"I originally thought I could be calm, but I was wrong. Hearing your name made me sick, so if you continue to disgust me, then you don't need to speak. Xiao

Yan's body trembled:"I, I am your father, you can't do this to me, you are violating human ethics, and a son who kills his father will be punished by God.""

Hehehe, Xiao Bai said:"Then let the sky thunder and try to see if there will be divine punishment. If not, then you will be like this woman."

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he looked at Xiao Yan. Xiao Yan's body was shaking like chaff. Xiao Bai glanced at Yamada Choji with some boredom. Yamada Choji immediately understood what Xiao Bai meant and stepped forward. He pulled Xiao Yan over and nailed him to the cross. Ignoring the man's screams, Xiao Bai said to the Liu family:"Come here, take a good look at them all, and remember their fate." Yes."

The faces of the Liu family were as pale as dirt, and their whole bodies were shaking like chaff. If they were not pointed at by guns, they would not have the courage to look at the scene in front of them. This kind of thing, this kind of situation, if they could not run away, how could they have the courage? Stay here, the Liu family is a wealthy family, a home with bells and dishes, who has seen such a bloody scene?

"By the way, there is also Xiao Yan. Together, the family must be in order and Xiao Yan cannot be left behind."

Soon a crippled Xiao Yan was pulled out, and then he enjoyed the same treatment as his parents. Xiao Bai glanced at the family and said:"Very good, the family is neat and tidy!"

Xiao Bai looked at the family, and then a look of satisfaction appeared on his face. He had revenge and resentment, but this was just an appetizer.

Liu San looked at Xiao Bai:"You, you are really like this Cruel, this is the Liu family, and it is inextricably related to you. If you are really the ancestor Liu Pleiades, all of us will be your descendants."

"If Liu Keling knew that she was backed by someone like you, she would have probably taken action herself. Speaking of which, I don't understand why a girl like Liu Keling would have such a wolf-hearted descendant like you?"

Xiao Bai touched his chin and muttered to himself, then looked at Liu San and said:"Now let's talk about who was involved in this. If you tell the truth, you can still avoid the flesh and blood. Bitterness, if you don't want to talk about it, how about taking a look at the kindness between the two of them?"

Xiao Bai pointed at the family of three who were suffering from Ling Chi. A layer of skin on their bodies was peeled off by Yamada Choji. Yamada Choji was now cutting the body of the family with a scalpel like sashimi. When the meat was cut into pieces, the thin piece was very good at cutting. Xiao Bai felt that this guy had practiced a lot. Liu

San's back was already wet with cold sweat, and when he looked at Xiao Bai, his eyes were filled with tears. A trace of cruelty flashed through:"So what if I tell you, do you dare to do it?"

"There is nothing in this world that I dare not do. Tell me who it is. After you finish talking, I will give you a happy one. You only have one chance!"

"The Zhu family of the Ming Dynasty, as well as the Lei family, the Jie family, and all the aristocratic families of the Ming Dynasty are involved. Can you kill them all? Can you? Liu

San looked at Xiao Bai crazily, but Xiao Bai looked at Liu San and shook his head:"So what if I kill everyone in the world?" As far as I am concerned, the power of the world is in my hands. If it is as you said, it doesn't matter even if these so-called aristocratic families killed all the Ming Dynasties, but I don't believe what you said, so you didn't cherish this opportunity."

The hair on Liu San's back stood up instantly, and he looked at Xiao Bai:"You really"

Before Liu San could finish speaking, Gin had already stepped forward and slapped Liu San on the face, and then brought Yamada Choji to the cross to nail Liu San to the cross.

"Ah, I said, I said!!!"

Before Yamada Choji nailed Liu San to the cross, Liu San immediately started shouting, and then he quickly spit out names one after another.

When Liu San finished speaking, Xiao Bai then said:"Are you done?"

"I promise there will be absolutely no omissions, let me go, let me go"

"Well, I still don’t believe what you said, so let’s do it!"

If Liu San was struck by lightning, Liu San still didn't know that Xiao Bai had no plans from the beginning. The screams of Liu San, Liu Lili, Xiao Yan, and Xiao Yan resounded throughout the Liu family. The rest of the Liu family looked at each other with cold sweat all over their bodies. Their fear and fear made them worry that it would be their turn next.

A siren sounded outside, and then heavily armed people rushed in. , raised the gun in his hand and pointed it at Xiao Bai and the group of people behind Xiao Bai

".Lay down your weapons, come out and surrender!"

Xiao Bai sat on the Grand Master's chair that Ginjiu had brought out. He didn't even hear the warnings outside. He tapped the armrests of his seats with his fingers, and the heavily armed personnel fell straight down. Xiao Bai Bai didn't even need to give orders, someone immediately stepped forward and threw these people up.

About half an hour later, a person appeared with a group of people, but when this person came, he saw Xiao Bai's face He suddenly showed a damn expression

"Damn it, why is this the God of Plague!"

Xu San, who was cursing secretly in his heart, just wanted to get out of here immediately, and Xu San also did the same. When he saw Xiao Bai sitting on the Grand Master's chair, Xu San immediately said to his subordinates:" Um (good Wang Zhao), why did I sleepwalk here so well? Let's go back. Nothing happened here."

But when the Liu family saw that Xu San was willing to let Xu San leave, this was their savior. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Xu San, come back and rescue us quickly. If something happens to us, you won't be able to bear the responsibility!"

The Liu family members shouted at Xu San one by one, but Xu San ignored him and was about to leave.

"You have come, is it appropriate to just leave like this?"

Suddenly, as if a immobilizing spell had been cast on him, Xu San became motionless for a moment. Then Xu San turned to look at Xiao Bai with an ugly face, with a stiff smile on his face:"I just sleepwalked here, so you can just treat me like a fart, okay? We won't get involved in your affairs, okay?".

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