The Heavenly Master appeared in front of Xiao Bai again. These days have lasted for two years, rain or shine. Every day the Heavenly Master would come to Xiao Bai and recite some Taoist classics to Xiao Bai.

It’s just that today’s Old Heavenly Master is different from usual. After reciting Taoist classics to Xiao Bai, today’s Old Heavenly Master said to Xiao Bai:"You have the Bailuo family’s pastry stick in your hand, old man. If you need this noodle stick to do something, just treat it as your accommodation fee for the past two years."

Xiao Bai lay on the stone slab, looked at the old master and laughed:"Old guy, I want a noodle stick. , come and get it yourself!"

After listening to Xiao Bai's words, the Heavenly Master shook his head helplessly:"Oh, today's young people don't know how to respect the old and love the young at all. You are like this, and so are the others. Since Like"two, three, three", then I'll take it myself, old man." The golden golden light spell directly formed a huge palm and slapped it towards Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai stood up in an instant, and then the Daxia Dragon Bird appeared in his hand and slashed out with a knife. The blood-red slash and the golden light curse's palm collided in mid-air. Xiao Bai's subsequent slash was slapped by the palm of his hand. fly.

Although he felt that his slashing attack would probably not be able to stop the Heavenly Master, Xiao Bai never expected that such a situation would happen. It was really reckless.

The figure of Xiao Bai immediately disappeared from the spot. The next second, his palm directly hit the stone slab where Xiao Bai was originally lying. In an instant, the stone slab turned into powder!

"Old guy, are you trying to kill me?"

Looking at the stone slab that turned into powder, Xiao Bai said casually, but his eyes were constantly looking for the old master's flaw, but after searching for a long time, the result was that there was a flaw. The old guy in front of him His whole body was wrapped tightly by the Golden Light Curse. Even according to Xiao Bai's understanding of this old guy and the plot in the animation, this old guy's internal organs were also covered by the Golden Light Curse.


Xiao Bai's heart once again He cursed, this old guy is really shameless, there is a tortoise shell on the outside, but there is a tortoise shell inside!

It is precisely for this reason that Xiao Bai even thought about using Hastauruk's ability. I can't even kill the Heavenly Master. This old guy is so strong that he doesn't even look like a human being.

"I've seen your progress over the past two years, old man. If you don't even slap me like this, you deserve to be beaten to death by the old man!"

If anyone knows the changes in Xiao Bai in the past two years, it is definitely the Heavenly Master. This old guy has watched Xiao Bai grow up. The Master is the clearest about the changes in the past two years.!

"Okay, then if you've had enough fun, just hand it over. I don't want to fight with you. You're old and it won't be good if you twist your waist!"

Xiao Bai's words went in one ear and out the other. If he really believed this old man's words, I'm afraid his pants would all be taken away by then.

"If you want it, get it yourself!"

Xiao Bai waved the Daxia Dragon Bird in Xiao Bai's hand again. It wasn't that Xiao Bai didn't want to use the power of Sabu, Hastur and Cthulhu, but that he couldn't use it. To put it simply, Xiao Bai's contracts The spirit was frightened by the beating.

This old guy was very painful when he hit people, and more importantly, the existence of the Ke system seemed to be beaten by the heavenly master. According to Shabu and the others, it was like being beaten by the heavens. When the master hits him, he feels as if he is about to melt, so Xiao Bai is now just relying on his own strength to fight the master. This is also the reason why Xiao Bai's strength has grown so fast in the past two years.

But unfortunately, In the past two years, Xiao Bai has only mastered one move: Overlord's Entanglement, but it's different from the past. Previously, Xiao Bai used the Overlord's Qi mixed with Spiritual Entanglement, but now Xiao Bai uses his own killing intent, pure killing intent. Wrapped around Daxia Longque, due to Xiao Bai's murderous intent, a trace of blood red appeared on Daxia Longque's blade in the past two years.

Even after taking the knife out, it seemed as if it could smell The smell of blood was the same.

The Heavenly Master did not move. The golden light spell instantly covered the entire mountain, leaving no place missing. Xiao Bai was also captured by the golden light. The Heavenly Master directly used the golden light to kill Xiao Bai. He took off the storage ring, then rummaged through the storage rings, and then the old master took the white pastry stick and threw the storage ring to Xiao Bai..

"Young people are really good at playing. The clothes inside were simply immodest in our era, but on young people like you, they are called fashionable."

The old master got the pastry stick and left directly. Xiao Bai watched the departing master get up and left without caring whether he was dirty or not. Not long after, Xiao Bai was carrying a huge piece of cake. The stone came back, and then the stone was flattened with a knife, and he lay directly on the stone.

"Although the Bai Luo pastry stick was taken away, I made a lot of money this time. When I was just wrapped in the golden light curse, Xiao Bai discovered that the golden light curse contained the will of the old heavenly master!

Therefore, the reason why Xiao Baijue's Golden Light Curse is so powerful is simply because of the will of the old Heavenly Master. What is as powerful as his own domination is his will!

The Heavenly Master added his own will to the Golden Light Spell, so can he add his own spiritual will to the sword and the tyranny?

In the past, Xiao Bai also added his own will to the tyranny, but at that time, Xiao Bai's spiritual will only guided those momentum and courage to form sword pressure, while the golden light spell of the old master was almost full of 3.0. It is the will of the Heavenly Master.

Closing his eyes, Xiao Bai began to gradually direct his spiritual will to focus on the blade, but soon Bai felt that his spiritual will was torn apart by the knife!

A ray of spiritual will was also wiped out by the knife. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Then Xiao Bai rolled his eyes, weapons are not good enough, then try articles based on your own courage!

Soon Xiao Bai began to hold the Daxia Dragon Bird in his hand, and then attached his spiritual will to the aura that would wrap around the Daxia Dragon Bird.

This time, Xiao Bai's mental thoughts were not separated, and although the entangled momentum was less than before, it was more solid. If it was a piece of loose sand before, it is now like a bag of cement!.

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