【Who would have thought that the biggest dream of the next head of the pure-blood demon Sidi family is to open a ranked game school regardless of class. It can only be said that he is too naive. What kind of thing are those demon nobles? I didn’t even understand it】

【The demons, angels and fallen angels in Shitori Sona's world caused huge casualties in the three-party war. Even the God of the Bible and the four demon kings of demons died together, so the demon nobles came up with a solution. Internal conflicts, that is solved by ranking games】

【The so-called ranking game is a small family-like clan established by a demon above the superior demon. They use chess, soldiers, chariots, bishops, etc. to reincarnate humans or other beings into demons for consumption. A game started by Pin】

【It has to be said that there are still talents on the devil's side. Demon King Achuka, as one of the two transcendents of the devil, developed the reincarnation chess piece. Relying on this thing, he continued to treat humans as consumables and finally restored the devil's power. Vitality, and the side of angels and fallen angels is one ~ it’s hard to describe】

【If it hadn't been for the evil group that appeared in the plot and Lezevim Levian Lucifer, who is also a demon transcendent, to hold him back, I'm afraid the demons wouldn't have concluded the so-called peace treaty like in the original plot.】

【It can only be said that not all demons among demons are evil, but 99.99% of demons are evil. It is absolutely true that they can be called demons with conscience, then they are the real aliens. If not If the Fall of the Bible God system loses control, this kind of demon will not be born among demons. The reason why demons are demons is because demons are evil.】

【Demons like Shitori Sona and Rias Gremory are the outliers among demons. As for other demons like Diodora Astarte, they are the real demons. It seems that Diodora Astarte, a scumbag, is really good at playing. He pretended to be seriously injured so that the saint of the church could save her, and then deliberately exposed this matter so that the church would banish the saint. After that, he came forward to deceive the saint to himself. Among the family members, wait until they get tired of playing, then turn the other person into a lost demon and then destroy it. This is worthy of the title of demon.】

【Lost demons refer to those demons who betray their masters. Once they become lost demons, they will be killed, so who would become lost demons if they did not experience despair? 】

The diary recorded by Shitori Sona was somewhat silent. Regarding this kind of thing, Shitori Sona had nothing to say. The reason why demons are demons is because demons will do things that many people think are very evil.

Although Shitori Sona also hates Diodora Astarte, Shitori Sona has no way to refute. This kind of demon occupies the mainstream among demons, and demons like her and Rias are the alternative.

Laetitia/Joan of Arc: Bastard, damn devil, if a devil appears in this world, I will definitely tie him to the stake and let him know what cruelty is.

Other diary copy holders: You are indeed a devil. Only a devil can do such a thing.

【That’s a long way off, let’s talk about Shitori Sona. Shitori Sona’s biggest flaw is her naivety, which makes people want to laugh. As a demon noble, her sister is Leviathan, one of the four demon kings. And as the next head of the 72-pillar Demon God Sidi family, you actually want to help those reincarnated demons. Do you want to make those pure-blooded demons equal to those reincarnated demons regardless of class? What do you want others to do?】

【In other words, Shitori Sona was so well protected that she had no idea how cruel the underworld was.】

【Looking through the history of demons, the only two words that can be seen between the lines are cannibalism. How could the demon nobles let those reincarnated demons stand above their heads? I really thought that everyone was like Is the protagonist Hyoudou Issei the same?】

【I can definitely say that if it were another person who had the same dream as Shitori Sona, then I can guarantee that the unknown person would disappear out of thin air the next day, or even if there wasn't a demon king above. Sister control sister, Shitori Sona, even if he is the next head of the 72-pillar demon god Sidi family, he will inevitably die. Even if he does it himself, he may be a blood relative of Shitori Sona! 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Shitori Sona's dream is too far-fetched. Her dream is almost in opposition to all the demon nobles in the underworld. However, those demon aristocrats in the huge underworld do control more than 99.99999% of the resources. Shitori Sona wants to use it alone. In trying to break this monopoly, I can only say that Shitori Sona is really stubborn. Even the Sidi family, which is the 72-pillar demon god family, has absolutely no way to resist the alliance of all the other demon nobles.】

【Therefore, the reason why Shitori Sona is safe and sound is also thanks to Shitori Sona's sister Serafall Leviathan. As one of the four major demon kings, Serafall's sister is somewhat similar to Yukinoshita Haruno. , and both of their sisters are a little naive, Yukino is like this, Shitori Sona is like this, they are so well protected that they don’t know anything.】

【It's just that Yukinoshita Harano likes to use various means to promote Yukinoshita's growth, and during this period, Yukinoshita Harano won't care what kind of blow Yukinoshita Yukino will suffer.】

【And Serafall is a typical sister control. She is completely unwilling to let anything happen to her sister. It is precisely for this reason that other families do not dare to force her and just watch with cold eyes. Otherwise, Chizhi Cang would have been killed by other families. The demon nobles joined forces to force him, and they would either be deprived of their identity as heirs or simply disappear into thin air and evaporate.

Take Cang Na:

Although she wanted to refute what Xiao Bai said, Shitori Sona actually found that she had no way to refute what Xiao Bai said, because everything Xiao Bai said was true.

Shitori Sona suddenly thought of her sister who had no majesty in front of her and couldn't help but fell into silence. How could her sister, one of the four demon kings, really look like that? I'm afraid it's because He didn't want to show the cold side of the Demon King in front of him, so he pretended to be like that..

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