On Longhu Mountain, Xiao Bai's crazy eyes gradually disappeared. On the surface, Xiao Bai became crazy because he was imprisoned in Longhu Mountain, but in fact, Xiao Bai just used his madness to cover himself up.

For two years, although Xiao Bai was imprisoned in Longhu Mountain, Xiao Bai's consciousness could come to his family members. Where did the gin and vodka come from?

Xiao Bai called him so that he could get out of trouble when necessary and report the news to him in time. Xiao Bai also knew exactly what happened to Xiao Bai's enemies. Because of the evil deity transformation, Xiao Bai has become ruthless and righteous, which allows Xiao Bai to think very calmly and rationally, and will not be tied down by emotions at all.

In the past two years, it is not that Xiao Bai has no chance to escape from Longhu Mountain, but Xiao Bai has never done so, because Xiao Bai knows that after escaping from Longhu Mountain, he will also be unable to defeat the Heavenly Master. Instead of hiding, Hiding like a rat in the gutter, then it is better to stay in Longhu Mountain. If possible, it is best to find out how powerful the old Heavenly Master is and where the strength of the old Heavenly Master comes from340 Come.

It is not that Xiao Bai has never used the power to defeat evil gods during this period, but the resultIf it had been useful, Xiao Bai wouldn't still be in Longhu Mountain now.

He fell back and lay directly on the big stone slab. Xiao Bai closed his eyes and seemed to be sleeping, but in fact Xiao Bai's consciousness had already fallen on Vodka's body.


Hearing the voice coming from Vodka's mouth, Gin immediately realized that his master had descended on Vodka.

"My Lord!"

Ginjiu knelt down on one knee, thinking respectfully of Xiao Bai and offering his sincere greetings.

"Are all my enemies okay?"

This is one thing that Xiao Bai wants to know now. Are his enemies still alive and well? If those enemies are dead, then Xiao Bai's revenge will be meaningless.

And after these two After years of investigation, Xiao Bai discovered that his mother's death was not as simple as he imagined, so Xiao Bai did not act rashly now.

"Nothing happened to those people. According to the news from the people monitoring yesterday, nothing happened!"

Xiao Bai felt a little relieved after hearing this. As long as those enemies are still alive and well, then Xiao Bai will not be in a hurry to leave Longhu Mountain for the time being!

Although Longhu Mountain is Xiao Bai's prison, Longhu Mountain is It also gave Xiao Bai a quiet place, where Xiao Bai could master his own power as much as possible.

The strength of the Heavenly Master made Xiao Bai understand that strength can crush everything, and the most important thing is that Xiao Bai doesn't know what the world is like. Will there be a second Heavenly Master and a third Heavenly Master?

So Xiao Bai would rather stay in Longhu Mountain and sort out his own strength. As long as he improves his strength, one day Xiao Bai can kill If you have killed the Heavenly Master, then Xiao Bai can enter this caged place of Longhu Mountain whenever he wants and get out whenever he wants?

Only power is everything!

Xiao Bai looked at Ginjiu and said:"You don't need to save him for the time being. I, hide myself and monitor those people. If they have any problems, notify me as soon as possible and let people go to Longhu Mountain to make some noise."


Xiao Bai didn't speak and regained consciousness. Vodka came back to his senses and looked at his elder brother kneeling in front of him.

"Brother, the master is gone!

Gin stood up and said,"The mission has changed. From now on, our mission is to hide ourselves.""

"ok bro"

"Send a message to the people watching, telling them that nothing can happen to those people, (bhce) report any news as soon as possible"

"I understand, brother."

Xiao Bai on Longhu Mountain opened his eyes, and Xiao Bai on the stone slab opened his eyes and looked at the sky. In the past two years, Xiao Bai's stay on Longhu Mountain was not without gain, and in order to be able to let the Heavenly Master Xiao Bai recovered and brought a lot of Taoist classics to Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai didn't refuse and read them, but he still didn't know what to do after reading them.

After two years of sorting out, Xiao Bai finally made his own strength truly meaningful. The one on the top belongs to him. Xiao Bai's strength may not be as good as the old master, but now Xiao Bai is confident that even if he doesn't use time ability, it will not be difficult for him to kill Nangong Nayue.

Suddenly he looked at Nai who appeared in front of him Yazi:"Nayazi? No, it’s just a shadow!"

Looking at Nayako who appeared in front of him, Xiao Bai was slightly surprised and then returned to normal. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Master, shouldn't you be happy to see me?"

When Xiao Bai heard this, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised at a thirty-five-degree angle, and with a touch of sarcasm, Xiao Bai said to Nayako:"What's so happy about seeing you? Unfortunately, I thought you were so strong, but it turns out that even an old guy is no match for you."

Nayako looked a little confused and defended himself:"That's not what happened. Master, you have to know that there is only such an old guy in the whole world, and I can't understand the opponent's strength."


Xiao Bai didn't say anything and just showed a frivolous sneer. Seeing Xiao Bai's look, Nayako explained to himself, why Zhang Zhiwei is so strong that he is not human, and why Zhang Zhiwei must be a different kind of thing. Difficult words.

Xiao Bai ignored Naiyako:"I just ask you, can you kill Zhang Zhiwei?"

Nayako suddenly fell silent. Kill Zhang Zhiwei?

Are you kidding me? If Nayako could really do it, then Nayako would have killed Zhang Zhiwei long ago. It was because he couldn't do it that Nayako had no choice but to do it. With that, it even took two years to form a projection in front of Xiao Bai even when he met Xiao Bai.

"Since you can't do it, what's the point of you appearing in front of me now?"

"The main thing is to take a look at your current situation, Master. Your current situation, Master, is very bad. Evil gods are not evil gods, and human beings are not human beings. Master, you have completely become an alien!"

Looking at Nayako with a dull look, Xiao Bai has no idea about this guy now. He is a piece of iron trash and is of no use at all.

"This time I’m here to report something to you, Master."

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