Suddenly Sakayanagi Yusu opened his mouth and attracted everyone's attention. After everyone looked at him, Sakayanagi Yusu spoke:"I got a mysterious memory before, the diary reward. , I think you should still have an impression."

After being reminded like this, everyone naturally thought about it and looked at Sakayanagi Yusu, waiting for what Sakayanagi Yusu could say to make them approve.

"This memory is about Emperor Shengzong. In addition to Emperor Shengzong, Xiao Bai also had a previous life. Xiao Bai was not the first reincarnation of Emperor Shengzong!"

Everyone looked at Sakayanagi Yuqi in disbelief, but Sakayanagi Yuqi continued to speak:"The first reincarnation of Emperor Shengzong was Liu Pleiades!"

Shocked, everyone present was shocked. Xiao Bai's previous life was Liu Pleiades, and his previous life was Emperor Shengzong?.

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