When Xiao Bai came out of Sakayanagi Arisu's house, he originally planned to go directly to Ayanokouji Atsumi, but unfortunately Xiao Bai ran into a problem.

Yakumo Purple conveyed a bad news to Xiao Bai. There was some vibration in the Kyushu Barrier. The source of this vibration seemed to be that something entered this world from outside the world, which caused the Kyushu Barrier. Produce vibration.

So Xiao Bai didn't even have time to take a bite of food, so he had to go to the source of the vibration with Yakumo Murasaki. Looking at the island that appeared out of thin air on the sea, Xiao Bai took a direct breath.

"You know this island."

Looking at Xiao Bai's gasping look, Yakumo Purple's expression suddenly became serious, and her eyes towards Xiao Bai became extremely serious. Even Xiao Bai needed to gasp. I'm afraid this island is scary

"do not know!"

Yakumo Purple:???

I don't know you, but you look so scary. Are you trying to scare me?

Yakumo Purple's sharp eyes looked at Xiao Bai, as if to say: If you don't give me satisfaction, Then today you will explain it here.

"Why, I'm so scared that I haven't said anything yet."

Yakumo Murasaki's face darkened, and she looked at Xiao Bai with unkind eyes, but Xiao Bai changed the subject:"It's troublesome, we must speed up the search for the legendary kitchen utensils."

Yakumo Purple pursed her lips and looked at the island that appeared from the void:"Then what should we do now? We can't enter this island now. We have to wait until this island completely appears in our world. Only then can we enter the island"

"I know this completely and don’t need you to repeat it.

Yakumo Purple looked at Xiao Bai with a black line:"Then what do you want to do~~?""

"Wait, what else can we do? The next step is to wait for the island to be completely revealed and then we go to the island to investigate."

"According to this situation, it will probably take less than half an hour for the island to appear completely."

After looking at the speed at which this island appeared, it would only take about half an hour at most for this island to completely appear in Xiao Bai's world.

"Relax, this island doesn't give me any sense of danger for the time being, which means there shouldn't be anything dangerous on this island, so it's not a big problem."

Xiao Bai looked at the animals on the island, and suddenly felt that they looked familiar. After thinking about it carefully, Xiao Bai suddenly thought, aren't these the creatures in the food prisoners? Xiao Bai remembers an island as Balong Island?

The expression on his face gradually became weird!

【Good guy is really awesome. The food world invades the real world? Baron Island in the Food World actually broke through the defenses of the Kyushu Barrier and entered this world. This is really good news among bad news.】

【The reason why I say bad news is because if there is one, there are two. Now that Balon Island has broken through the Kyushu barrier and appears in the real world, there will definitely be other things that appear in the future. The reason why it is said to be good news That's because on Baron Island, the creatures on the island don't pose much of a threat, and the creatures on the island are rare ingredients. Although they are not as good as century soup and gem meat, they are still better than in this world. Ordinary ingredients are so much better】

【Later, Erina and the others were called over to travel to the island and have a picnic. However, they had to make sure that there would be no accidents on the island before calling Erina and the others over. 】

More than half an hour passed and the entire island finally appeared completely in front of Xiao Fan.

Looking at the island in front of him, Xiao Bai couldn't help but take a breath.

"What's wrong, don't scare me again!"

"No, you haven't noticed that the closer you get to this island, the more you are suppressed. The power of the contract spirit cannot be used on this island at all."

Yakumo Purple was stunned for a moment and then immediately tried to use the power of her realm, but the result was that Yakumo Purple's face turned dark instantly.

Yakumo Purple found that the closer she got to the island, the stronger her own power became. He was suppressed, and in the end, he couldn't use any power on that island.

"It seems like we need to find someone to go to that island and conduct a thorough investigation."

Obviously, Xiao Bai doesn't plan to go in by himself. He just needs to find someone to be the scapegoat. A fool will go in by himself at this time. Isn't that a pure brain disease? What if something changes on that island ? If he becomes an ordinary person who has no power to bind a chicken, then he can only wait for death?

Therefore, even if Xiao Bai is confident, he will never go in hastily.

Xiao Bai glanced at Yakumo Purple and then had a look in his eyes. He said with a smile:"Catch some random people and throw them on this island, and let them explore the way for us."

【I didn't expect that Baron Island would directly wipe out all supernatural powers. I won't go in like this. I'll first find some unlucky people and throw them in to see if they can survive. If these are unlucky, If the ghost can survive, then I will go in when the time comes.】

【Fortunately, I was cautious this time. Otherwise, I might have been in trouble by now. But who could have imagined that this would be such a situation? This world is becoming more and more confusing. I can't see clearly, and no one knows (haoqianzhao) nor can I guess what will happen in the next moment, but isn't this look interesting?】

【So let me think about it next, who will be the unlucky one? Yes, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, the most outstanding genius in the White House must let the other person shine, and I swear, I am absolutely, absolutely, absolutely It's not because Ayanokouji Kiyotaka felt unhappy when Arisu confessed to him in the original plot that he was left to be the unlucky one. Island]

A group of diary copy holders could not help but twitch their eyelids slightly as they looked at the contents of Xiao Bai's diary copy. Good guy, you really are yours. Do you think we believe the oath you swore?

【This should not violate the agreement with Yukino. After all, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka is not an innocent person. The other party is a monster raised by the White House. Killing him by yourself is equivalent to doing justice for heaven.】

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