【I feel that the artifacts and divine destroyers created by the God of the Bible could not be more friendly to me. The power of the artifacts created by the God of the Bible is determined by the user's will. The thoughts of the user of the artifacts The stronger the artifact, the greater its power, and I happen to take the path of spiritual will, so the artifact of the God of the Bible is perfect for me.】

【Also, World of Warcraft Creation is simply not too suitable for me. Warcraft Creation can use imagination to create a variety of Warcraft. The stronger the imagination, the more diverse the World of Warcraft created. And what I lack most is imagination, after all. Before time travel, I read so many light novels and various animations. I was not imagining alone, but directly stood on the shoulders of countless people. I could completely create the monsters in the animations.. 】

Horses of copies of the diary: Isn’t this just the beginning?

【Speaking of Warcraft Creation, it was originally a God-killing tool held by Leonardo of the heroic faction, but that waste was unable to exert the true power of Warcraft Creation 01. Now that Warcraft Creation has fallen into my hands, this is the real thing. a match made in heaven】

【Moreover, I can issue an order to let people all over the world create various monsters, and then I can just copy them. Isn't this better than the Sekiryuutei's caged hand?】

【The protagonist Hyoudou Issei can rely on his obsession with women to turn the majestic Sekiryuutei into a breast dragon emperor and surpass the limits of the Sekiryuutei. But am I not as good as a guy who only knows about the oppai? Pervert?】

【But having said that, the demon world is really worthy of being a butcher, and Rias Gremory, a vase heroine, is not completely useless. After all, Rias Gremory's Oppai is the Sekiryuutei's switch. As long as the Sekiryuutei squeezes and sucks, Hyoudou Issei will burst out with stronger power in an instant. Needless to say, obsession is what a divine weapon needs, but Hyoudou Issei has nothing to do with Oppai. Obsession really makes people feel a little bit fucked up. 】

All diary copy holders: What the hell? Is he really serious about this demonic world you are talking about? Don't be some 18-ban carp fan.

Shitori Sona: Rias is so miserable. The princess of the Gremory family is only useful like this. Xiao Bai, who is sad, will say that today she is just coveting Rias's body.

【Rias Gremory is also really miserable. The future head of the Gremory family ended up with titles like red-haired Demon Breast Princess, Breast Battery, and Switch Princess because of the Sekiryuutei. It's really miserable! 】

Shitori Sona: Well, it turns out that what I felt was just average. It turns out there are even worse things. Rias is so miserable.

【Speaking of which, I don’t know where the plot in the demon world has taken place. Has Sekiryu Emperor Hyoudou Issei become Rias Gremory’s vassal? If you have the opportunity in the future, you can go and see this world. Although it is not necessary to hang out with beautiful girls, it is always okay to see more. I like to see beautiful girls, not for Besides, just because looking at beautiful girls makes me feel happy every day】

【But you have to be strong enough to go there, otherwise going to that world would just be a matter of killing people. The demon world is really dangerous, not to mention the gods in the local world. If you are naked, If the Dragon God Emperor is not dead yet, if he wants to enter the world of demons, he must first face the Red Dragon God Emperor. If the Red Dragon God Emperor dies, then he must face those evil gods even more.】

【But having said that, Shitori Sona now appears in my world, I am afraid that Serafall will go crazy after knowing that Shitori Sona is missing. Although it has nothing to do with me, Shitori Sona may also People will think of this in the same way, so they may be taken advantage of when the time comes. According to my understanding of Fengqi, if Fengqi knows about this matter, he will definitely use this matter to cause trouble.】

【On the other side of the demon world, Serafall may also be used by Lezevim. Lezevim, the shame of the transcendent, has been trying to find ways to open the passage to another world. , just in case, if we drive directly to the world on the evil god's side, the entire demon world will have to be Barbie】

【Even if you don't open to the Evil God World and open to other worlds, there will definitely be no good end, but it has nothing to do with me. I just need to guard against being used by others to do some dangerous things. Kyushu Knot The boundary is related to the safety of this world. It is impossible to destroy the Kyushu boundary in order to obtain Sona.】

【Shitori Cang also needs to pay attention to his side. No one knows whether he and Fengqi are colluding with each other because of homesickness. He usually seems calm and goes crazy, but the more terrifying he is, tsk tsk, look how much I care about Shitori Cang. Then, why don’t she quickly offer herself up! 】

Shitori Sona: I have to thank you. Thank you very much for your concern, but it’s not necessary.

【However, since this diary can bring out the creation of Warcraft as a reward, then this diary is like 980. There is no way to go to the demon world. Maybe at some point this diary will give me a way to go to the demon world!】

【So I can only let Shitori Sona feel aggrieved for the time being. By the way, I also need to improve my strength. In the recent period, I will find an opportunity to study the creation of Warcraft, and then study it to see if I can create it directly. Anti-Dragon Warcraft and Anti-Evil God Warcraft. Iron Man can create anti-Hulk armor and anti-Thor Armor. There is no reason why he can’t create Anti-Dragon God Warcraft and Anti-Evil God Warcraft.】

【There is a saying that says that restraint is great and special attack is a god. Warcraft Creation can create a warcraft with special attack.】

【However, in order to take care of Shitori Sona's emotions, we have to find a way to divert her attention. Now, tell Shitori Sona some things that will happen in the future of the demon world, and then let Shitori Sona work hard to change. Strong, otherwise with the current strength of Shitori Sona, it would be just to die. Before there is no way to go back, let Shitori Sona work hard to improve his strength.】

【Okay, that’s it for today. Go to sleep and have a rest. I hope to hear some good news when I wake up tomorrow! 】.

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