On the top of the mountain, watching the clouds rise and fall, Xiao Bai pointed a wine gourd at his open mouth, and the green liquid was poured directly into his mouth.

"Little guy, if you are young and drink every day, you should know how to maintain your health, otherwise it will be too late for you to regret it when you get old."

Xiao Bai looked at the old Heavenly Master in front of him without saying a word, sneered and then said:"I have been imprisoned on this mountain by you for two years, and only this little monkey wine can make me a little interested."

"Haven't you given up on your idea yet? As long as you give up what you're thinking, I'll let you go. Old man, I won't stop you from taking revenge, but you shouldn't implicate innocent people."

"When you die, there will be no one on this mountain who can compete with me, and I will leave no one alive in the entire Longhu Mountain! Zhang

Zhiwei glanced at Xiao Bai in front of him and chuckled:"Then you can rest assured, old man, I can still live for a while, you don't have to worry about this!""

"It doesn't matter, I survived the two years. I don't mind waiting a few more years. When you die, the whole Longhu Mountain will be gone, but it's a pity that you can't see it!

Seeing Xiao Bai's look, the Heavenly Master sighed and said,"You've been talking for two years, why haven't you let go of the hatred in your heart?""

"lay down? Ah!"

Xiao Bai couldn't help but think of two years ago. Two years ago, Xiao Bai and the Heavenly Master took action in front of the Liu Mansion. The result was unexpected. The Heavenly Master just made Xiao Bai faint all at once. Go over!

When Xiao Bai woke up, Xiao Bai had a look of doubt on his life. He was knocked unconscious by a slap. Xiao Bai didn't understand. Is this old heavenly master really so powerful?

Even now , two years have passed, Xiao Bai has fought against the old master countless times, but every time he was slapped and knocked unconscious by the old master, which made Xiao Bai's mentality a bit explosive.

"Old man, I have been accompanying you little guy for the past two years. Don’t be ignorant, little guy. If you get angry, the old man will slap you to death. You will be the one who suffers at that time."

Facing this threat, Xiao Bai sneered without responding:"If it was before, I would have been a little worried, but now you will kill me without me realizing it. If you wanted to kill me, you would have killed me two years ago!"

Xiao Bai picked up the wine gourd and took a big gulp of monkey wine. The fragrant wine wetted Xiao Bai's clothes. In the past two years, Xiao Bai's face grew a beard and his hair grew. He didn't take care of it, and casually fixed it with a wooden stick on the back of his head.

The whole person looked a bit sloppy, but Zhang Zhiwei did not underestimate Xiao Bai in front of him at all. Xiao Bai had not looked down on him at all in the past two years. There is no idle time.

Most of the underground forces outside the Ming Dynasty such as Neon, Great Britain, America, etc. are already controlled by Xiao Bai’s people.

"For two years, I have always wanted to ask you a question: How strong are you? Even Nayako is no match for you."

"Old man, I'm just an ordinary old Taoist priest, okay? I'm not strong at all!"

Xiao Bai sneered and stopped asking. He looked at Zhang Zhiwei in front of him and said,"Really? Then just keep enduring. Who can stop me when you die?"

"But what if, old man, I can survive better than your enemies? When all your enemies are dead, old man, I am not dead yet, then what are you going to do?"

Xiao Bai's face turned ugly instantly, and the originally clear sky was instantly covered by dark clouds. Xiao Bai crushed the wine gourd in his hand and looked at Zhang Zhiwei:"Old guy, die!"

Daxia Longque appeared in Xiao Bai's hand and glanced at Zhang Zhiwei with a knife. The whole world turned into black and white. Xiao Bai used time pause, but ten meters in front of Zhang Zhiwei there was a golden light shining. Xiao Bai's hand Daxia Longque couldn't even break Zhang Zhiwei's golden light spell protection!

Zhang Zhiwei could move freely within the scope of the golden light spell, but Xiao Bai couldn't even break Zhang Zhiwei's golden light body protection.

"Young man, look, I say you should take good care of your health, otherwise you won’t be able to break even this little golden light spell!"

Xiao Bai almost vomited blood. The current Xiao Bai is not the Xiao Bai who didn't understand anything two years ago. Such a little golden light spell?

I'm afraid it's not a billion points. In addition to the old guy in front of Xiao Bai in Longhu Mountain, In addition, the rest of the people who can cast the most golden light spell can release two or three centimeters from the body surface are already considered masters, but the golden light released by Zhang Zhiwei, an old guy, can even cover the entire Longhu Mountain!

Xiao Bai's face was expressionless. Taking back the Daxia Longque, there was a flash of madness in his eyes. Zhang Zhiwei was right. If all Xiao Bai's enemies died of old age and illness, wouldn't all Xiao Bai's goals be gone?

So Xiao Bai can't stay on Longhu Mountain any longer. He wants to leave Longhu Mountain, but if Xiao Bai doesn't kill the old guy Zhang Zhiwei, he won't be able to go down to Longhu Mountain!

"Little guy, as long as you are willing to let go of the idea of ​​venting your anger, old man 843, I will let you go down the mountain!"

"Those beasts don't die that easily. You can't lie to me. As long as I wait until you die, then I can take revenge. I don't believe how long you, an old guy, can live." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"If that's the case, then just keep enduring it, old man, I have plenty of time to slowly endure it with you!"

Zhang Zhiwei left after saying that. Xiao Bai looked at the leaving Zhang Zhiwei, roaring, roaring, and slashed out the Daxia Dragon Bird in his hand. The scarlet sword pressed at Zhang Zhiwei for an instant, but the next moment A thin golden light spell appeared to block Xiao Bai's attack. The golden golden light spell formed a cage and locked Xiao Bai on the mountain. Xiao Bai tried many times to defeat this thin golden light. Curse, but all ended in failure without exception.

Xiao Bai roared angrily, but there was no change at all.

After Zhang Zhiwei came down the mountain, he looked at the group of girls in front of him and said:"Why do you think this little guy can do this?" It’s a dead end!"

Yakumo Zi looked at Zhang Zhiwei with fear. Originally, Yakumo Zi and the others had already made various plans, but who knew the plans would not change quickly. Zhang Zhiwei slapped Xiao Bai unconscious and brought Xiao Bai back to Longhu Mountain.!.

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