"Master, you must not have imagined what they want to do now. Master, if you want to ask me, I will tell you!"

Xiao Bai took out a wine gourd from the storage ring, unplugged the cork and poured the green wine directly into his mouth.

Seeing Xiao Bai's nonchalant look, Nayako had a toothache. Did Xiao Bai really not care about this kind of thing?

Nayako suddenly felt that it would be too boring if Xiao Bai turned into an evil god. Nayako didn't like it now. Xiao Bai, Nayako cannot like the current Xiao Bai, and Nayako cannot get any joy because of his lack of feelings.

"Master, you like, oh, no, the girls I liked before are planning to use Shenying Dazu's method to eliminate the demonic nature in you, Master, and return you to an adult."

Xiao Bai was noncommittal, with a hint of ridicule in his eyes. Nayako was silent. Xiao Bai like this really made Nayako go crazy!

"In the future, they will probably ask you, Master, to ask for the inheritance of the Bailuo family, so Master, will you give it to them?"

Nayako asked looking at Xiao Bai in front of him. Xiao Bai didn't speak, he just drank by himself, with a sarcastic look in his eyes!

"Unless they can find the other inheritors of the Bailuo family in the world, otherwise they will never get the inheritance of the Bailuo family!"

Nayako said with a smile:"Then Master, come on, but I don't know that Master, you can preserve the inheritance of the Bailuo family. That old guy is not a fuel-efficient lamp!"

Xiao Bai smiled noncommittally, and Nayako's figure gradually disappeared. Xiao Bai shook the wine gourd in his hand:"The wine is running out. The monkey who went to find it is getting some."

Standing up, Xiao Bai walked into the mountain forest and quickly came to a monkey colony. Xiao Bai's arrival made these monkeys silent. These monkeys looked at Xiao Bai and kept squeaking, Backing up.

Xiao Bai ignored these monkeys and took away all the monkey wine brewed by the monkeys.

"Keep making wine. If I don’t have any wine, then you can all go and die, right!"

As soon as Xiao Bai waved, a monkey fell into Xiao Bai's hands and Xiao Bai broke its neck. Then Xiao Bai took away the monkey's head and threw the monkey's body towards the monkey.


The monkeys shouted, but the next moment Xiao Bai looked over with murderous eyes, and the next moment the whole world seemed to be silent, and the whole world was filled with a chilling air.

Xiao Bai sneered. :"If you bark once, ten of your monkeys will be killed. If you bark three times, I will kill you all!""

Suddenly, these monkeys seemed to be strangled by the neck, and they did not dare to make a sound anymore. Xiao Bai laughed and left. These monkeys looked at Xiao Bai's back and dared not to scream.

And In Neon, a group of people are also troubled

"Senior Sister Ji Zhiguo, do you have any ideas about the Sishen Seafood Eight-Treasure Buns?"

Ji Zhiguo Ningning shook her head. She had tasted the Four Gods Seafood Eight-Treasure Buns made by Xiao Bai, but if Ji Zhiguo Ningning copied it just by tasting it once, wouldn't it be nonsense?

If the supreme cuisine of noodles is If Ning Ning of the Kingdom of Ji copied it after eating it once, I'm afraid not all the ancestors of the Bailuo family can jump out of the coffin board.

"The ceremony of Shen Ying Da Zu is easy to describe, but the difficulty lies in Xiao Sishen’s eight-treasure seafood buns. Not only do we lack the recipe, but we also lack the soul-soothing secret and the Bailuo snake chain!"

"I may be able to solve the inheritance of the Bailuo family. The last generation of the pastry king of the Bailuo family, Luo Gen, has a close relationship with Master Gangbang Jie. Therefore, the Jie family may also have the inheritance of the Bailuo family. In addition, Liu Subaru and the Liu family said There is also determination."

Mujiu Zhiyuanguo showed a worried look on his face:"Is it possible? Whether it is the Jie family or the Liu family, let alone whether they have it or not, even if they have it, how could they be willing to hand it over?"

"They can't help it. If they don't hand it over, then I have many ways to make them hand it over. I will do whatever it takes to achieve my goal. I, Yakumo Purple, am not a good person. I will also play rules games with them. Strength is the rule above all else.!"

A pair of purple eyes were full of coldness. If it weren't for those people, how could Xiao Bai have reached this point? So Yakumo Zi is not going to be polite to those people. If it weren't for Xiao Bai, Keep it, those people have been killed long ago. Do they really think they don’t know the good things they did?

"Please leave this matter to me!"

Tushan Rongrong's figure appeared out of thin air, but the figure of the other party was a little illusory, looking like a projection.

"Doppelgänger? When did you plant the seeds of the bitterness tree in Neon Lai, and you said you were asked to do this?"

"Of course, it’s okay if we don’t know. Now that we know, how can we just sit back and watch?"

"So before that, we have a question to ask you, why did you Tushan never move!"

Nangong Nayue stared at Tushan Rongrong.

"The Book of Heaven has disappeared, not because we don’t want to come, but because there is no Book of Heaven, and we don’t know who is his reincarnation, and even if we can find it, without the Book of Heaven, we will be helpless even if we come!"

"The Book of Heaven disappears? Tu

Shan Rongrong smiled slightly:"It doesn't count as disappearing. It can only be said to exist in another way, and you are no strangers to the Book of Heaven!""

Following Tushan Rongrong's words, Yae Shenzi's expression moved slightly and he looked at Tushan Rongrong:"You mean live, a copy of the diary?"

"Maybe, maybe not, it's just a guess. The top priority now is to solve Xiao Bai's problem first! Tushan

Rongrong paused:"I will handle the affairs of the Liu family and the Hejia family. If the other party really has a legacy, I will definitely let the other party hand it over, but the real difficulty is the heart of the soul-killing chef!""

"What are you going to do about this?"

"Leave it to me, I will work hard!"

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning suddenly said. The others looked at Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning and raised their eyebrows.

"I have experienced the secret of Soul Resurrection, so I can give it a try!". (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

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