Xiao Bai's eyes were sharp and full of domineering, and he looked at the emperor of the Ming Dynasty in front of him with an imposing manner.

"I originally thought that even if the current Emperor of the Ming Dynasty was a little worse, he would not even dare to face me. But what I didn’t expect was that the current Emperor of the Ming Dynasty really couldn’t help him."

"He actually didn't even dare to see me but asked a substitute to come."

After hearing Xiao Bai's words, the visitor's back was wet with cold sweat.

"Why do you say that I am a substitute?"

Xiao Bai was too lazy to answer this question. He turned around and continued:"Go away and let the real Zhu Xianhe come over. If he is unwilling to come within a quarter of an hour, then I will go and find him in person. But by then"

This substitute is in a dilemma at this moment."Sixty-eight-seven" is just as Xiao Bai said, he is just a substitute, and he can't make a decision on this kind of thing.

Fortunately, through the communicator left on the stand-in, Zhu Xianhe decided to let the stand-in leave, and then went to see Xiao Bai himself.

About 10 minutes passed before Xiao Bai met Zhu Xianhe, the real emperor of the Ming Empire.

"What do you want to do when you come here?"

Facing Xiao Bai in front of him, the Ming Emperor was also full of nervousness. What exactly did the other person want to do when he saw him? The scene two years ago was still in the Ming Emperor's heart again and again. emerge once

"You really areCoward."

Hearing this description, Zhu Xianhe couldn't help but his cheeks twitched, but then he forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart.

"I say you are a coward, but you are really a coward. I even pointed my finger in your nose and scolded you, but you didn’t even dare to express it. It seems that the bloody spirit of the old Zhu family has long since disappeared in your generation.

Gritting his teeth, Zhu Xianhe forced himself not to answer Xiao Bai's words. Xiao Bai looked at the emperor in front of him with some disappointment, then shook his head and said lightly:"

Forget it, it has nothing to do with me now." , this time I just want to know who were the people who instigated Liu San to deal with my mother, and what was their purpose. Zhu

Xianhe's pupils shrank and he immediately denied it:"I don't understand what you are talking about. What happened back then was only done by Liu San.""

"Don't lie in front of me."

Xiao Bai glanced at the current Emperor of Ming Dynasty lightly, his eyes full of disappointment.

"Tell the truth about what happened back then."

Zhu Xianhe was naturally unwilling to admit it, but after facing Xiao Bai's breathtaking eyes, Zhu Xianhe really felt that his whole soul was trembling.


At this time, Zhu Xianhe felt as if he was facing a giant. He was like an ant in front of this giant. If he dared to disobey this giant's order, he would be killed immediately the next moment. Shattered to pieces

"I said."

After Zhu Xianhe finished doing it, he felt the pressure on his body was relieved. Then his legs softened and he knelt down directly in front of Xiao Bai.

Then Zhu Xianhe told what happened.

Listen. After that, Xiao Bai only thought it was funny. The cause of the matter was very simple. The eldest princess who fled back then was the mother of Xiao Bai's mother, and when she left, she took away the Jade Dragon Pot stored in the palace.

It was okay for the other party to escape from the marriage, and the royal family turned a blind eye, but who knew that they took away the Jade Dragon Pot.

Because of this reason, many people were looking for it.

But when they found it Only Xiao Bai's mother was left. However, Xiao Bai's mother didn't know the whereabouts of the Jade Dragon Pot.

But other people didn't believe it, so Xiao Yan appeared and Xiao Bai was born.


There was some anger in Xiao Bai's heart. It was because of these personal doubts that she had been miserable all her life.

Looking at Zhu Xianhe in front of her, Xiao Bai's eyes were indifferent without any emotion.

"I want you to do one thing and bring everyone who participated in this event to me."

Zhu Xianhe immediately understood what Xiao Bai wanted to do, and directly denied it:"Impossible, this thing is absolutely impossible..........."

"I'm not negotiating with you, understand?"

Xiao Bai's look instantly made Zhu Xianhe warm to the ground, shivering like chaff.

Zhu Xianhe was angry and aggrieved, but more importantly, he was unbelievable.

"I only give you half a day. If I haven’t seen anyone after half a day, then I will do it myself. By then I will not just kill the culprit."

Zhu Xianhe was trembling all over, but he still did not agree, because Zhu Xianhe knew very well what would happen once he agreed.

How many people were involved in this incident? It can be said that most people today have retired, and before those people retired, they were senior ministers in the cabinet. When we want to clear up the consequences,

Even Zhu Xianhe, who was the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, did not dare to help Xiao Bai call those people over. If something happened to those people because of Zhu Xianhe, then even the Ming Dynasty royal family and even he was the Emperor of Ming Dynasty would not be able to resist.

"Since you don't want to, I will do it myself. But I don't know how many people will die by then. I originally wanted to kill fewer people, but it's a pity that you don't cherish this opportunity."

Originally, Xiao Bai thought of only punishing the culprit and leaving the rest alone, but now(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, the next moment a person walked in from outside the Imperial Ancestral Temple:"I would like to see which madman is raping in the Imperial Ancestral Temple in 3.8" You are talking arrogantly."

Xiao Bai then narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at the person who walked in.

"I didn't expect that an old guy like you was still alive."

Looking at the visitor, Xiao Bai was a little surprised and a little surprised.

The other party came in and looked at Zhu Xianhe who was lying on the ground. A trace of dissatisfaction and disgust flashed in his eyes:"It's really embarrassing to Emperor Shengzong."

Zhu Xianhe had a look of shame on his face after hearing what the other party said. The person who came after him looked at Xiao Bai and said,"You"

Suddenly, the other party's face was slightly startled, with a look of astonishment on his face.

"Long time no see, Hongyuan."

The man's knees softened and he knelt down directly.

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