After walking out of the student union, Xiao Bai sent another message to Kato Megumi to ask Kato Megumi out.

Seeing Megumi Kato, Xiaobai walked up and hugged Megumi Kato:"I haven't seen you for a long time, Megumi. She has long hair. It's my type."

Looking at Megumi Kato with long hair, Xiao Bai said to The girl in her arms said, while Kato Megumi hugged Xiao Bai silently. Although Kato Megumi knew that Xiao Bai was not the first to come to him, Kato Megumi didn't care.

What Kato Megumi cares about is that Xiao Bai came to find him. In fact, Kato Megumi has been blaming himself for the past two years!

Kato Megumi believed that what happened to Xiao Bai was because of herself, so Kato Megumi always blamed herself in her heart. If she hadn't not contacted Xiao Bai because of jealousy, or she would have simply Don't contact Xiao Bai again, as if nothing happened, but he contacted Xiao Bai in the end.

This incident made Megumi Kato blame himself all the time, thinking that all these things were his fault.

"Sorry, really sorry!"

Kato Megumi was held in Xiao Bai's arms, but Kato Megumi's voice reached Xiao Bai's ears, and even Xiao Bai felt that the clothes on his chest were slightly wet. Her hand gently patted Kato Megumi's back to comfort Kato Megumi.

"It's okay, it's okay, you don't need to blame yourself, this matter has nothing to do with you, even without you, Satan will find someone else, you are just implicated by me."

Xiao Bai, who was holding Kato Megumi in his arms, gently patted Kato Megumi's back to comfort Kato Megumi, but it was obvious that such comfort could not make Kato Megumi feel relieved.

"If you really feel sorry for me, then you might as well compensate me for the rest of your life. As long as you agree, I will forgive you for the things you have done before!"

Kato Megumi pushed Xiao Bai away slightly, then turned sideways and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and then said to Xiao Bai in a calm voice:"Am I the only one? Or Mr. Bai, do you still want to open a big harem?"

Two years ago, Xiao Bai and Kato Megumi discussed this kind of thing in the restaurant of Mujiuzhienguo. At that time, Kato Megumi was angry because Xiao Bai wanted to open a harem, and even the relationship between the two was affected by it. There was some estrangement, which also caused Xiao Bai to not take the initiative to find Kato Megumi. Kato Megumi was even unwilling to ask Xiao Bai for help when he encountered Satan. In the end, he had no choice but to call Xiao Bai for help..

However, when faced with Kato Megumi's question again, Xiao Bai gave the same answer as two years ago:"That's right. Even if Xiaomei asks me such a question again, my answer The answer is still the same, I want to give all the girls who like me and the girls I like a warm home. Kato

Megumi did not look at Xiao Bai, but said lightly:"I understand, then I agree, but I agree only because Mr. Bai saved me, so I have to agree, not because I want to!" Xiao

Bai looked at Kato Megumi:"You don't have to force yourself. It doesn't matter if you don't accept it. I can wait until the day you agree.""

Kato Megumi turned his head and looked at Xiao Bai, with a very calm expression on his face:"I said, I agree!"

Looking at Kato Megumi's expression, Xiao Bai seemed to understand something. After reacting, Xiao Bai suddenly realized:"It turns out that Xiao Hui, you are willing from the bottom of your heart, but you are just arrogant, so you said it because I saved you. No."

Kato Megumi directly raised his foot and stepped hard on Xiao Bai's instep, but Xiao Bai picked it up and hugged Kato Megumi in his arms.

Kato Megumi, get!

The original Xiao Bai is still there I wanted to see Yukinoshita Yukino, but something unexpected happened that disrupted Xiao Bai's plan.

Yamada Torifu called to tell Xiao Bai something, something happened on Totsuki's side!

Xiao Bai and Kato are now After Megumi said that, he rushed directly to Totsuki. When Xiao Bai came to Totsuki between the moon and the sky, he happened to hear Nakiri Managi's voice.

"The winner, Thistle Nakamura!"

Walking in, Xiao Bai saw Nagi Kirito on the field, and Nagi Kiri's opponent was Saiba Chaohi.


Saiba Chaohi and Nakamura Thistle's Shokugeki actually ended up with Nakamura Thistle. Xiao Bai won unanimously. This result made Xiao Bai a little surprised. Looking at Caibo Chaoyang, he doubted whether the other party was cheating.

Two years ago, Caibo Chaoyang was already a special chef. Two years later, he would lose to Nakamura Ji. So the only possibility is that this guy is fixing the match.

"So according to Shokiji's agreement, Mr. Hisagi Nakamura will take over the position of Principal Totsuki in the future. Let us welcome Principal Hisagi Nakamura!"

Kawashima Rei took the microphone and made an announcement to the students of Totsuki who were present.

Xiao Bai shook his eyebrows but did not act rashly, although Xiao Bai felt that the father and son Zaibo Chaoyang and Nakamura Itsuga were trying to cheat the competition. After asking Nakiri Erina and the others, 710 did not act rashly. After asking clearly, if it was really what he thought, Xiao Bai could kick Nakamura Thistle off at will. So even now It doesn't matter if Nakamura Thisi becomes the principal of Totsuki.

Xiao Bai took out his phone and dialed Nakiri Alice's number.

Soon a white-haired girl appeared in front of Xiao Bai. Compared with two years ago, Alice's hair is slightly longer, but she is still young and beautiful!

"Want a hug?"

Xiao Bai opened his hands and looked at Alice Nakiri and asked.

Alice Nakiri jumped directly into Xiao Bai's arms. Xiao Bai hugged Alice Nakiri and then asked:"Let's talk about the old days later, and the present first. Tell me, what is going on? Why did you have to compete with Nakamura Hisagi, and Saiba Chaoyang actually lost? This looks like a fake match. Could it be Saiba Chaoyang and Nakamura Thisahi? The father and son are trying to fix the match."

Listening to Xiao Bai's words, Alice Nakiri shook her head:"It's not like this. In fact, Uncle Ji came back not long ago, and he proposed the shokuji, and Caiba Chaoyang didn't make any move. Uncle Ji He is also a special chef, so he lost!".

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