After solving the succubus matter, it's time for Xiao Bai to get down to business!

Although Yanagisawa Koutarou, one of the twelve members of the Restoration Association, said that he is hiding now, as long as Koro-sensei appears, Yanagisawa Koutarou will definitely appear, so Xiaobai plans to go to Chuqigaoka Middle School. According to Xiaobai's instructions, Koro-sensei must have arrived at Chuqiuqiu Middle School when people went to inquire about it.

However, Xiao Bai still needs to talk to the official people and ask them to arrange an identity for him.

This was not a big problem for Xiao Bai. Soon Xiao Bai got the appointment document he wanted, as a home economics teacher at Chuqiu Middle School.

Could it be that after receiving the appointment letter, Xiao Bai came to Chuqiu Middle School. There were two schools on the mountain and one at the foot of the mountain. If he didn't know what the situation was like, Xiao Bai would never have thought of two schools coming out of"400". It's actually the same one.

Although the school at the foot of the mountain is not as luxurious as Jixia Academy A, it can at least catch up with the facilities of Class B. However, after arriving at the mountain, Xiao Bai looked at the dilapidated classroom and felt as if it was like the two sides of heaven and earth. a gap.

Xiao Bai went straight to the teacher's office. There were three other people in the teacher's office. They were the protagonist Koro-sensei, Yaomi Uma who was sent by the Neon Government, and Irina Ye who came for the bounty. Labicki.

Xiao Bai looked at Koro-sensei, and then said:"Although I have heard of it, it was only after I saw you that I realized that you really look quite pornographic."

"What does it mean to be pornographic? How can you judge a book by its appearance? It’s so rude!"

After hearing what Xiao Bai said, Koro-sensei suddenly became dissatisfied. Koro-sensei was very angry at Xiao Bai's words. On the side, Karasuma Weichen frowned at Xiao Bai, as if Xiao Bai was so young, really Is there no problem?

The superior informed Karasuma that everything is headed by Xiao Bai. However, Xiao Bai is so young and Uma is obviously not at ease, but he has no choice but to do so. The superior's order is absolute. So now Uma is also We can only pray that Xiao Bai is not the kind of second generation who comes to gild

"But then again, is it really okay for you to be a teacher at such a young age?

Koro-sensei looked at Xiao Bai with doubtful eyes, but Xiao Bai said to Koro-sensei:"You don't need to worry about this at all. After all, I'm just here to teach home economics. I think Being a top chef is more than enough to teach home economics to a group of students!"


The three people and an octopus in the teacher's office suddenly looked at Xiao Bai with wide eyes, their eyes filled with disbelief.

"Special chef? Koro

-sensei screamed, and the next moment Koro-sensei immediately moved a chair for Xiao Bai to sit down and then rubbed Xiao Bai's shoulders and said,"I didn't expect that a super chef like you would be able to teach students. Home economics class is really great!"

After confirming as quickly as possible that Xiao Bai is indeed a special chef, Koro-sensei's attitude towards Xiao Bai was very attentive. On the other side, Yaomi Uma and Irina Yelabiqi also looked at Xiao Bai's eyes. full of shock

"It seems like you, the dead octopus, will be dead this time!"

Irina Yelabiqi started teasing Koro-sensei on the side, but Koro-sensei immediately made this Bichi-sensei break through with one sentence.

"If you are killed by this one, then you will have no bounty to collect. In other words, Teacher Bichi, your work has been in vain from beginning to end! Xiao

Bai did look at Koro-sensei with a smile:"You don't need to worry about this at all. My goal here is not you, so I'm not here to kill you. I'm not interested in the so-called bounty. I have no shortage of it." With money, you can get more rewards than this by just cooking a few dishes."


Koro-sensei, Karasuma Yaomi and Irina Yelabichi couldn't help but cursed in their hearts.

Special chefs who want to make money should not be too simple, just make a few casually Dao cooked hundreds of millions and billions in his pocket, and even said that a lot of consortia were willing to give Xiao Baihua money.

"So it's like this. You don't have to worry about me grabbing the bounty from you. 0."

"Since the purpose of your coming here this time is not this smelly octopus, then who is your purpose?"

Xiao Bai put his index finger on his lips and made a hissing gesture:"This is a secret, but don't worry, it won't hurt the students of this school!"

Irina Yelabiqi couldn't help but curled her lips, expressing her disgust at Xiao Bai's mysterious behavior.

Xiao Bai didn't care what the other person thought, and looked at Koro-sensei, and then Xiao Bai suddenly cut off one of Koro-sensei's tentacles.

No one, including Koro-sensei, reacted. Xiao Bai picked up Koro-sensei's tentacles and said,"This thing really looks like one of those tentacle monsters." The tentacles are the same. Koro-sensei, are you interested in making movies? I can introduce you to some resources in this area. You can also choose the heroine!"

Everyone except Xiao Bai has a black line. Is what Xiao Bai in front of me said true?"

"I have a Yamada team under my command that is involved in these industries. Koro-sensei, if you are interested, you can come to me at any time. As for the heroine, as long as we don’t force girls into prostitution, I guarantee you will be satisfied!"

"Hahaha, no need for that, really no need."

Koro-sensei is shaking his head so much that afterimages are almost appearing. If he really wants to do that kind of thing, 2.9, then how can Koro-sensei be a teacher, so he absolutely cannot do this kind of thing, and he must keep the bottom line.

"Yeah? That's such a pity. We also cooperate with some well-known teachers. If you are willing, Koro-sensei, I can help you connect. I think those teachers would be happy to cooperate with a tentacle monster like you, Koro-sensei. How about the moviegoers just call it Tentacle Monster vs. Magical Woman?"

Uma Uma's eyelids have begun to twitch. Is it really okay for such a guy to let the other party come here? He always feels as if something is going to happen. Unfortunately, he is so soft-spoken. Uma Uma knows that he can't control this matter. , I just hope Xiao Bai doesn’t do anything too extreme.

Otherwise, Koro-sensei will never let it go like this...

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