After recovering, Xiao Bai went back to the room and coded the plot about the demon world on the keyboard. He agreed that the matter of taking Cang Na had to be completed, and it should be completed as soon as possible.

So with Xiao Bai's current hand speed, it only took Xiao Bai less than a morning to write out the plot about the demon world and hand it to Shitori Sona.

Shitori Sona, who also recovered, looked a little solemn after reading the plot.

To be honest, the future of the demon world is not very good. In short, if there is a slight mistake, it will be Gameover!

Now Shitori Sona finds that he is no longer in his home world, which means that the butterfly's wings have been fluttered. No one knows what changes will happen to the future plots that Shitori Sona knows. Don't know.

So the only thing Shitori Sona can do now is to tell her sister as much as possible about the plot she knows so that her sister can be prepared.

At the same time, I am also using Xiao Bai's diary to work hard to become stronger and find a way to get back.

Turning on the communicator again, Shitori Sona said before Serafall could speak:"Sister, please don't speak and let me speak. Please remember what I say next."

Seraph said. Ful was stunned for a moment and then nodded. Shitori Sona began to tell Sera Ful the plot of the demon world bit by bit. However, it was a pity that the communication time was only 10 minutes, even though it was told as concisely as possible. There is not much that can be said about the plot of the world.

But after all, Serafall has understood how many crises there are in the demon world.

"No matter what, please protect yourself. I don’t want to not see my sister when I go back, or to see you hurt.

A joyful smile appeared on Serafall's face:"Don't worry, Sona-chan. Sister, I will never let myself be in danger. Sona-chan, you must also protect yourself over there.""

Shitori Sona looked at her sister and then said:"If you can, sister, please prevent Rias and Hyoudou Issei from contacting each other. After all, they are all best friends after all. I really don't want Rias to change in the future. That kind of vase"

"No problem, just leave it to me, but"

Serafall's expression suddenly darkened:"Who is the man who took away Sona-chan's virginity? How could I not see that Sona-chan has lost her virginity?"

Shitori Sona's face Suddenly Shitori Sona turned red, and then Shitori Sona said to Serafall:"This is of my own free will, and the other party did not force me."

Seeing that Shitori Sona didn't look like she was being forced, Serafall Rafael snorted coldly and said with gritted teeth:"But even if she is like this, sister, I can't accept this kind of thing. If that man dares to come to our world, sister, I must make her look good."

"I'm afraid, sister, you are not his opponent. The other party should at least have the strength to surpass. Sister, if you want him to look good, then you have to work hard, at least to become a transcendent."

Seraful was a little unwilling.

"Damn it, I will definitely become a transcendent, Sona-chan, just wait and see."

Shitori Sona smiled. Then as the time came, Serafall's figure disappeared from the communicator. Shitori Sona took a deep breath and said to himself.

"I have prepared a big gift for you. If you can let me return to my original world before starting, then"

Afterwards, Chitori Sona walked out of the door. She originally wanted to find Xiao Bai, but she didn't expect that Xiao Bai was not there.

"Rem, isn't Xiao Bai here?"

Seeing that Rem was cleaning the house, Shitori Sona asked Rem.

"The master went out, saying that he was going to settle accounts with the succubus who cursed him!"

Xiao Bai contacted Yakumo Purple and asked Yakumo Purple to take him to the previous succubus.

When he saw the succubus, Xiao Bai directly took out the food that had been prepared for the succubus.

Then he roughly After stuffing these dishes into the succubus's mouth, it didn't take long for the succubus to scream, and wounds like knife cuts began to appear on the body, and pieces of flesh and blood fell off the body.

0 request flowers

"You are very brave for daring to curse me. Since you dare to curse me, you must be well prepared!"

Xiao Bai looked at the succubus in front of him with cold eyes. The other person had completely turned cold in Xiao Bai's eyes. Next, Xiao Bai would continue to torture the other person because the other person dared to give Xiao Bai The price of Shiro's curse.

He can't survive but can't die. This is the fate of the other party.

Seeing the succubus screaming and wailing, Xiao Bai said to Yakumo Purple:"Go back with me later, and these Let me know if you have been in contact with anyone during this time."

"After I came back, I didn't have any contact with anyone else. I was alone, so I didn't have to worry. I could just go back with you."

Yakumo Murasaki also already knew from Xiao Bai's mouth that this succubus cursed Xiao Bai.

"Otherwise, you just have to ask Shitori Sona to come over instead of me going there, which is more convenient and safer."

Xiao Bai nodded and then took out his mobile phone to contact Rem, asking Rem to notify Shitori Sona. Then Yakumo Purple opened the gap and took Shitori Sona over.

"Don't worry, it's okay. No curse was found on her body, and according to my observation, the succubus only released the curse on you. In fact, the curse should be effective on you, but because your will is too strong As a result, the curse cannot take effect, so it affects other people around you."

"And if I guessed correctly that a curse can only be released once by a succubus, which is choosing a mate for herself."

After Shitori Sona finished speaking, he looked at Xiao Bai with a strange look, and Xiao Bai felt chills all over.

Yakumo Purple giggled on the side, which obviously hit the point of Yakumo Purple's laughter. The charm of emotion is The demon fell in love with Xiao Bai.

He glared at Yakumo Purple fiercely, and then Xiao Bai said to Yakumo Purple:"Watch this succubus carefully, and never let the succubus die!"".

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