Morgan, who left with his legs crossed, had a strong look in his eyes. Morgan believed that he would definitely be able to give birth to Xiao Bai's child. Perhaps for other people, this probability is purely a matter of God's will, but for Morgan The probability of this is 100%.

Morgan obtained Xiao Bai's life essence and bred Xiao Bai's life essence into life in his womb through his own magic power. Morgan was fully confident that Xiao Bai's life essence could be bred into life.

"Just wait, my departure now is for the return of the king in the future. As long as I come back with Xiao Bai's child, I don't believe that Xiao Bai can remain indifferent. Xiao Bai will definitely be used by me!"

With this thought in mind, Morgan boarded the plane back to Britain.

Suddenly, sitting on the seat, Morgan discovered that a diary appeared in front of him out of thin air. After a second of silence, Morgan picked it up. Diary, because the cover has the words"Copy of Xiao Bai's Diary (Morgan Exclusive)".

As Morgan opened the diary and read it, Morgan's expression gradually changed. Through this diary, Morgan learned the truth about Xiao Bai. Identity!

Xiao Bai is actually the reincarnation of the Holy Emperor. No wonder the other party can make the Ming Dynasty issue such an announcement with just one order. However, the more he looks like this, the more excited his eyes become, because when the time comes If he has Xiao Bai's child, the greater the benefits he can gain. Moreover, conquering such a man gives Morgan a strong sense of accomplishment. Emperor Shengzong is his man. What else can be better than this one? What is Morgan more proud of?

This is a greater sense of accomplishment than making Morgan the Queen of Britain, but when he saw Xiao Bai writing that his head was seriously ill, Morgan's face couldn't help but look a little ugly~.

Your head is the There is a serious illness!

Morgan cursed fiercely in his heart, and then touched his lower abdomen with his hand:"I will definitely come back with the child, when the time comes"

The corner of Morgan's mouth raised a slight arc, and at this moment, the diary suddenly glowed with light, and a new diary began to record.

【Morgan is indeed very good and smooth, but the only troublesome thing is that I am not sure whether Morgan is a mentally retarded person. After all, it is illegal to have sex with a mentally retarded person. 】

Morgan: Cao Ni Ma, I said Cao Mu Ma, did you hear that? You are mentally retarded!

Holder of a copy of the diary: Dog man, even if you can deal with this kind of retarded person, don’t you worry that you will become mentally retarded when the time comes?

【I solemnly declare that the reason why I took action against Morgan is very simple. It is purely because I want to test whether Morgan can create a child, whether as Emperor Shengzong or as the God of Cooking Liu Pleiades. None of them have children. The reason is because of the incompleteness of the soul. So is it possible to use Morgan's method to create a child?】

【So I knew that Morgan wanted to use children to threaten me, but I still didn't refuse. If it turns out to be really useful, then Britain's man-made technology may be accepted. As for Morgan using children to threaten me, , Haha, all I can say is that you are really too naive, just kill him! ]

Xiao Bai's understatement made countless people tremble with chills, even Morgan was in disbelief.

This guy Xiao Bai even killed his own children?

【If Morgan knew that I was Emperor Shengzong, then he probably wouldn't do such a stupid thing. After all, some people used to threaten Emperor Shengzong. Emperor Shengzong always killed the hostages first, and then he would kill the kidnapped people. I will never be threatened if I am torn to pieces. Once I compromise, there will inevitably be a second or third time, so I would rather sacrifice one, and after saying that I have no feelings for Morgan, and her The child also has no emotions. If you kill her and take her technology, then you can create a child with another girl.】

【But if Morgan becomes wiser and doesn't threaten me with his children, then I can accept it and give Morgan what he wants. I am a soft-spoken person but not a tough one. If Morgan comes to threaten me, then I will kill him together. If If Morgan knew what he was looking for, he would be able to let Morgan go. 】

Morgan suddenly fell silent after seeing this line in the diary. He originally thought that he could use his children to threaten and control Xiao Bai. Who would have thought that it would turn out like this?

"Is this considered a loss for me?"

Morgan caressed his belly and muttered to himself. He sacrificed his purity but still failed to achieve his goal.

But soon, Morgan smiled again. Although he said that he had not been able to achieve his goal, he still couldn't achieve his goal. To a certain extent, Morgan got what he wanted.

It's just in different ways. One is to threaten to use strong means to control Xiao Bai. In the end, there is no doubt that Xiao Bai will kill him directly by your means.

But if Xiao Bai wanted to use soft methods, he wouldn't mind giving some benefits to Morgan and his daughter. In this case, Morgan naturally has no need to use strong methods.

【Don't let me down, Morgan. The Morgan in the legend of King Arthur is just like a sow, but she gave birth to so many Knights of the Round Table, so you have to work hard. 】

Looking at the records in Xiao Bai's diary, Morgan's eyes suddenly burned with flames, you are the sow, your whole family is a sow, bah.

Just wait, you will definitely conquer Xiao Bai and make Xiao Bai your own.

Thinking of such a scene, Morgan's lips curved slightly.

【However, just in case, this time, the egg of the Black Goat was planted in Morgan's body. Even for protection, it was for surveillance. Although it was not sure whether it was Morgan's own behavior or whether Britain asked Morgan to come, but in It is obviously in my interest to leave the eggs of the Black Goat on Morgan. I don't want to kill Morgan. I hope it won't be some small trick of Britain. Otherwise, it will only let Morgan die.】

【After all, Morgan is the only one who can have a child before I collect a complete soul. Although I don’t mind having children, those girls will mind. To be honest, I don’t like children. It’s quite annoying. Especially when they cry, but since they like it, give it a try. Death】.

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