Looking at Ram and the others who appeared in front of him, Xiao Bai asked calmly:"You also want to stop me like them?"

To the three girls of Ram who appeared in front of him, Xiao Bai asked expressionlessly, Ram firmly shook his head and denied Xiao Bai's guess.

"No matter what the pervert master becomes, Ram will always be on your side, the pervert master. So it is better to say that Ram appears here to serve you, the pervert master. How can any maid not follow the master?"

After hearing Ram's words, Xiao Bai's face thawed slightly, and then he looked at Rem and Kato Megumi:"There are only three of you!"

Xiao Bai was a little emotional. Kato Megumi, who knew what Xiao Bai was talking about, was silent for a moment. She understood what Xiao Bai was talking about and explained:"We are not the only ones here. Others may just not know about you!"

"It's not important anymore!"

Xiao Bai's unimportant sentence made Kato Megumi feel a little anxious. Kato Megumi had realized that Xiao Bai might have really gradually lost his humanity and love.

Xiao Bai ignored what Kato Megumi was thinking and faced the three people. Said:"Get out of the way, I will come to you when everything is over, it's time for you to leave now!"

Xiao Bai ignored the three girls and passed them directly. Perhaps just like what Nayako said, Xiao Bai is gradually losing his humanity, and Xiao Bai who has lost his humanity will also completely lose his humanity. Emotion~, such as love!

Watching Xiao Bai go away, Kato Megumi said to Ram and Rem:"Bai-kun, you have become so strange that I don't even recognize him anymore."

Ram was silent and didn't speak, and so was Rem. Xiao Bai had changed so much that the three girls couldn't believe it. They originally thought that Xiao Bai wouldn't change no matter how much he changed.-

"You see, if Xiao Bai continues to transform into an evil god, then eventually Xiao Bai's love for you will completely disappear. Are you willing to accept such a thing?"

Yakumo Purple's voice reached the ears of the three people, and also made the other viewers understand that unless they were willing to watch Xiao Bai become an evil god without humanity and love, otherwise they would Xiao Bai must be stopped, and Xiao Bai cannot continue to transform into an evil god.

"How to do?"

Lamu was the first to ask. She didn't want Xiao Bai to become a monster without humanity and love. She didn't want Xiao Bai to become like that, so she wanted to stop Xiao Bai.

"We are already contacting other people. You can just follow our arrangements when the time comes."

After hearing these words, Ram fell silent. She could even accept Xiao Bai's idea of ​​​​wanting to destroy the world, but she did not want to lose Xiao Bai's love.

Therefore, for love, Ram can do anything. On the way,

Xiao Bai met Nangong Nayue. Nangong Nayue stopped in front of Xiao Bai, but this time Xiao Bai did not stop!

"We do not control your life!"

After hearing Nangong Nayue's words, Xiao Bai replied lightly:"It's not important anymore!"

"What doesn't matter anymore, don't you care about those girls? Even if you feel resentful towards me, what about those girls? Don't you care about them at all now?"

Xiao Bai paused for a moment, then looked up at Nangong Nayue:"I will go find them after I finish what I want to do."

"how about you? Do you still love them?"

Xiao Bai did not answer this question. Nangong Nayue looked at Xiao Bai and said:"You are becoming a ruthless alien now. You should not listen to the evil god Naiyako. She is making you fall step by step!"

"Maybe, but I feel very good now. I have never felt better. I can do whatever I want without any judgment. The world is at my feet and I can ravage it!"

An evil smile appeared on Xiao Bai's face. The anger and hatred in his heart made Xiao Bai feel like a hand was squeezing his heart all the time, but now he doesn't need to worry about anything, everything. All you have to do is crush whatever is in front of you.

"So you don't care how those girls feel?"

"I might have cared before, but now I really don't care. If they are willing, I will not kill them and let them stay by my side. If they are not willing, then let them die with this world.."

The corners of his mouth turned up slightly, Xiao Bai looked at Nangong Nayue:"I know, you are afraid, you are worried that he will disappear and never come back, right? It's useless, he won't come back! Nangong

Nayue clenched her fists:"You are him!""

"No, I have a question. I'm very curious. You said that if I get his memory, and then give this memory to a dog, do you think the dog is him?

A trace of anger appeared on Nangong Nayue's face, but Xiao Bai continued:"He is dead and can't come back. All your ideas are in vain. There is no reincarnation in this world. Even if It was just another person who had his memory.

Seeing the anger in Nangong Nayue's eyes, Xiao Bai sneered:"Nangong Nayue, I don't want to kill you, but if you come to stop me, you will be an enemy. I will not show any mercy to my enemies." , even if I once liked you, understand?"

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he ignored Nangong Nayue and continued to move in one direction. The pace was very slow, but there was no confusion. If Nangong Nayue took action, Xiao Bai would kill Nangong Nayue mercilessly!

But Nangong Nayue waved his hand, and the chain of commandments instantly locked Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai did not struggle and looked at Nangong Nayue:"You made a stupid decision, why do you have to force me to kill you?" Here, Nangong Nayue!"

Xiao Bai looked at Nangong Nayue coldly.

"I can't watch you keep making mistakes like this. You are blinded by anger now, but you will definitely regret it when you calm down."

Xiao Bai suddenly disappeared, and the chain of commandments broke into countless pieces.

Xiao Bai's voice appeared behind Nangong Nayue:"I will not regret it!"

Cut out with one knife, and blood spurts out!

"Farewell, Nangong Nayue!"

With cold eyes and indifferent tone, Xiao Bai looked at Nangong Nayue who fell to the ground and said...

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