Xiao Bai immediately realized that something was wrong, looked at Shitori Cangna and asked:"Are you okay?"

Shitori Cangna looked at Xiao Bai in front of him and still understood his current situation.

Shitori Sona now knows very well that he must complete the ritual as soon as possible, otherwise he will quickly lose his mind and become a person addicted to carnal desires.

"help me!"

Zhitori Cangna said to Xiao Bai while holding back the strange feeling rising in his heart.

Xiao Bai didn't understand what Zhitori Cangna said, but he could feel it just by looking at Zhitori Cangna's current appearance. The current situation is definitely not good.

"If you need any help from me, just ask!"

Chitori Cangna's face was red and there was no way to say a word. However, the dwindling rationality made Chitori Cangna understand very well that if he didn't hurry up, it would be very likely that his sanity would completely disappear by then. This one The succubus curse is more powerful than expected by Sona Shitori

"Sex banana!"

Shitori Sona used this voice as tiny as a mosquito. If Xiao Bai didn't have good hearing, then Xiao Bai probably wouldn't be able to hear 573 now, but Xiao Bai looked at Shitori Sona with some shock and astonishment.

Shitori Sona He explained helplessly:"I underestimated this succubus curse. Now this curse is constantly burning my reason in my body. If I don't lift it quickly, I will completely lose my reason and become addicted." For carnal desires, so please, I will use the secret method of the Siddi family to resolve the curse, but it requires"

Xiao Bai looked at Shitori Sona and then said:"I understand, I will be responsible for your life from now on!"

Xiao Bai didn't say anything more, directly picked up Shitori Sona and walked into Shitori Sona's room.

The other girls looked at each other in shock.

"By the way, could it be that she directed and acted in it?"

Ram groped his chin and asked the person who was worthy of him, but it was obvious that other people could not answer this question.

On the other hand, Xiao Bai looked at Shitori Cangna in front of him, hesitating a little, but the reason in Shitori Cangna's eyes was gradually coming to light. disappeared, and the body began to twist irregularly.

Xiao Bai no longer hesitated to kiss Shitori Sona, and in an instant (abca) Shitori Sona was as if a spark was thrown into a barrel of gasoline, and it was instantly ignited. In the room, Xiao Bai and Shitori Cangna were fighting each other to death for who knows how long. After that, Shitori Cangna regained his senses.

Looking at Xiao Bai on his body, he said:"Okay!"

Chitori Sona's expression was a little complicated. This time it was a blessing in disguise that Chitori Sona was directly promoted from a superior demon to the devil king level.

However, as a price, Chitori Sona lost a woman's chastity. The original Chitori Sona saw that Xiao The succubus curse on Bai's body wanted to help Xiao Bai lift the curse so as to get closer to Xiao Bai, but who knew that this succubus curse could be so powerful.

And that powerful curse had no effect on Xiao Bai. , so how strong is Xiao Bai?

Shitori Cang felt that even if he had become a demon king now, he would not be able to cope with the succubus curse.

But as a result, such a curse even appeared on Xiao Bai's body. It had no influence at all. Shitori Sona could hardly imagine how strong Xiao Bai's mental will was.

Xiao Bai looked at Shitori Sona who had regained his senses and breathed a sigh of relief. The previous Shitori Sona looked like that. Shiro was really shocked. Fortunately, Shitori Sona recovered now.

"I will be responsible!"

Xiao Bai looked at the plum blossom on the white bed sheet and said to Shitori Cangna. Shitori Cangna looked at Xiao Bai and smiled bitterly and nodded:"I hope you can promise me three things. If you agree , then I"

Xiao Bai didn't wait for Shitocang Na to finish what he said before he said:"As long as it's not something I can't do, let alone three things, I won't refuse as long as it's not an excessive request."

"The first thing is that I want you to do everything you can to help me go back to my world.

Xiao Bai nodded:"Yes, but the premise is that it does not destroy or threaten the world.""(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After reading the diary, Shitori Sona naturally knew that the Kyushu Barrier enveloped the entire world, which is equivalent to a door in this world, and this world is equivalent to a house. If there are no people in the house, then robbers and thieves can enter the world at will and leave as they please. Therefore, the

Kyushu barrier cannot be broken, and Shitori Sona naturally knows that it is impossible to cold-bloodedly use the entire world just to get back. The world as a sacrifice.

So Shitori Sona nodded and said the second thing

"I want you to tell me everything about me and my world!"

Xiao Bai looked at Shitori Cang who hesitated for a moment and then nodded.

"Okay, I will write it down later and give it to you."

Shitori Sona then looked at Xiao Bai:"The third thing, I want you to help me improve my strength!"

"How do you need me to help you."

Shitori Cangna didn't say anything, but took the initiative to hug Xiao Bai's neck and kissed him. Then Shitocang's meowing like a crying cat could be heard in the room again. Waiting for

Xiao Bai to walk out of the room It was already the second day when we came out!

Xiao Bai and Shitori Sona spent the whole day and night improving their strength in the room. When Xiao Bai came out, he even felt that his legs were not stepping on the ground but stepping on it. On cotton.

As expected of a devil's physical fitness, Xiao Bai almost couldn't hold on.

Fortunately, Xiao Bai still won in the end, but as a price, Xiao Bai's face is now as golden as paper, and his whole person seems to be like In Piao, Xiao Bai spent the entire day and night helping Chichi Cang Na improve his strength.

"Master, are you okay?"

Looking at Xiao Bai, Rem asked with some worry.

Xiao Bai shook his head:"It's okay, don't worry, help me over and sit down."

With Rem's help, Xiao Bai sat down, and then took out the century soup and gem meat and ate it directly.

As the century soup and gem meat entered his stomach, they were quickly decomposed by Xiao Bai's stomach. The nutrients were then transmitted to all parts of Xiao Bai's body.

Suddenly Xiao Bai recovered again.

"Master, is Miss Shitori Sona okay now?"

Rem looked at Xiao Bai and asked.

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