【As the strongest female demon, how could Serafall Leviathan really be an obscure sister who likes magical girls? During the demonic civil war, there were countless demons in the hands of this demon king Leviathan. Blood is just pretending to be like this because of his sister.】

【I guess that Serafall suddenly became such a sister after learning about Shitori Sona's dream. Otherwise, even if Serafall did not maintain the majesty of the Demon King Leviathan in front of Shitori Sona, she would It will definitely not become so out of tune. Everything is just to prevent her sister from suffering any rumors. After all, Serafall, as a sister, is like this, so it is not surprising that her sister has such a dream. ]

Shitori Sona recalled the changes that had happened to her sister with a careful"877", and then Shitori Sona was silent again. Although the original sister Serafall said that she had no trace of being a demon king in front of her. majestic, but not like it is now.

On the contrary, after he told his sister his dream, his sister suddenly changed like that overnight, which made Shitori Sona think about Serafall. As Xiao Bai said, his sister just hid her true face in front of her.

【But the girl control is really scary. I dare say that because of Shitatsu Sona's dream, at least a large number of pure-blood noble demons died in the hands of Serafall. Otherwise, how could those pure-blood demons just watch with cold eyes? And no action!】

【It's not just because of Serafall's intimidation, but verbal deterrence is definitely not enough. In other words, Serafall definitely has a lot of blood of demon nobles in her hands.】

【After all, novels and animations are just novels and animations and not a real world. However, a real world is much darker than what is shown in novels and animations. It is like saying that the devil's side seems to be on top of the plot. The devil seems to have changed his mind, with only occasional darkness. But in fact, if you dig deeper, you will find that the darkness in Shitori Sona's world is not too deep.】

【Let’s take an example. For example, the demon reincarnation chess piece developed by Demon King Achuka. Without using human subjects for human experiments, could demon Achuka conjure this demon reincarnation chess piece out of thin air? If you want to develop a demon reincarnated Keiko, you have to conduct in-depth research on the structure of the human body and the structure of demons? Those demons are okay, after all, a civil war broke out among the demons in the past. It is enough to use those defeated and captured demons for experimental research, but what about humans?】

【Human beings are divided into different categories: adults, children, old people, women, and men. Demon King Achuka wants to study it clearly, but he doesn’t know how many corpses there are. So after reading the history of the underworld, you can see it in the gaps between the words. There is only one word for eating people】

【It's like the original light novel about Shitori Sona's world. If you wrote that dark story, how would the author of the novel publish it and make money?】

【However, Shitori Sona was so naive despite being protected in such an environment. He said that he would create a ranked game school regardless of class. In the end, he actually succeeded in creating such a ranked game school. , it can be seen that sister Serafall is undoubtedly qualified!】

【And the reason why I like Shitori Sona is precisely because of Shitori Sona's innocence. Note here that I am not making fun of Shitori Sona, I just like it in a literal sense. After all, I used to be a little person, and I naturally I hope someone can help me instead of exploiting me all the time, so I like Shitori Sona's innocence.】

【But to be honest, Yukino and Shitori Sona really have a lot of similarities. They both have the same innocence, and they both have a sister who is obsessed with girls.】

【The difference is that Yukino's sister Haruno will use various means to make Yukino understand the cruelty of this society, but Shitori Sona's sister Serafall protects Shitori Sona too well and doesn't care at all. Let Shitori Sona realize the true cruelty of the devil, even if Shitori Sona knew it, it would only be literal.....】

At this moment, Yukinoshita Yukino and Shitori Sona were silent at the same time.

【Compared to Rias Gremory, a vase heroine who has almost no use other than selling meat, I still prefer Shitori Sona, a female supporting character with no sense of existence, not just like Li Yas Gremory looked like she was lusting after the other person's body. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Therefore, it is better for Shitori Sona to stay in this world. Compared with the early stage, the strongest ones are the Demon King level. Later, the transcendent ones, the Dragon God level, and even the evil gods from other worlds can use one move. Just kill the most powerful person in the demon world, the Red Dragon God Emperor, with one move. Why go back to such a dangerous world? Let Shitori Sona stay here.】

【And if Shitori Sona wants to go back, he must remove the Kyushu barrier, but is this possible? Once the Kyushu barrier is removed, things from outside the world will probably keep running into this world. Things like Shitori Sona and Baron Island are harmless, but if there are some overloaded monsters or other If something escapes into this world, it will be ruined.】

【And even if the Kyushu barrier is removed, how can Chitori Sona find the location of his original world 0.1? If he cannot find it, Chitori Sona will not be able to go back, so I am not deceiving Chitori Sona.】

【However, the arrival of Shitori Sona also reminded me that my current strength is not enough and I must continue to become stronger. According to Shitori Sona's world, I can only be at the transcendent level at most, and even the Dragon God level. Not yet, let alone the Evil God above the Dragon God.】

【But there shouldn’t be any problem with my contracted spirit. According to the Black Goat Mother Goddess and the stealthy Chaos, it shouldn’t be a problem to deal with the evil god of Shitori Sona’s world, but I don’t know what the end result will be if I haven’t done it. , and even I don’t know where the limit of my combat power is. The creation of the God-Destroying Gear of Warcraft is the most suitable thing for me.】

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