Faced with this kind of inquiry from Xu San, Xiao Bai didn't even open his eyes. He just sat lazily on the Taishi chair and tapped his fingers gently on the armrest of the Taishi chair.

As the person involved, Xu San had beads of sweat gradually appearing on his face at this moment. Xiao Bai's fingers tapped on the armrest of the Grand Master's chair as if they were all tapping on his own. My heart is the same.

For some reason, looking at Xiao Bai and Xu San sitting on the grand master's chair, he felt as if he was facing the emperor sitting on the dragon chair!

But Xu San knew very well that even if he faced the current emperor, he would not have such a feeling, but as a result, when facing Xiao Bai, a kind of fear actually arose in his heart!

"I need you to do something for me!"

Without asking Xu San if he was willing, Xiao Bai just stated his request. As for rejection?

Xu San did not have the courage to refuse, so even if the rejection was already in his throat, he still did not have the courage to spit it out.

Then Xiao Bai read out the names one by one. Xu San's back was wet with cold sweat when he heard these 750 names. What does Xiao Bai want to do?

Each of these people are from the Ming Dynasty. The nobles of the dynasty are all families founded by the confidants of Emperor Shengzong who conquered the world.

It can be said that these families are all the homes of bells and dishes. Even if the current emperor has become a mascot, the personal connections of these people Xu San is not someone who can be provoked by the person in charge of the North China Division who has access to everything. Xu San also needs to be careful when facing those individuals. Now Xu San is worried and Xiao Bai tells him to go see those individuals. It would be great fun to catch them all. By then, I am afraid that a hole will be made in the sky.

But it is even more impossible to refuse. If Xu San had the courage to refuse, then Xu San would already be After taking the person away, he would still stand here stupidly like a little minion.

"You can do it by bringing these individuals before me!"

The words that he least wanted to hear came out of Xiao Bai's mouth. Xu San now had the urge to cry. Why did he come here when he had nothing to do? Two years ago, he knew that this Liu family was a place of right and wrong. Oh, but he was so stupid that he still brought people here!

Now that he is better, he has crashed into this place of right and wrong. Xu San can't leave now even if he wants to, and Xiao Bai can't just let him leave.

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Xu San said to Xiao Bai with difficulty:"These individuals have special identities. If you want to bring them here, I'm afraid"

"I don’t care what means I use, I just want a result, I want them to appear in front of me, just tell me if you can achieve this!"

Xu Sanjian looked at Xiao Bai with great pressure and said helplessly:"I'm afraid this is really not possible. With my identity and qualifications, I am not enough to take action against those individuals, even if I have enough evidence, I can't do it. , not to mention the current baseless evidence. I want to take action against them."

"Although I am the person in charge of the North China Division of MDMA, I am not the general person in charge of MADTO. MDMA in other divisions also have persons in charge, and not all of the individuals you mentioned are in the North China Division. , so I really can’t do it."

Xu Sandu has already said this. If it were other soft-hearted people, they would definitely let Xu San go. But the problem is that Xiao Bai is not a soft-hearted person.

"So, are you going to reject my request?"

Xiao Bai opened his eyes and looked at Xu San with a smile but not a smile. Xiao Bai did have some appreciation for Xu San. There were not many people who could refuse him (bjdc) under his own momentum.

Xiao Bai now The memory of the time of Emperor Shengzong Zhu Cixiang has been recovered, so that means that Xiao Bai is now Zhu Cixiang, and Emperor Shengzong Zhu Cixiang is taking the path of domineering.

Those who follow me will live, and those who go against me will die. It is natural that there is no need to say what happened to him. How domineering he was, but Xu San made the decision to disobey Xiao Bai's order under the pressure of Xiao Bai's momentum.

Although Xiao Bai released a Pacific Ocean, it can be said responsibly that even so Xu San San Ye did what most people couldn't do, that is, refused Xiao Bai's order!

"It's not rejection, but I really can't do it. I can't drag countless people into the water just for myself. Even if you want to kill me, I will admit it, but you want me to do it. I really can't do it. A mere North China subdistrict's Anytongtong can't withstand the attacks of so many Zhongming Dingshi House."

Xiao Bai looked at Xu San with more and more admiration!

"So in that case, you give me a reason to let you go. If your reason is approved by me, then you can leave. If your reason cannot satisfy me, then you can also leave, but these subordinates of yours Just stay here forever!"

Other people don't know how much pressure Xu San has faced, but now those Liu family members are shouting at Xu San one by one:"Asshole, hurry up and rescue us!"

Ignoring the pleas for help from those Liu family members, Xu San's mind was thinking crazily about how to find a reason to convince Xiao Bai and convince Xiao Bai to let him and others go!

Xiao Bai was not in a hurry either. He waved his hand to the vodka on the side:"Crucify those who just opened their mouths together on the cross."

Xiao Bai's order immediately caused another burst of howling. Looking at the Liu family members who were dragged out of the crowd by Vodka's leaders, Xu San cursed these individual idiots in his heart. Now Xu San is It is difficult for the Ni Bodhisattva to cross the river to save the Liu family. If he had the strength of the old Heavenly Master, he could save them.

But it is a pity that Xu San is not the old Heavenly Master, let alone the old Heavenly Master. A strength!

Yamada Choji is exhausted. There are so many people who need to be skinned, and they can't let each other die in the process. Originally, there were only a few people, but now there are more people and it is inevitable to accidentally kill them. Several people died, but fortunately, as long as it was not Liu San and Liu Lili's family, Xiao Bai didn't care about the life or death of the rest of the Liu family.

"Why, after giving you all this time, haven't you come up with a reason to convince me?"

Under Xiao Bai's inquiry, Xu San spoke:""

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