"Excuse me, is this rainbow juice still available? If so, I would like to ask if it can be provided unlimitedly."

Xiao Bai looked at Shitori Cangna. Seeing Xiao Bai looking at him, Shitori Cangna hesitated for a moment and then told Xiao Bai:"My magic power has improved slightly after drinking the juice just now, so I was wondering if I could Drink unlimited juice to enhance your magic power."

Xiao Bai suddenly realized, and the child who followed looked at Shitori Sona with a playful smile on his face!

"That glass of juice you just drank must have made you gain at least one pound!"

Shitori Sona's expression froze and she looked at Xiao Bai in disbelief. On the other hand, Lanmu Jiuzhiuanguo also looked at Xiao Bai in astonishment. Obviously Mujiuzhiuanguo didn't know about this kind of thing. But

Xiao Bai was Minding his own business, he continued:"You can choose not to believe what I say, but you can trust the scale. If you don't believe it, go out and weigh yourself and then come back and take a sip of juice!""

Shitori Sona hesitated for a moment and then stood up and looked at Mikushiengo:"Is there a scale here?"010 Soon, Mikuzhien Guoguo asked someone to bring the weight scale. As the number displayed on the scale, Shitori Sona's face changed instantly, because it was not just a pound of weight gain, to be precise, it was fat. He gained more than two kilograms and almost three kilograms.

Seeing this scene, Kichiengo was also frightened and turned pale.

"Don't worry, as long as you exercise, this kind of thing will turn into energy in the shortest time to strengthen your physical fitness, but the premise is not to drink too much. If you drink too much, you will not be able to digest it, so you can only If you gain fat, you don’t want to become a fat woman weighing 800 pounds."

Shitori Sona trembled all over and shook her head decisively.

"It’s not worth it, it’s not worth it, it’s really not worth it!"

Shitori Sona is determined not to let this happen. Just by adding a little bit of magic power, he has already gained three pounds. This kind of business is really not worthwhile!

"A moderate amount is okay, and as long as there is a certain amount of exercise, these energies can be used to strengthen the body. Of course, it is probably useless for demons, but it is still quite good for ordinary people."

Subsequently, Kikushien Kao brought the dishes he made. As the eldest lady of a famous family, Shitori Sona naturally has eaten all kinds of delicacies from the mountains and seas. However, after eating the dishes made by Kikuzhien Kao, she... Still couldn't help but move my index finger.

After eating, Xiao Bai and Shitori Sona returned home!

"Now that you have nowhere to go, you can stay at my house temporarily. If you want to leave, you can leave at any time. I can also provide you with some help."

"I'll think about it and get back to you tomorrow."

Chitori Cangna doesn't hate Xiao Bai, but it would be a little embarrassing for Chitori Cangna to stay with Xiao Bai, so now Chitori Cangna hopes to have some time to think about it.

Xiao Bai will naturally not force it. Afterwards, Shitori Sona returned to the room prepared by Rem and sat on the bed, thinking about what happened today.

Suddenly, a diary appeared in front of Shitori Sona out of thin air!

Shitori Sona stretched out his hand to catch it. This book, and then he saw clearly that the cover of the book said,"Copy of Xiao Bai's diary (exclusive to Cang Naxidi)".

Xiao Bai's diary?

Why did Xiao Bai give the diary to him? Zhiti Cang Na was a little confused. After hesitating for a while, Shitori Sona decided to open the diary and take a look. Since Xiao Bai handed the diary to him, it shouldn't matter if he took a look at it.

Shitori Sona opened the diary, and then Shitori Sona's eyes gradually changed. dbfe couldn't believe it.

A time traveler?

After reading the diary, Shitori Sona's eyes showed disbelief. If he was lucky, he would get a random reward. If he was unlucky, as long as he mentioned the most names, he would be able to win. Can you get a reward?

Chitori Cangna felt that this was a bit ridiculous. Immediately, Chitori Cangna planned to take this diary to find Xiao Bai, but the next moment, Chitori Cangna suddenly felt an indescribable fear in his heart..

Once I do this, something extremely terrible will happen. I can't do that. Shitori Sona even feels like a hand is grabbing my heart, making it impossible for me to tell the truth about this diary. , once I forcibly tell this matter to Xiao Bai, then this hand will crush my heart.

I can’t say that I will never tell this matter!

I gave up telling this matter. After going out, the feeling of fear that made me finally disappeared. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He put his hand on his heart and gasped for breath, with a hint of fear in Sona's eyes. Fear.

Just for a moment, Shitori Sona felt like the days were like years, but fortunately, Shitori Sona recovered.

Then Shitori Sona's mind changed. If this book The diary is real, and you can really get rewards, and it is not some small trick of Xiao Bai, so can you also get rewards? It seems that so many people in the previous chat group got rewards, it should be true, but if it is just Randomly speaking, it would be too much based on luck. If you stay with Xiao Bai, the probability of your name being mentioned will undoubtedly increase greatly.

After hesitating for a moment, Shitori Sona made a decision. Stay with Xiao Bai.

In addition to confirming the diary reward, Chitori Cangna believes that Xiao Bai is the most likely to know how to get him back.

On the other side, Xiao Bai is starting to record the diary.

【It was really magical. I had just obtained the creation of the God-killing Demonic Beast, but in the end, I got a Shitori Sona. This really makes people don’t know what to say, but forget it, seriously. Speaking of which, although Sona Shitori is only a female supporting character and is not as popular as the heroine Rias Gremory, she is still a female character that I like very much. If Rias Gremory is just a heroine, If I have the idea of ​​lusting after her body, then I really like Shitori Aona instead of lusting after her body!】

【I like Shitori Ao because of Shitori Ao’s innocent dream. Although it is stupid, I have to say that it attracted me.】

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