Xiao Bai watched with cold eyes as the fallen Nangong turned into dots of light and dissipated without any emotional change. He put away his knife and continued to move towards the destination he wanted to reach.

Step by step, he continued to move towards his destination. Xiao Bai didn't know that Nangong Nayue was a magic clone before he swung the knife, but none of this mattered. If Nangong Nayue's true body appeared in front of Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai will also show no mercy. No matter who stands in front of Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai will show no mercy.

The figure of Nangong Nayue appeared in front of Yakumo Purple. Her face was a little pale. Although it was a magic clone, part of the damage suffered by this magic clone was transmitted to Nangong Nayue's body.

Originally, this situation should not have happened"two, four, three", but Xiao Bai's power caused the injuries suffered by the magic clone to be transmitted to Nangong Nayue.

"He attacked you, which shows that he really doesn't care anymore. It seems that we have only one last resort."

Seeing Nangong Nazuki's appearance, Yakumo Purple said calmly, but Nangong Nazuki could tell that Yakumo Purple was struggling and entangled at this moment.

"We have no choice. We cannot just watch Xiao Bai become the evil god. Once he becomes the evil god, it is really impossible for him to come back. After finishing speaking ,

Yakumo Murasaki continued:"You are here, right, Nayako!""

Following Yakumo Purple's words, Nayako appeared in front of Yakumo Purple:"Of course, I'm always here, but what do you want to see me for?"

Nayako had a smile on his face, but everyone present felt Nayako's malice!

"What did you do to Xiao Bai?"

Yakumo Purple squinted her eyes and stared at Nayako. With Yakumo Purple's wisdom, she naturally saw that something was wrong with Xiao Bai's current situation. It was not just because of anger.

"How can I see that it was me who did something and not the Master himself who became like this?"

"Don't be kidding, no matter how angry he is, there is absolutely no way he can become as ruthless and righteous as he is now!"

Nayako clicked her tongue, and then said with some displeasure:"What annoys you people the most is that you talk as if you know the Master very well, but the Master's transformation is indeed a little bit helped by me. Remember the Master? Although the Master has calmed down part of the anger flowing in his body, the real most important part is unknown to the Master."

Nayako had a cute smile on her face, but there was no smile in her eyes.

"Because our true bodies cannot come to this world, we need contractors to put their power into this world. Last time the Master was attacked, they were angry and even tried to enter with their true bodies. This world has unfortunately failed, but some power remains in the Master's body, and that power is chaos and disorder!"

"It is precisely because of this that the Master's personality has changed drastically. Otherwise, even if the Master is an alien in human skin, the Master will not hurt you. Sakayanagi

Yusu stared at Nayako:"You are telling us this. Do you want to prevent Xiao Bai from continuing to transform into an evil god?""

Not only Sakayanagi Yusu saw it, but Yakumo Murasaki and others also saw it, but they didn't understand why Nayako changed her mind again.

"Because it is incomplete, it is useless even if the current Master becomes the Evil God. What I want is for the Master to become the Lord of the Evil God, so this requires me, the Black Goat and the Nameless Mist, but the current Master is still lacking. The nameless fog, so even if the evil god transformation is completed with the power of me and the black goat, it is incomplete and cannot become the master of the evil god."

"So I want to use your hands to interrupt the Master's evil transformation. I can't stop the Master, but you can. That glowing guy is also annoying. If that glowing guy is willing to help this time, then this time I won't stop Master.......Tsk, that glowing guy is really not likable at all."

It was obviously impossible for everyone to believe what Nayako said directly, but they saw that Nayako still didn't say anything after all.

Nayako wanted to prevent Xiao Baixie from becoming a god. This was a big deal for them. A good news, but the only thing is that I am not sure whether what Nayako said is true or false.

Ten days passed by in a flash, and Xiao Bai step by step went from the place where he lived before he was seven years old to the place where he lived after he was seven years old. Looking at the mansion in front of him, Xiao Bai could tell that it was empty even if he didn't go in. But Xiao Bai didn't mind, just run away. Xiao Bai didn't mind playing a cat-and-mouse game with these people.

But To Xiao Bai's surprise, an old man walked out of the mansion. His attire made Xiao Bai realize who this old man was.

"The Heavenly Master of Longhu Mountain?"

Zhang Zhiwei looked at Xiao Bai and said with a smile on his face:"Little guy, you made a lot of noise."

"Ordinarily, it's just a matter of dying early or dying late, and I just sent them on their way early, and I will kill everyone in this world after I said it, so it doesn't make any difference if they die early or later. Zhang

Zhiwei 4.0 narrowed his eyes:"You are very murderous at a young age. Old man, I have no intention of stopping you from taking revenge, but ordinary people have not offended you, so why do you want to kill them?""

"Just think of me as expressing anger, and more of boredom and disgust. Old guy, do you think people are quite disgusting? Zhang

Zhiwei looked at Xiao Bai and shook his head:"Little guy, the old man will help you get revenge. How about you and the old man and I go back to Longhu Mountain to practice?" The thunder method of Longhu Mountain still looks very handsome, and the golden light spell is also good. According to you young people, it is hot in Thai pants!"

Xiao Bai chuckled:"Old guy, you are really interesting, but"

He raised his head, his eyes filled with murderous intent!!!

"Today, I am determined to kill people, and God will kill God if he stands in his way!".

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