Morgan felt a little regretful that he could not figure out Xiao Bai's identity, but since Xiao Bai could interfere with the Ming Dynasty's decision, then the Xiao Bai who came should be one of the top nobles of the Ming Dynasty.

It is even very possible that he is an illegitimate son of the royal family. After all, Xiao Bai's surname is Xiao, not Zhu, so Morgan can only think that Xiao Bai is most likely an illegitimate son.

"I can give the Holy Sword to you, but I can't get it now. It will take some time. I will give the Holy Sword to you as soon as possible!"

"Okay, when will you hand over the Holy Sword to me, when will I help you ascend the throne of Britain!

Morgan looked at Xiao Bai and continued to speak:"I still have a deal I want to make with you!""

"What kind of deal, tell me, if you can come up with something that makes my heart move, then I can agree to make a deal with you!"

"I want you to defeat Artolis and annihilate Artolis!"

Morgan's face became distorted, and Xiao Bai's face finally showed a trace of shock, no longer the plain look before.

【Damn it, is there something seriously wrong with this Morgan’s brain? He actually asked me to defeat Artolis and then annihilate Artolis. I’m afraid there’s something wrong with his brain. It’s true that we’ve seen each other for a long time, even if it’s the two of you, no matter what If you don’t deal with it, Artolis, who is 377 at least, is also your sister. You asked me to annihilate your sister by force! 】

Diary copy holder: This Morgan must have a serious brain disease. He actually asked Xiao Bai to kill his sister. If this person didn't have a serious brain disease, he would never make such a decision.

【Killing people can only be done with a nod. This woman Morgan is really sick, and Morgan is not worried that if he really agrees to her to annihilate Artolis and annihilate her feelings, I will help Artolis then. Will Si inherit the throne?】

【This woman has a serious brain disease. I'd better have less contact with him in the future, lest I get infected by him and become a fool. That would be bad.】

"I'm sorry, although I don't think I'm a good person, but I won't do such obscene (aefa) behavior, and aren't you worried that if I really promise you, I will kill your sister by force? So why don't I just let your sister become the queen? What else do you need! A smile full of malice hung on Morgan's face:"

Don't you listen to my conditions?" You can decide whether to refuse after hearing the price I paid. The price is me. Compared to that woman without breasts, although she looks the same as me, I am confident that I will be better than Artoli. Si is better, so I am confident that you will choose me instead of Artolis!"

Looking at Morgan in front of him, Xiao Bai glanced at his mouth and then said something that made Morgan a little crazy:"You're crazy, I'm not interested in a woman like you who has made countless transactions with her body."

"You don’t need to worry about this at all, both I and Artolis are still young girls!"

"Then I'm not interested either. Although I'm not a good person, I won't do something as shameless as annihilation, so just give up. Morgan was a little unwilling and then said to Xiao Bai:"Since you reject me, let me try your strength for a little bit!""

Morgan was obviously a little angry because of Xiao Bai's rejection, and wanted to teach Xiao Bai a lesson. The next moment he raised his hand, and black magic appeared on his pale jade fingertips.

But the next moment, in front of Xiao Bai A wolf appeared that was completely black with only red pupils. The wolf immediately rushed towards Morgan. Morgan quickly used the dark magic in his hand to form a magic beam and shot at the wolf. Unfortunately, Morgan

's After the magic hit the wolf, it had no effect at all like a mud cow entering the sea. Morgan's face changed and it was already too late to escape the wolf. But just when the wolf was about to bite Morgan's throat, this wolf He disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Morgan still looked at Xiao Bai with a look of shock on his face, with a trace of fear in his eyes.

"What exactly is that wolf? He actually ignored my attack!"

"It's just a magical beast I created, which is immune to all magic attacks. I use it to target magicians like you."

Morgan's face suddenly turned green and white. If what Xiao Bai said was true, then he would have no room for resistance in Xiao Bai's hands. How could this be possible? The original Morgan thought that after using Xiao Bai, Kicked Xiao Bai away again, but now Morgan found that he had no ability to resist Xiao Bai at all.

Xiao Bai was far stronger than him in terms of strength and politics. Even if he became the Queen of Britain, he would not be able to resist. There is still a huge gap between him and Xiao Bai. Although Britain is a world-class power, the Ming Dynasty is a world superpower, not to mention that no one knows what the Ming Dynasty has.

The original Emperor Shengzong killed In Fa Tianxia, ​​no one knew how much information Emperor Shengzong had accumulated for the Ming Dynasty, so at this time, Morgan didn't know what he should use to control Xiao Bai. Suddenly,

Morgan thought of one thing, and that was these People in Ming Dynasty seem to attach great importance to blood inheritance. If they have Xiao Bai's child, can Xiao Bai be used for themselves?

Looking at Xiao Bai's handsome face in front of him, Morgan's face rose slightly. A hint of red clouds

"Since you don't agree, forget it, then I want to make another deal with you!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"What deal? If you still have the same tasteless request as before, it’s better not to say it."

"This time I hope you can give me a child!"

Xiao Bai:???

【There is definitely something seriously wrong with Morgan's brain. After being rejected by me, she actually said that she hoped I could give her a child. How come Morgan's brain always feels completely different from ordinary people's. 】

Diary copy holder: This Morgan wants to die, right? If you want to die, I will give you a ride!

"After me our children will become the new kings of Britain!"

Xiao Bai looked at Morgan and frowned slightly, but suddenly Xiao Bai relaxed his brows and said,"Okay!".

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