Zhu Xianhe:? ? ?

Looking at the person kneeling next to him, Zhu Xianhe was stunned. Then Zhu Xianhe cautiously asked the person:"Prince Jin, what are you doing?""

Swallowing his saliva, Zhu Xianhe had a bad premonition in his heart. The person in front of him was like the Dinghai Shenzhen of the Ming Dynasty. The other person was kneeling now. Is this right?

The visitor's name is Li Dingguo, whose courtesy name is Hongyuan. He is an old man who follows Emperor Shengzong. The man who has always been a figure like the Dinghai Divine Needle of the Ming Dynasty actually knelt down?

After Li Dingguo heard Xiao Bai's words, he looked at the young man in front of him. Although his appearance was different, he would never forget the temperament of Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai hit his head on the ground with a bang, and the stone slabs on the ground were all covered in stone. Too much force and it broke into pieces.

"Your Majesty, Li Dingguo, sincerely welcomes the return of Emperor Shengzong. Long live your Majesty, long live, long live your Majesty!"

Zhu Xianhe:???

Whether it was Li Dingguo kneeling before or now Li Dingguo shouting for the return of Emperor Shengzong, Zhu Xianhe was completely confused and couldn't understand. He really couldn't understand, not at all. Even Zhu Xianhe couldn't understand. Why did Li Dingguo call him Emperor Xiaobai Shengzong?

"Forget it, Zhu Cixiang is dead. Now I am just Xiao Bai. You and I are just old friends now, nothing else."

Zhu Xianhe's body suddenly started to tremble. The person in front of him was actually...

The Zhu family will definitely know the name Zhu Cixiang, and the name of Emperor Shengzong. The first thing every Zhu family member does after becoming sensible is to know the life story of Emperor Shengzong Zhu Cixiang.

Zhu Xianhe had a guess in his mind, that is, the Xiao Bai in front of him was the reincarnation of Emperor Shengzong. If this is really the case, then

Zhu Xianhe's whole body was wet with cold sweat at this time, and he was depressed. Fear filled Zhu Xianhe's heart. The Zhu family all worshiped Emperor Shengzong Zhu Cixiang as their idol, and what they did to this idol The matter was even more clear. When I worshiped Emperor Shengzong, I even knew how murderous this Emperor was.

According to incomplete statistics, during the 68 years of Emperor Shengzong's reign, at least 100 million people died because of Emperor Shengzong. In Neon alone, 35 million people were killed by Emperor Shengzong.

Zhu Xianhe now has the urge to give himself a few slaps. Before, Xiao Bai only killed the culprits, but now he wants to go on a killing spree. If he had known better, he would have agreed, but now

"First, ancestors"

Zhu Xianhe still wanted to plead, but Xiao Bai ignored the other party's plan and looked at Li Dingguo and asked:"Hongyuan, besides you, who else is there?"

"Only Chen and Marquis Zhongzhen are left. When I came, I heard that someone had been sent to invite Marquis Zhongzhen. Now I think it will be here soon."

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived. Li Dingguo here had just finished speaking when a girl with white hair and childish face walked in outside. She was wearing armor and holding a red tassel gun. She was such a majestic heroine, a hero among women!

"Because the woman is willing to accept it, why should the general be her husband? Long time no see, Marquis Zhongzhen!"

Qin Liangyu walked into the Ancestral Temple, the murderous look on his face stagnated for a moment, and then his eyes revealed a look of disbelief. He looked at Xiao Bai in front of him. Although their faces were different, their temperaments were so worldly. But Qin Liangyu's domineering attitude made Xiao Bai in front of him and the figure in his mind gradually merge into one. The red tassel gun in his hand instantly fell to the ground, and Qin Liangyu immediately knelt down:"Your Majesty, Qin Liangyu, Farewell to my emperor, long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

Zhu Xianhe:

Zhu Xianhe now really has the urge to travel back to the past, and then give himself a few big slaps, but there is no regret medicine in the world.

"Get up, get up, Zhu Cixiang is dead. Now my name is Xiao Bai. There is no need to think of me as the emperor. Now we only get along as friends."

Qin Liangyu stood up, but he was still respectful. Seeing this, Xiao Bai said to the two of them:"This time I have an unexpected surprise. It is a worthwhile trip to see you here, but now I still I have some things to deal with and will catch up later. Li

Dingguo looked at Xiao Bai, then hesitated and said:"Your Majesty, although this Zhu Xianhe is a little cowardly and ineffective, he is the current Emperor of the Ming Dynasty after all. Please spare his life!" Qin

Liangyu also looked at Zhu Xianhe:"Although he is not like your Majesty, Zhu Xianhe has been very careful about his career these years. He does not say he has made any merit, but he has done nothing wrong. Please spare his life!""

Zhu Xianhe now has the urge to cry. Is he, the emperor, so useless in front of these two people?

"This time, I came not for Zhu Xianhe, but for someone else."

Then Xiao Bai told Li Dingguo about his affairs and returned Qin Liangyu's favor. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"As a son of man, I had to avenge this. Originally, I only planned to kill the culprit, but this Zhu Xianhe was determined not to cooperate, so I had no choice but to kill!"

After listening to what Xiao Bai said, Qin Liangyu 060, as a woman, immediately turned cold. Whether it was the Liu family who used the knife or the other people who got it behind the scenes, what these people did was... Qin Liangyu was already irritated. He looked at Xiao Bai and said bluntly:"I, Qin Liangyu, am willing to be the king's pioneer! Li

Dingguo also followed closely:"Your Majesty, leave this matter to me. I will bring all those people before your Majesty!""

Compared with Qin Liangyu, Li Dingguo thought more about stabilizing the country. As a son of man, Xiao Bai had to avenge him. Li Dingguo did not dare to persuade Xiao Bai to give up revenge. So for the sake of the stability of the Ming Dynasty, Li Dingguo could only It's time to cut the knot and capture the culprits directly to prevent Xiao Bai from going on a killing spree.

Once Xiao Bai is allowed to go on a killing spree, the Ming Dynasty will inevitably be in turmoil. In order to protect the country for hundreds of years, Li Dingguo can only so done

"Go, I'll wait here, you go with Marquis Zhongzhen, for three days, within three days I want to see all the relevant people, and there will be one less Tu Yi clan!"

Li Dingguo, Qin Liangyu, and Zhu Xianhe suddenly became tense.

"Yes, one person is missing, so I’m here to see you!"

Qin Liangyu and Li Dingguo left. Xiao Bai looked at Zhu Xianhe:"Get out, shame on you!"

With a wave of his hand, Zhu Xianhe was thrown out by Xiao Bai.

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