【Yesterday's diary was completed and rewards started to be distributed. You got any door.】

【The person who recorded yesterday's diary received a reward, and the diary copy was drawn, and the person holding the diary copy received the same reward.】

【The draw is complete, congratulations to XXXXX (Sayuri Sawamura) for winning any door (one-time use)】

【Rewards for diary copy holders have begun to be distributed. The person whose name was mentioned most by diary recorders yesterday was Chichi Cangna. Rewards are now being distributed.】

【Congratulations to Shitori Sona for getting the cross-world communicator. 】

Cross-world communicator?

A glimmer of light flashed in Shitori Sona's eyes, and then he looked at a mobile phone that appeared in front of him out of thin air. A trace of shock flashed in his eyes, but what followed was the message.

Reaching out and picking up the mobile phone, Chichi Cang Na immediately understood how to use this one. He silently thought about his sister's name and appearance in his heart, and then the next moment, his head suddenly appeared on the mobile phone and a slap came out. The figure, the size of the figure, was none other than Serafall Leviathan.

As soon as the other party appeared, he immediately shouted:"Cangna-chan, where have you been? Sister, I can't find you in the whole world!"

Seeing the worried look on his sister's face, Cangna felt helpless. After smiling for a while, he said:"I'm sorry, sister, I'm not in our original world now but in a different world."

Then Shitori Sona told Serafall about the world where she had drifted to Xiao Bai's side. Then he told Serafall the plot that he knew now.

"Sister, I will work hard to become stronger here as soon as possible and then go back. Please don't worry about me, and please don't do anything dangerous. Serafall shook her head decisively:"No, no, sister, I'm not worried about you. If you are outside, sister, I will definitely find a way.""

Before Serafall could finish speaking, Shitori Sona interrupted what Serafall was about to say:"Listen to me, I'm really grateful to you all this time, because you must be behind my childish dream sister. I've done a lot of things. I'm really sorry for causing you any trouble.."

"No, no matter what Sona wants to do, sister will support it. Even if she wants angel wings, sister, I will tear off those Gabriel wings."

Looking at her sister's appearance, Shitori Sona exhaled and said to Serafall:"Please don't do that. Our world is already very dangerous. I will become stronger here as soon as possible, sister. As long as you remain the same as before, and absolutely, absolutely, never do anything dangerous."

Seraph suddenly looked at Shitori Sona weakly and said:"In this case, sister, I will have to talk to Sona every day. Otherwise, sister, I will not be relieved."

"Okay, I understand, but each call has a time limit of only 10 minutes. The time is almost up now, so sister, just be like this, I like you the most, sister!"

After saying that, Shitori Sona blushed and ended the communication directly. She didn't know how happy Serafall on the other side was after hearing this.

Then she sorted out her mood, opened the door and walked out. Room

"Good morning, Miss Shitori Sona!"

Rem smiled slightly at Shitori Sona. Rem still has a good impression of Shitori Sona. The owner of his family's diary explains Shitori Sona's dream. Shitori Sona can have such a dream. They can't be bad people, and they are both holders of copies of the diary. Naturally, their relationship can be closer, and they may become sisters in the future.

Ram on the other side waved lazily at Shitori Sona. After waving his hand, he sat down on the sofa. Shitori Sona also responded with a smile, and happened to see Xiao Bai walking out of the room with a smile on his face.

Xiao Bai was so grateful for the reward of getting the arbitrary door. I'm 10% satisfied. With this thing, Xiao Bai doesn't need to go to Yakumo Purple wherever he wants to go.

Xiao Bai saw Shitori Sona's subsequent smile and asked:"Shitori Miss Cana, what are your next plans?"

Shitori Sona glanced at Xiao Bai, then subconsciously pushed up his glasses, and then said to Xiao Bai:"Then I won't bother you anymore!"

"It doesn't matter, it's my honor to be able to help a beautiful girl."

Shitori Sona smiled and didn't say anything. She also had some good impressions of Xiao Bai and Shitori Sona. After all, the other party didn't laugh at her dream. As for

Shitori Sona who said that Xiao Bai liked herself, he didn't have much sense of reality.

Before Xiao Bai could tell Chitori Cangna about the outcome of the future, Chitori Cangna spoke first:"`.You have a succubus curse on you!"

Xiao Bai was stunned for a moment and didn't understand what Shitori Cangna meant. Why didn't he feel the curse of the succubus on his body?

"This kind of curse may not have any impact on you, but it will indeed have a huge impact on the people around you. The most intuitive manifestation is that the women around you will gradually lose control of their desires, and then... possible"

Chitori Cangna didn't say anything, Xiao Bai's face darkened, and then Xiao Bai asked Chitori Cangna:"Is there a way to solve it?"

Chitori Cangna nodded:"As a member of the Xidi family, we The abilities possessed by the family happen to be related abilities, so I can solve this problem as a way of repaying your kindness for taking me in."

Sitri: The 12th Demon God among the 72 Pillars. He has the head of a leopard and the wings of an owl, but according to the request of the summoner, he will also appear as a peerless beauty. He can make men and women fall in love, burn with desire, linger until death, and control lust and passion.

As the next head of the Sidi family, Shitori Sona has no problem solving these little troubles on Xiao Bai.

"Then please don’t resist what follows!"

Shitori Cangna walked to Xiao Bai's side and put a hand on Xiao Bai's body. The next moment, Xiao Bai felt as if something was emanating from his body, and then the next moment, Shitori Cangna's face changed slightly.

Shitori Sona misjudged the curse that the succubus used on Xiao Bai. Those curses turned into pink magic and instantly integrated into Shitori Sona's body. Then Shitori Sona's white and tender cheeks instantly started to turn red...

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