Looking at Nayako who appeared in front of him again, Xiao Bai frowned:"What happened?"

"Yukinoshita Yukino is getting engaged, Master, what are you going to do? Now that you are locked up in this place, you can only watch the person you like marry someone else. Uuuuuuuuah, it's so pitiful."

Xiao Bai looked at Nayako in front of him, and wanted to ask Nayako how many eighth-level gods were in this meal. Why did the eighth-level godly son speak with disdain?

"If you have nothing else, just leave and don't bother me now. Nayako looked at Xiao Bai:"Master, you really don't want to care about it at all. Yukinoshita Yukino is going to marry another man.""

"If you don't have anything else to do, just disappear for me. I still have something to do now."

Hearing Xiao Bai's words, Naiyazi suddenly pulled a long face, looked at Xiao Bai and said:"Master, don't you have any other ideas?"

"If you have nothing to do, leave immediately and don't go crazy here!"

Xiao Bai waved his hand directly, and Nayako's figure immediately shattered into countless fragments. Then Xiao Bai closed his eyes and began to contact Yamada Choji and Yamada Tifeng in the neon.


Yamada Choji looked at Xiao Bai who had fallen on his father.

"The Yukinoshita family was wiped out!"

A cold voice came from Yamada Tifeng's mouth, and then looked at Yamada Choci. Xiao Bai looked at Yamada Choci and continued:"It will be completed in one day."


Xiao Bai put away his eyes, and then his spiritual thoughts returned to his body. After that, Xiao Bai stopped caring about this matter.

But what Xiao Bai didn't expect was that it didn't take long for Xiao Bai to It was discovered that the number of deep divers was decreasing.

Xiao Bai's spiritual consciousness fell on Yamada Choji for the first time, and then Xiao Bai sneered:"I didn't expect Nayako to come with them to trick me.!"

Looking at Nangong Nayue and his party who surrounded him heavily, Xiao Bai looked around and said

"It's you who makes me sad. I didn't expect you to do such a thing to your people."

Yukinoshita Yukino said to Xiao Bai, but Xiao Bai nodded:"Indeed, I couldn't do such a thing before, but now I can do such a thing without any burden. things come"

"Well, I know it’s hard for you to accept, but this is reality! Yamada

Choci glanced at Nangong Nazuki and his group and said,"That's okay. Since you are all here, I'll do it myself.""

"You are not Xiao Bai, and you are not him!"

Suddenly a voice came into Xiao Bai's ears, but Xiao Bai smiled:"I'm not Xiao Bai, so who am I?"

"You are the evil god born from Xiao Bai's body. The reason why you want to kill us in a hurry is because we are very likely to bring the real Xiao Bai back. You are afraid, so you will Want to kill us!"

Sakayanagi Yuqi's figure appeared in front of Xiao Bai, and Xiao Bai's eyes gradually darkened.

"Nayako was not a good person from the beginning. She knew from the beginning that if Xiao Bai became evil and deified, you would be born and the real Xiao Bai would disappear."

"But you never expected that Nayako thought you were boring, so he could sell you out in the same way, which is why you appear here now."

Suddenly, Xiao Bai felt that his consciousness was gradually blurring. Xiao Bai immediately realized that something had happened to his body. When his consciousness returned to his body, he saw a smiling vixen with green hair directing a man with black hair and blue robes. The vixen took a wooden hammer and hit her head hard.


Xiao Bai fell into a coma before he finished speaking. (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The Heavenly Master watched from the side, pinched his beard and said:"Is this okay?"

"This is enough. I believe in Xiao Bai. The next step depends on Xiao Bai. But I didn’t expect that these evil gods really do whatever they want! Tushan

Rongrong looked at Xiao Bai and said with firm eyes.

"These evil heretics are not good things in the first place, so it is not surprising at all what kind of things these things will do."

In the sea of ​​consciousness of Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai under the sacred cherry tree leaned on the trunk of the sacred cherry tree, looked at the approaching evil god Xiao Bai and said:"You are here! Evil

God Xiao Bai looked at Xiao Bai with his eyelids drooping:"Now you want to come back?""

"You are me. It doesn't matter whether you come back or not, as long as you don't do anything inappropriate. To be honest, I thought you were dead, but who knew you were hidden deep in my consciousness."

The evil god Xiao Bai, or Xiao Bai's predecessor, the licking dog Xiao Bai, the original Xiao Bai thought that his predecessor's personality was completely dead, but who knew that the other person was not dead.

In Xiao Bai's extreme After being angry and transformed into an evil spirit, this personality replaced Xiao Bai's personality.

"So you hate me for dealing with that bitch Eri Sawamura? That’s why you want to kill Nangong Nayue, Yukinoshita Yukino and the others? Evil God Xiao Bai lowered his head:"

To be honest, I actually don't know. I also have the memories you have. I can also feel your love for those girls, but do you feel my love?""

"If you have such a love, you just lick the dog, okay?"

Evil God Xiao Bai: Damn you

Xiao Bai said again:"Let's have a good talk. There is nothing in this world that cannot be discussed, not to mention that you and I are the same person. We have to reach a consensus no matter what." The evil god Xiao Bai arrived. Xiao Bai stood in front of him, and then the two of them looked at each other.

"I want revenge on Eri Sawamura!"——Xiao Bai

"Agreed, but I hope Eri Sawamura can survive"——Evil God Xiao Bai

"Yes, but I want Eiri Sawamura to live a life worse than death!"——Xiao Bai

"I hope you can give Eiri Sawamura a chance. If she has even a trace of love for me, then let Eiri Sawamura go."——Evil God Xiao Bai

"Brother, you can't do dog licking, but okay, I have confidence in that bitch Eri Sawamura, she has definitely never loved you."——Xiao Bai

"If that's really the case, then I'll give up completely."——The evil god Xiao Bai..

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