Xiao Bai disappeared under the sacred cherry tree, and the next moment Xiao Bai appeared in a kitchen. A figure in the kitchen was busy, and then the other party put a portion of Mapo Tofu in Xiao Bai Inside the plate in front of Bai

"Please use it slowly, six flavors integrated into the magical Mapo Tofu!"

Looking at the man in front of him who was wearing a red and white special chef uniform, Xiao Bai's eyes fluctuated slightly.

"I originally thought that the person I saw would be Emperor Shengzong, but I didn't expect that the person I see now would be you, Liu Pleiades!"

The person in front of him was none other than the super chef Liu Pleiades. Xiao Bai originally thought that he was Emperor Shengzong in his previous life, but he didn't expect that he was actually Liu Pleiaxing in his previous life, and he was Emperor Shengzong in his previous life.

"What's so strange about this? I am you originally. To be precise, Emperor Shengzong and I and you are just different branches growing on the same tree! Liu

Pleiax smiled, and then said to Xiao Bai:"I like cooking. Making food makes me feel very happy, especially cooking is something that makes people happy. This is unmistakable.""

Xiao Bai was noncommittal. Liu Pleiades had the same path as Liu Pleiades. Xiao Bai had the same path as Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai would not go the way of Liu Pleiades. Although they said they came from the same origin, they were different individuals.

"Forget it, I just want to see you this time to show mercy to you. If there are good people among my sister's descendants, then please spare their lives."

Liu Pleiades did not leave any bloodline, so the current Liu family is not the descendants of Liu Pleiades, but the descendants of Liu Pleiades' sister.

"Is this your condition?"

"Well, right, if my sister knew about it, she would definitely make the same choice as me. If the Liu family really becomes a cancer, then it’s up to you to dig out the cancer with your own hands. Looking at Liu Pleiades, Xiao Bai nodded:"Okay, if there are still good people in the Liu family, then I can keep those people!""

"Such an achievement, but the current one still has something to say, so you should stay with me for a while and I will teach you how to cook!"

Xiao Bai:""

Looking at Liu Pleiades in front of him, Xiao Bai said to Liu Pleiades:"Is it possible that you have no offspring in your life because you have been single all your life?"

"Nonsense, I have a wife, she is Meili, you should know that too"

"Then why didn't you leave any blood?"

Liu Pleiaxing said speechlessly:"Because my you and him are incomplete, just like a puzzle. The combination of you, me and him is a complete puzzle, but if the three people are separated, it will be a complete puzzle. Incomplete, but you are lucky."

After Liu Pleiades said that, he quickly took Xiao Bai and taught Xiao Bai how to cook. In reality,

Xiao Bai suddenly opened his eyes and raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

A familiar feeling appeared in his eyes. Nangong Nayue and the others' minds were touched. They looked at Xiao Bai with a hint of surprise and a hint of hesitation in their eyes.

"it's me!"

Xiao Bai's words made Nangong Nayue and the others finally confirm that the person in front of them was the person they had longed for, but the faces of Ram and Shinomiya Kaguya on the side changed.

"Don't worry, he will still need a while, I just came out to solve some things!"

Xiao Bai moved his body, then looked at the old master and said:"Thank you for your hard work, old guy."

"Haha, since the old man agreed to something, he will not go back on it."

Xiao Bai nodded, looked at Tushan Rongrong and the others and said,"Long time no see, little Rongrong, you were still little back then, but now you have become a tall and graceful girl. Tushan

Rongrong hadn't spoken yet, while Tushan Yaya grabbed Xiao Bai's collar:"Didn't you see that I'm here?""

"Oh, isn't this Tushan Yaya who only has muscles but no brains? It turns out you are there too! Tu

Shan Yaya's face turned dark immediately, but before she could take action, Xiao Bai stabbed her in the head with a finger:"I don't have time to make trouble with you now. Liu Pleiades is dragging that guy. I have to kill him as soon as possible." The matter is finished."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

A picture suddenly appeared in the void, and the next moment seven red dots appeared on the picture.

"These are the locations of the legendary kitchen utensils. That guy Liu Pleiades has marked them for you. Remember, when Xiao Bai comes back, ask him to find them and get all the legendary kitchen utensils back. Otherwise, the world will really come to an end."

".Wait, what do you mean when you say the world is over?"

Looking at Xiao Bai in front of them, everyone asked

"It literally means that the world will really end. You also know that the golden finger I have can summon people or things from the world to appear in this world. This is how you all came, but because I summoned too many , causing the defense barriers of this world to become weaker. After each birth, a corresponding villain will appear. For example, if Tu Shan is summoned, Tu Shan Fengqi will also come. For example, after summoning the Yuyi Fox, Then the Nura group came, so in order to strengthen the world barrier, I created a Kyushu barrier."

A crowd:??????

"By the way, the Kyushu barrier in the neon area was actually a fake, so it was shattered with one blow. After all, I hated that place, but in order to fool those neon people, I made a fake one. However, although it is fake, it still has some power of Kyushu Knot (Zhao Qianhao). It is not a problem to suppress some imps. The real Kyushu Knot is in Asia, Africa, Antarctica, South America, North America, Europe, Oceania"

"Let Xiao Bai find all the legendary kitchen utensils and then strengthen the Kyushu barrier"

"It is said that Liu Pleiades died in order to strengthen the Kyushu barrier."

Suddenly Ram looked at Xiao Bai and asked

"Oh, you said that, that is because he is about to die, and it has nothing to do with strengthening the Kyushu barrier. We have a good relationship with the Dragon God, so the Dragon God is still willing to help, as long as the Dragon God's certain requirements are met. If the conditions are met, the Dragon God can help, and there won’t be any danger."

"By the way, Xiao Bai will still be Xiao Bai in the future. You don’t have to worry about him becoming another person. Liu Pleiades and I are already dead, and we never thought about coming back."

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