The Heavenly Master glanced at Yakumo Murasaki and the others and said,"Go back where you came from. That little guy's demonic nature is already deep, and it won't take a day to get rid of his demonic nature." The rest of the people faced God in front of them. The master hesitated to speak, but Ram looked at the old master and said,"Then let us go in? We want to stay and take care of the master!" The old master glanced at Ram and Rem. The man then shook his head:"Old man, I want to help you, but unfortunately this is not possible. The little guy doesn't recognize his relatives now. If you go, you will only be treated as a hostage. Then I will have to work hard for you. Just go and do it!"

"No, the master would not treat us like this!"

Ram didn't believe that Xiao Bai would hurt him, but Yakumo Zi waved his hand and a picture appeared in the air. What was clearly visible in the picture was the current Xiao Bai, but the current Xiao Bai was in a kind of state. Crazy state!

Looking at Xiao Bai's current appearance, Ram's eyes were filled with silent anger. Xiao Bai became like this. Ram always thought that this was Nangong Nayue and the others. It's their fault. If it weren't for Nangong Nayue and the others, Xiao Bai would not be what he is today. So now Ram always hates Nangong Zuoyue and the others.

Nangong Nayue has nothing to defend against this. , it is true that they are part of the reason why Xiao Bai became what he is today, but more importantly, it was Xiao Bai's misunderstanding. Maybe if she had told Xiao Bai everything from the beginning, then this would not have happened. Something happened!

"I want to know when Xiao Bai will return to normal!"

Shinomiya Kaguya looked at the old master, who said helplessly:"It depends on when the little guy can let go. If he can't let go, then he will probably have to live here. I have stayed in the mountains my whole life!"

"Xiao Bai's men are now planning to rescue Xiao Bai, and Longhu Mountain will become a place of right and wrong!"

Nangong Nayue was silent for a while and then spoke to remind, while the old master smiled and said:"Let them come. Anyway, except for the monkeys who make wine, the little guy still keeps the rest of the mountain. He was killed by that little guy. Why is he so murderous at such a young age?"

The Heavenly Master has an emotional expression on his face, but the expression on his face makes people feel that the Heavenly Master is making fun of him.

"By the way, remember to pay this little guy's accommodation fee and wine money. The monkey wine is a rare and delicious product. Shinomiya

Kaguya took a deep breath, then exhaled and looked at the old master:"Is there any way to make Xiao Bai return to normal?""

"Well, about this, you might as well ask her."

The golden light flashed by at the next moment, and Nayako was beaten out directly. Nayako appeared in a bit of embarrassment and looked at the old master:"Who on earth are you? There is no way that you can exist in this world. Kind of guy! The old Heavenly Master just said calmly:"I'm just an ordinary old guy. There's nothing strong about me. I'm just average.""

Tsk, Nayako looked disgusted. Shinomiya Kaguya asked Nayak directly:"Nyako, I want to know how to make Xiao Bai recover."

"I don’t know, I don’t know who the current Master is or what his situation is, but one thing is certain that the Master is no longer human, but he has not turned into an evil god."

"So now I don’t know what’s going on with the Master!"

"As for recovering the Master, I can't think of it, but maybe you can try to purify it. Didn't you do some Shen Ying Da Zu before? There is also the Sishen Seafood Eight-treasure Buns. If a two-pronged approach is used, it may be of any use, but it is only possible. It is better not to have too much hope.

Nayako finished speaking with a malicious smile on his face:"Furthermore, only the Master knows how to cook the Four Gods Seafood Eight-treasure Buns recipe and Shiro Snake Chain Transfer, let alone the Zhenhun Kitchen Heart. That is to say, unless the Master himself Make Sishen seafood eight-treasure bunsBut it is obviously impossible to complete it in the current state of the Master. Nayako glanced at the old master:"Old man, why don't you release my Master? You can't save him anyway, so you might as well let my Master kill the enemy.""

".Purify? This is a good idea, but I don't really believe what you say, old man."

The old master waved his hand and Nayako was knocked away directly. Then the old master looked at Shinomiya Kaguya and said:"Little girl, although what the thing said before is not credible, you can still give it a try. Let’s try out your Shenying Dazu and the Four Gods Seafood Eight-treasure Steamed Buns together. It’s always a good idea to give it a try. If it doesn’t work, we’ll tell you later."

After the old master finished speaking, he left on his own, while the others stayed behind.

Shinomiya Kaguya looked at Yae Shenzi and Nangong Nazuki.

"There is no problem with Shenying Dazu, but the problem is the Four Gods Seafood Eight-Treasure Buns. The inheritance of the Bailuo family is in Xiao Bai's hands. The old noodles are easy to get, but the Zhenhun Kitchen Heart and Bailuo Snake Turn have become the biggest problems. , the previous Xiao Bai did not leave any recipes or inheritance."

A secret place (Li Qian's) under Longhu Mountain.

Gin and Vodka lurked under Longhu Mountain. As early as a year ago, Gin and Vodka lurked down for It is possible to save Xiao Bai, but in the past year, Gin and Vodka have not found any chance at all. For a year, they can only lurk here and wait for the opportunity.

"Brother, otherwise we just get a nuclear bomb and blow up Longhu Mountain. I don’t believe that the Heavenly Master can still block the nuclear bomb with the Golden Light Spell!"

Vodka had a ferocious expression on his face. As for Gin, his expression was as cold as ever, but the way he looked at Vodka became a bit like he was looking at a mentally retarded person.

"You idiot, do you believe that we will be exposed before we even get the nuclear bomb? Do you want to die because of the delay in saving the master?"

Vodka was so scolded that he didn't dare to talk back.

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