【The emergence of Balong Island this time may be an opportunity. Although the world today seems calm, if nothing else happens, there are turbulent undercurrents in the mainland. In addition to the Liberation Society, this world is not lacking in all kinds of things. Evil organizations, taking this opportunity to simply lure all these organizations out】

【And I must solemnly state again here that I am absolutely not targeting Ayanokouji Kiyotaka out of venting my anger. After all, if I want to target Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, then no one else can escape, like Soma Yukihira, Ryo Kurokkiba, Shirogane Goyuki and Hikigaya Hachiman, etc.】

【The unfortunate things that happened to the people mentioned above have nothing to do with me. I, Xiao Bai, am not the kind of person who likes to be jealous. Yes, that's it. 】

Diary copy holders: You see whether we believe it or not, but Xiao Bai’s performance gave diary copy holders another new understanding. The original diary copy holders were used to Xiao Bai’s kind of behavior. The behavior of treating human life as nothing. Now that I know that Xiao Bai has such a side, my impression of Xiao Bai has been greatly changed.

【Ahem, cough, cough, these are all trivial things that don't matter. I believe that even if they knew about it, they wouldn't say anything to me. They still focus on big things now! 】

Xiao Bai retracted his thoughts and looked at Yakumo Zi next to him and said:"Throw some death row prisoners in first and explore the island."

"The gap cannot be opened on the island"

"Then you can drive as far as you want. You should be able to do this easily, right?"

Yakumo Murasaki shrugged and then waved his hand. In an instant, a large group of people fell from the air into the sea. These people did not react for a moment and drank several mouthfuls of sea water. Then they discovered the island in the distance. They all tried their best to swim towards the island.

As for those Yakumo Purple who couldn't swim, they very considerately found some pieces of wood for these people and let them hold the planks and swim towards the island. In the past, the eyesight of Xiao Bai and Yakumo Purple was naturally able to clearly see what these individuals experienced after arriving on the island. Soon the expressions of Xiao Bai and Yakumo Purple became a little unsightly.

Not long after those individuals landed on the island, they died of various creatures and died miserably.

"Fortunately, we didn't rush up there rashly, otherwise we probably wouldn't be much better off than these people."

"Now what?"

Yakumo Purple frowned a little. If these people are dead, will they continue to explore? This island is like a bottomless pit. No one knows how many lives will be needed to fill this bottomless pit. Xiao

Bai glanced at Yakumo Purple in surprise:"When did the monster sage Yakumo become so kind and soft-hearted? This is not like you at all.""

"Do you mean to use human life to fill it?"

Yakumo Purple looked at Xiao Bai in astonishment. Previously, Yakumo Purple thought that Xiao Bai had reformed his evil ways, but who would have thought that Xiao Bai had reformed his evil ways and returned to his right ways. It's just that Xiao Bai hid it. This guy still didn't Treat human life as one thing

【What's going on, what's going on, what's going on with Yakumo Murasaki now? When did the monster sage become kind-hearted and soft-hearted? There are just some dead people on the left and right. When did the monsters and sages become so soft-hearted? ]

Holder of a copy of the diary: I originally thought that this guy no longer treated human life as nothing, but it turned out that I was getting younger. This guy has not changed at all. He still does not regard people as human beings or human lives at all. human life

【They are just some death row prisoners. It is their last use to use their insignificant lives to contribute to the world. In the end, Yakumo Murasaki actually asked me if I wanted to use my life to fill it? It's almost ridiculous that the dignified monster sage has become so soft-hearted. 】

Yakumo Murasaki: Please speak clearly, I thought you were going to use the lives of ordinary people to fill it.

Diary copy holder: It seems that Xiao Bai has really changed his ways. We have misunderstood Xiao Bai.

【First pull out those death row prisoners and use them as consumables. After these death row prisoners are used up, then those with life sentences. After the life sentences are used up, they will be gradually used as consumables according to the level of the crimes of the criminals. Consumables, anyway, the most indispensable thing in this world is these criminals】

【There are also those farm tools, those farm tools are a waste of air in this world. Speaking of which, I killed those farm tools and almost wiped out the whole nation. There are nearly a billion farm tools, almost every piece of land in Heizhou has them. The corpses of these farm tools were buried underground. As a result, there are still so many farm tools in the world. Isn't this TND multiplying too fast?"]

Holder of a copy of the diary: How much do you hate those farm tools, and is this history book a little too watery? The farm tools alone have killed one billion for you, and the result is that you are better than the history book. One hundred million has been recorded. No wonder they say history is written by the victors. Wait, is it possible that farm tools are not regarded as people, so killing farm tools does not mean killing people? Why did those farm tools offend Xiao Bai, not just now? Xiao Bai, even Emperor Shengzong looked at those farm tools with disgust?

"You first throw in all the death row prisoners, 100 people in each batch, and see if there are any lucky ones among these death row prisoners."

Soon another group of 100 death row prisoners were dumped on the sea not far from the island.

This time Xiao Bai and Yakumo Purple discovered that these individuals had different physical qualities and lived for different periods of time. One of them He must have been trained to barely survive on the island.

"It seems that in addition to the inability to use supernatural powers, the physical differences of everyone on that island will not be eliminated?"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiao Bai's current physical strength is absolutely nothing to say. He can eat and drink century soup and gem meat without any problems, and his physical fitness will naturally improve.

So if you simply Everyone talks about physical fitness, so Xiao Bai has absolute confidence. As for his physical fitness, he should have reached the peak of human beings. There should be no danger in entering Baron Island, right?

"You'd better save your money and don't think about taking risks."

Looking at Xiao Bai's appearance, Yakumo Zi couldn't tell what Xiao Bai was thinking...

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