Is it really normal that Nakamura Itsuki has the ability to be a super chef?

I always feel that the plot has completely collapsed now. Does Nakamura Itsuki in the original plot have this kind of strength?

Moreover, in the original plot, Nakamura Thistle was supposed to join forces with the Ten Heroes to rebel when Erina and the others were in the first grade, but now the result is that Erina is about to graduate from the third grade and Nakamura Thistle appears, which feels a little unreasonable.

And whether the other party's return was a little unexpected, and what the other party used to make Yuanyue agree to have sex with the other party, Xiao Bai had too many doubts, and he didn't know clearly. He only discovered some things about Alice. There is simply no way to analyze too much.

So Xiao Bai decided to go to see Erina first, and then ask in detail after meeting Erina. But what left Xiao Bai speechless was that when he saw Erina, Nakiri Shinagi looked at Xiao Bai. Gritting his teeth, Xiao Bai didn't understand where he had offended his mother-in-law.

Later, under Erina's explanation, Xiao Bai understood why Nakiri Shinagi looked at him like that. Xiao Bai had promised Nakiri Shinagi to supply gem meat and century soup every week. Xiao Bai was imprisoned on Longhu Mountain not long after his death, and the supply for Nakiri Shinagi was naturally gone.

So now Xiao Bai's mother-in-law looked at Xiao Bai with a look that was more or less unhappy. Xiao Bai smiled helplessly but did not argue with Nakiri Managi about these things. Thinking of Erina, she asked about the cause of the incident.

After some questioning, Xiao Bai found out that it was Nakamura Ji who forced Toyuki to have sex with him in his youth. Nakamura Ji didn’t know who he got help from. Totsuki has been affected in all aspects recently. Different types of suppression can directly lead to economic losses as high as billions.

In addition, Totsuki's reputation was gradually declining. Totsuki had no choice but to agree to Nakamura Ji's request. He originally thought that letting Saiba Chaoyang play would be a sure thing, but who knew that it would actually happen? They lost miserably. Saiba Chaoyang's level was definitely that of a special chef. Nakiri Managi said that Saiba Chaoyang's level was very high, but in the end, he still lost to Nakamura Itsuki.

Later, Xiao Bai asked to watch Nakamura Ji's cooking video, but after seeing the result, Xiao Bai really saw something was wrong. Nakamura Ji used cooking skills unique to the dark cooking world. Look After finishing, Xiao Bai couldn't help but talk to himself.

"Nakamura Thisi has joined the dark cooking world, right? But I remember that the dark cooking world is no longer there. Could it be just a coincidence?..?"

"Did you discover anything?"

Xiao Bai's soliloquy was obviously not filtered by Alice and Erina beside Xiao Bai, so Alice and Erina immediately asked Xiao Bai.

"Let me figure this out first, and then I will tell you after I figure it out!"

Then Xiao Bai said:"I will investigate and resolve this matter as quickly as possible. As for Nakamura Ji, I will leave it to you to handle it yourself!"

However, Erina stopped Xiao Bai:"I want to handle this matter myself. My father won the position of Totsuki's principal as a cook, so I also want to use cooking to win it back.."

Xiao Bai looked at Erina with a strange expression on his face, and then said helplessly:"You think a little too simplistically. Although I don't want to hit you, but if it is really as I thought, In that case, other than me, I really can’t think of any chef in the world today who can beat Nakamura Itsuki."

【Erina is still too naive. If Nakamura Thistle really joins the dark cooking world, then Erina's desire to defeat Nakamura Thistle with cooking feels a bit like wishful thinking. The chefs who can survive from the dark cooking world must at least be Special Chef】

【When I was Liu Pleiades, the dark cuisine world had grown to its extreme. It had 108 special chefs, and this was still according to the rules of the dark cuisine world. Once you lose the cooking competition, you must die to apologize, otherwise If so, there will be more special chefs!】

【It is precisely because of this cruel method that every chef in the dark cooking world is very powerful. Therefore, even if Erina has a heart for cooking and has the strength of a super chef, if she and Nakamura Thistle were to compete in practice, the result would probably be There is only one ending, and that is losing. After all, there are various methods in the dark cooking world, such as spice inequality, fierce bull blue dragon chop and other cooking skills.】

"Erina, leave this matter to me!"

After hearing Xiao Bai's words, Erina nodded after hesitating for a moment, but Erina asked Xiao Bai:"Never hurt your father!""


"Then let me first go meet the current principal of Totsuki!"

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he walked out and directly approached Nakamura Ji. At this time, Nakamura Ji was taking over various things in Yuanyue. Seeing Xiao Bai's arrival, Nakamura Ji was stunned for a moment and then didn't say anything. Bai was the first to speak:"You joined the dark cooking world?"

Nakamura Ji is not surprised that Xiao Bai knows about the dark cooking world. Xiao Bai has already made a name for himself in the dark cooking world. Xiao Bai holds a seven-star sword, so he knows about the dark cooking world. Things are not surprising

"Yes, now I have joined the dark cuisine world. It is with the power of the dark cuisine world that I successfully seized the power of Yuanyue. Xiao Bai, come and help me. With your help, we can definitely control the dark cuisine. world, when the time comes, we can change the world by relying on the power of the dark cooking world!"

There was a strange look on Xiao Bai's face. From the memories about Liu Pleiades that he had recovered before, Xiao Bai remembered some interesting things, that is, Liu Pleiades, who was known as the God of Cooking, actually secretly joined the darkness under a pseudonym. In the cooking world, he has even reached the position of being the boss of the dark cooking world.

And now Nakamura Kiku actually wants to recruit himself to join the dark cooking world!

"No interest, I just came here to ask you or what the dark cooking world behind you wants to do!".

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